《The Gatriel Decebal Chronicles》Ch 18 - Jade Fortress and the fall of Catun


Ch 18 - Jade Fortress and the fall of Catun

After we returned, Gatriel went to the Royal Castle. We waited for some hours and then we left for her castle.

This is simply unbelievable, who would have thought that I would get to march alongside the elite members of The Pegasus army.

Following Gatriel who brought two hundred Knights and some forty odd shadow corps, we were marching towards the Jade Fortress.

This is incredible yet intimidating at the same time, but I’m excited.

My sour mood got a bit better when we met at the Order of Knights, Gatriel spoke to all six of us and asked us to join her ‘soon to be formed’ new Knight Squad.

The only two that showed surprise were Juls and me, it seems Azer, Ali and Gali already knew Gat’s plan. She said it would be a small elite squad supported by other larger armies in case of need, and that we would ‘if allowed by the kingdom’ to move freely and without restriction.

The reason for this was not explained but it seems Gatriel has some sort of plan, anyway if she asks me to follow her I will. Even if it’s to end of the world and to my death.

Took five days to gather the men and permissions to sortie back, and now a month later we are approaching the Jade Fortress ruins.

“Dan send some scouts to the flanks and the back of the fortress”

Gatriel gave me an order and I followed without delay, asked 15 scouts to split in three teams of five and scout the ruins.

Guessing Gatriel’s plan I told them to wait for Aliyah’s word as most likely she would infiltrate the fortress to gather first hand information. After fifteen minutes I went back to the command tent and as expected Ali wasn’t there.

“Daniel Lief reporting General”

I said while entering and eyeing the tent, there were some big shot knights talking with Gat, Juls and Gal. Knights I’ve seen at the Decebal castle, elite members of the Pegasus army.

“I sent three teams of five scout and ordered them to stay in the vicinity and wait for Aliyah’s word once they are done scouting”

“Right, good work Dan, thank you, now sit”

I sat down besides Juls and we spent some hours planning how to storm and take the Fortress in case of it being used by savages or brigands.

A little after sunset Ali and the scouts returned followed by some ninety-odd soldiers.

“~ehehe~ They are survivors that managed to flee Catun Gat ~tan~”

After receiving the most welcome additions to our small army we were told that they managed to escape.

Catun’s army was small, not even three hundred soldiers were assigned to Catun. Being somewhat close to Imil it was usual to just ask for reinforcements, and within a month and a half a large army would always be deployed there.

Catun is a small city-port of mostly merchants and sailors, with no more than eight thousand residents including militia and the 10 noble houses that rule it, I’ve never been there myself but I’ve been told it’s a really beautiful city.


We were then briefed about how six months ago they started receiving merchants from the northern continent of Ulihan. Bringing goods and foods, seeing it as a good point to increase their income most of the nobles allowed them to set up shop and stay.

And slowly every month more and more merchants came, and then just about when we were returning from our graduation mission, those merchants started an upheaval, kidnaped the nobles, taking over the ramparts and closed the main door entryway to the city.

The soldiers that we have here were the only ones that managed to escape, they belong to the Gerfast family.

They settled on the Ruins and sent a scout to Imil and the rest is what’s going on.

Our next move is to check the ruins then move to the border of the Jade forest as close as possible to Catun and there start our attack.


“So what did we found in the fortress? Anything useful for our attack?”

“General there are some sieging portable balistes with some repairable damage, we could use them to break down the door”

“That so, then start the repairs at once, those could prove to be a good distraction while Ali’s squad perform an covert infiltration into the rampart”

“Lady Gatriel should we then do as said split half my forces and control the city?”

Sir Knight Aaron Rourat, one of my still personal trainers asks me on the command hall in the ruins.

We set up ourselves here while we get whatever we can get from this place prior to setting camp close to Catun.

“Yes master, as soon as we storm the gates, please lead your men as you wish and do your utmost effort to control the city. We should have The Pegasus banner carried and waved, it may help us gain the support of the locals. If we manage to get them to raise against their captors it would be better don’t you think?”

