《The Gatriel Decebal Chronicles》Ch 19 - The selfish ruler


Ch 19 - The selfish ruler

It’s been a month since we managed to kidnap all the nobles of this city, but I would have never expected such a small order of soldiers to work that well, I never thought I could lose half of my men to a mere hundred opponents!

Some escaped but since we closed the door on the rampart we managed to take over this city!

It matters little the first letter I sent saying that I was settling and in a year would have control over the territory, as its going to take years to the ship to deliver it.

Damn my luck, is this why they say that ‘you will only get tired if you rush too much’?

I have sent a notification asking for reinforcements, I ordered the captain to go through the center of the sea, and the captain took the rest of fleet with him, if they are accompanied with good winds, it’s likely that the latest letter will arrive first, maybe a year and a half?.

Forget about expanding my control, without more men I can’t go through with that plan.

I have to find a way to keep this place secure until reinforcements arrive, so I’ll start hiring mercenaries that come into the port and that’s going to be in a long while.

Another two weeks went by and I’ve been hiring mercs and sending requests for more.

I should have listened more to Jumon instead of quarreling, well that’s who I am and why I rose to power within the order so fast.

I’m cunning and resourceful, always aiming higher and higher. And within a mere twelve years time I rose from rank and file team leader to full blown apostle.

So long we keep the doors closed I can one way or another send a couple of expeditions posing as fish merchants to the neighboring cities to gather information.

The largest city close by seems to be this kingdom capital Imil, just three and a half months away from here by taking the long road. It could prove useful to send some men there to carry business and scout the city.

Next we have Blightmoor a city - small they say - east of here just two months away, then close to it is the another port, Headbluff that can be reached in fifteen days from Blightmoor.

Ill prepare for another month and send three teams out to gather intel and report back to me, that way I’ll have a better grasp of the state of this continent.

I have been dealing with the port steadily, thanks to the captain (until now at least), being of great help showing me the ropes on how to administer it.

I’ve recruited mercenaries from the north lands of Chaiford and Fastow, so right now I’m doing somewhat ok in terms of my men.

Two months ago a courier from a place he called ‘The Independent Republic of Bawold’ said that soon ‘in less than two months you can expect large amount of men lead by our greatest warrior’ would arrive through the sea.

A strong warrior with a large amount of men following my call, that should be good and prove plenty useful to me.


It costed a lot of gold, but as long as I can keep this place on lockdown and secure, gold is not an issue.

Thankfully I brought enough to brive nobles and hire mercenaries for two full years.

If I manage to get those reinforcements soon, going out and expanding could be viable, that’s it if they actually come.

Now then let’s sleep, I’ve been on edge for the past week and I sure need some rest.

This past three weeks have gone without notice, more mercenaries have been hired. Now my forces are again bordering six hundred men.

I received information from our scouts that half a month ago, a small army just squashed some thief hideout north from here. Then returned the way they came crossing the Kishoy Wastes into the Jade Forest, apparently they were armored swordsmen from Imil.

I’m getting anxious of those news of small armies getting close to Catun, I can’t afford to get invaded right now so It’s time to send out the expeditions.

I put together a small group of 39 men and assembled three caravans, 3 merchants with 10 guards each. They will leave tomorrow morning towards Imil, Blightmoor and Heabluff.

Having no one to talk is tough! I’ve been talking to some smart mercs but it’s not like I can talk about my plans too openly.

They are aware that I want to capture Blightmoor and Heabluff, but I’ve been told that Imil is not a target we can capture with this small amount of men.

I should have answers in about three month time about the second two cities, Imil news will have to wait a bit longer due to the roundabout route they have to take.

Fifteen days ago the caravans went out the main gate and tonight a large ship is approaching the port from the north. I hope those are the mercenaries from that whatever-is-named republic.

As I expected, I woke up and I noticed a large black ship docked in the port, I’ve never seen a ship like that before.

Built with large black wooden panels and covered by thick stripes of metal forming the sides. The main vein went all the way from the back to the front, and some sculpture of a winged creature(woman i would say because of the somewhat voluptuous chest) covered the front as it spread her wings backward to the ship’s sides.

Three masts covered the center of the ship placed in odd positions, a long thick mast in the center with a huge black sail (as usual I would say, a single large sail), but the other two were noticeably smaller in size, positioned some distance back from the huge mast to each side holding smaller black sails.

That’s quite the unusual ship.

In it came the man I will meet in now called ‘Domenic Drue’.

The merc that’s handling the introduction and managing the new arrivals doesn’t seem to like him. He advised me to be careful around him as he left to fetch him and bring him to the castle.

“Lady Moraea, I bring ‘Domenic Drue’ ruler of the ‘Independent Republic of Bawold’”

“Please bring him in and leave us. Send some aperitives and tea with a maid please”

The door opened and a tall boy (yes boy, he is really young, no less than twenty years younger than me by his looks) wearing dark leather with small pieces of metal and a hood rolled on the back of his neck walked in.


