《Carefree Demon》"Glory of martial arts"


As Leif entered the house he saw a small room with clean white walls, a twin bed, a desk with a blank blotter on it, sliding closets opposite the bed, and a thin green shag carpet.

There were no windows at all!

He was then led to a dimly lit room with crumbling rock walls but had strange markings on it.

"Is this the first time you have seen a path rune? It must be since you are a vagrant martial artist," Felix said in a curious tone.

"Let me explain to you, this is a 'path rune'. It is something created using path energy and could be used for various purposes," he said in a warm tone.

" Are you curious why I am so warm and friendly to you? Don't panic as I said before I am a member of the 'Peacemaker organization'. Do you know why we are so special?" he continued.

Leif shook his head and Felix continued,

"It's because we are an organization that is keen on building relationships and securing connections. Even though our leader is a Four ring martial artist he knows quite a lot of fifth-ring martial artists and other influential individuals," he said in a proud tone.

" But all martial artists need not be the same as us. You may not know but many people in this world are cunning, despicable, or even evil but none show it outside and hide it without anyone noticing. Even though we at the 'Peacemaker organization love to make friends we won't do it with just anyone," he said in a straight and ambiguous tone.

He was hinting to Leif that he became so amicable and understanding towards him as he was already a martial artist at such a young age and had decent potential.


Leif did not mind it and started discussing various things he had been ignorant or was not aware of in a lengthy discussion that took half a day to conclude.

Only after stepping out of the house did Leif understand that it was already noon.

Only after this exchange did Leif understand how much he was not aware of the facts of this world.

After the metamorphosis realm was the 'Recrudescence' realm where one ceased to be a mortal and in the world of martial arts they were called 'Emergence level' martial artists.

Only in the top-level organizations they existed and were revered everywhere.

Also, he inferred that the peak realm in this world would most be the peak of Recrudescence level as an existence beyond that can't possibly advance in this world.

There were also 4 major continents in this world with other small pieces of land spreading across the ocean.

The continent he was currently in was called the 'holy martial continent'. The holy land of martial artists!

It is said that the other 3 continents were extremely powerful but did not dare attack the Holy martial arts continent as they feared the retaliation of the world's will.

Moreover, the martial artists were not pushovers they had many experts amongst them and if there was a common enemy they would counter-attack with all of their might.

Lief also asked Felix if he knew anything about the two strangers that attacked his home or about the strange events that were connected to his mother.

But ultimately Felix was just a low-level martial artist and did not much about such things. Even so, it could be inferred that those two beings and his own mother were 'emergence' level beings from another continent!

There were countless organizations, mythical lands, and countless experts in this world.


Although the 'Peacemaker' organization was a small organization it had countless sources and a lot of connections.

After properly thanking Felix he was prepared to leave when he was asked by Felix if he wanted to join his organization but he politely refused while he walked away deep in thought.

"I guess I really like to be alone and walk my own path in solitude. I think I just don,t like to be bound to something or someone," he said to himself as he walked down the street back to the inn.

He knew that this journey was his own and it was to seek answers for what he had experienced and to also be liberated from the burden that he carried with him.

He wanted the world to know that his silence was not his weakness but the beginning of his revenge against all those who tore his life apart!

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