Two swords rested on each side of his hips, in each of his upper arms was a dagger hilt down to his elbows and on his legs I could see several round metal things that I couldn’t recognize.

His appearance was incredible, I’ve never seen a male so beautiful in my entire life - or should I say handsome? - So young and slender but clearly muscular, not your average warrior that’s strong and heavy muscled but instead thin well tuned form of musculature.

A little short of two meters tall, soft white skin almost bluish and short white hair covered his head as if standing up.

His dark gray eyes were somehow angled and not entirely open, he was looking straight at me and he was smiling, such mischievous smile almost made me chuckle, the kind you see in little kids that are playing pranks.

“Welcome to Catun mister Domenic, I am Moraea Milisendis current ruler of this city. Please have a sit and let’s discuss the terms of our arrangement.”

I stood up and welcomed the man and pointed to a chair across my table while inviting him to sit down.

“Thank you for your invitation miss Moraea, my name is Domenic Drue and just as you, after I took over Bawold I am its current ruler.”

Such elegance the way the man sat down without making a noise, but what surprised me the most was I could not hear his footsteps.

This man in front of me did not make a sound as he walked towards the chair and sat down.

“What’s so surprising miss? Your eyes will fall out if you don’t close them fast”


“Excuse me, I wasn’t expecting someone as young as you, when I was told that the strongest warrior of a kingdom was to come, I expected someone older maybe?”

That was irritating, and I bit that bait and blurted something about his apparent age, I hope he doesn’t take it wrong. It costed me a fortune to recruit him and his men.

“It’s a republic not a kingdom, and independent, noble-ridden country, ruled by one man - Me.”

“Sorry, the name ‘republic’ is foreign to me, thanks for the explanation”

This kid seems to be troublesome to deal with. asI was thinking that he continued.

“Also who said that strength and experience have anything to do with age miss? I’ve been training my skills from the age of four, and been to battle since the age of seven, so you can say that I have over twelve years of training and no less than ten of battle experience!”

What? This kid has more battle experience than most of the mercs I’ve hired and as much as many of my own men. He must be a genius, of the kind said to appear once every hundred years! It seems the fallen have lent me their favor this time.

“You are right on mark mister Domenic, I apologize for my rude remark, strength and experience have nothing to do with age”

He’s eyeing around the hall as if looking for something, those inquisitive eyes are somewhat unnerving.

Let’s push forward and settle the arrangement.

“Well then mister Domenic, how many men did you brought with you I was offered a couple hundred and your help”

“Honoring the request, I brought two hundred and fifty men with me, but let’s be clear in something ok? They take orders from me and from me alone they won’t listen to anyone else even if I were to order them to do so. So I would like to request the freedom to move myself freely and command my men, as long as it fits your purpose of course.”

What was that? What good are men that won’t listen to my orders? This kid is too arrogant, could have been a mistake to pay in advance as requested? Let me test him a bit.

“Move freely and follow your orders, and how about ordering you?”

Aha! He didn’t like that, so then why did he accept my request if he was not willing to take orders? Isn’t that wat mercenaries do? Follow orders?

“I am not fond of taking orders miss, my courier told me that you needed mercenaries to control the city and ‘expand’ your area of influence. I accepted the request because I’m looking for someone. So how about I help in that ‘expansion’ plan and leave a hundred men to protect this place?”

Looking for someone? So you accepted my request to further your own search, no that’s not what's important, how does he know about my plans for expansion?

“Exp… *hrm* I don’t remember talking about expansion to your currier, how did you learn about that?”

There goes that mischievous smile again, If I can use him but keep him at bay taking his offer would be best, a hundred extra men dedicated to the protection the city sounds better than keeping this creepy kid here.

“Gathering information if one of my men’s strong points miss, do not underestimate anyone no matter how strong you are. A good old friend once told me, and I live by that creed”

“Well as you seem somewhat informed, how about this, you leave one hundred and fifty soldiers to protect the city and head towards the city of Imil, this kingdom’s capital and gather information for me while carrying your search”


“I’ll do you one better, I’ll leave two hundred men to defend the city, and only take fifty with me. As a ruler from a foreign country in all my right I can travel comfortably and present myself into this ‘Imil’ city you spoke of. Having a higher status would allow me to mingle easier and gather intelligence more effectively.”

That’s indeed smart of him and benefits me a lot, his unruly men defend the city so I can focus my own mercs to attack in case of needing it! I’ll take it.

“Deal then, let’s go with that”


Thanks for reading my fiction! I hope to get your comments and help from now and in future issues.

Give and Take you know undefined, you help me, I help you! isn't that the main reason why most of us gather here in RRL? to learn from each otner?


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