“Hee the little lady has paid attention to the general!. Thats a good tactic that your father has employed before”

“I am aware master which is why I’m proposing it, it may not be an absolute tactic but it will indeed be of use for us. Considering the information we have, we are outnumbered”

“And since when The Pegasus squad count opponents? Lady Gatriel you should be well awar..--”

“I know master I know, I’m just saying we are barely three hundred and they are over five hundred or so the soldiers we found said. I’m just saying let’s be careful and thorough ok?”

I’m somewhat ashamed that I interrupted master, but this mission was assigned to me by the King himself, so I have to do my job and lead my troops.

“You are right Lady Gatriel, thank you for your words!”

He said and then continued in a more familiar tone.

Seeing a man of his height (almost two meters tall), and strength making that face was unexpected. Sir Aaron has grown old indeed, but still on his late thirties he carries himself with dignity, Tall and strong, his long light brown hair tied up behind his neck, wearing the black armor of The Pegasus squad.


He has been in my life since as long as I can remember. He is like an uncle to me.

“I’m proud you know, see how you have grown into such a strong Knight, and let’s not talk about your beauty that is second to none, Lead us as you see fit General”

Agr, Weren’t you not going to talk about it... no no that’s not it, now even he is calling me General, this is beyond embarrassing.

“Well then, once whatever we can salvage from this fortress is repaired, we will depart to the next point close to Catun, and then start our siege”


After a week of repairs and searching the Fortress we are now finishing up the command tent close to Catun, its ramparts can be seen from here far in the distance.

Based on Azer’s plan we can make contact in just a couple of hours march, we'll keep our distance and fire the ballista against the rampart at night so Ali’s squad can take advantage of the darkness and infiltrate them.

I brought along fourty-odd men from the shadow order that belong to my father’s squad, being experts in infiltration, information gathering, covert operations and assassination, they will disable the forces on top of the ramparts and if the door still stands, open it up for us so we can charge inside the small city-port.

It should take us less than a day if all goes as planned, I have to keep in mind that we have to send the exiles to the Island, which is why I brought a crew to man one of the ships.

Now, considering the port was taken over, we might need to steal one of their own ships if possible.

I need to focus on this damnit I’m worried about Father and Higg, yet trouble also seems to be flowing in our own camp.

Dan... I’ve known for a while about him and how he feels, I would be blind if I didn’t notice how he looks at me.

It’s not a lustful look(there is some lust of course), but is more caring, loving.

He follows my orders to the letter and is really good at what he does, but he took awfully bad the news of my acceptance of Higg. I wish for him to meet someone else and forget about me - on the sentimental part - because I cannot see him in any other way than a good friend.


“~twha~ts the problem Gat? ~ehehe~”



“Yeah... was it wrong inviting him to our new squad Ali? Or would it have been best to let him out of it?”

“*sigh* Gat he will not forgive you if you form a squad and let him out you know? Why don’t you take some time and talk to him? Let him know that you know, and set the score clear there?”

Ali hugs me from behind and puts her chin on the top of my head. I let my head rest on her chest while we talk.

“Wouldn’t that be cruel of me? ‘Hey Dan I know you are in love with me but I see you as a friend, so put a lid on those feeling for me, watch me marry another man and fight on my orders’ what’s that eh? If not plain cruelty?”

“~puu~ I wouldn’t put it like that Gat. How about having a conversation more in the order of ‘Dan, you are aware that I’m getting married right? Would you still accept me as a friend? You are a very important friend to me!’ and follow that line of thought, isn’t it better?”

That’s not a bad idea, instead of confronting his feelings, talk to him as a friend and form a conversation from that standpoint.

“Hmmm that sounds nice, I’ll talk to him once we return to the capital, this is not the right timing for it.”

“~ehehe~ that’s my Gat”

“Lets sleep Ali, tomorrow night we rally into Catun”

Morning came and passed, afternoon ran through in a breeze while we prepared, and nightfall fell on us hours ago. Our attack is drawing near and we are ready.

Let’s take back our kingdom’s city and report back to the king, lets graduate and apply for my new squad and then depart on my search.

“Men of The Pegasus, followers of Catun, dear friends.

The King ordered us to perform a task, but said mission is being obstructed by invaders from a foreign land.

It is our duty to our kingdom to see those who try to tamper with our march kneel or be crushed under our might, by the honor of my name Gatriel Decebal we will see this through.

Hear Me, as I speak to you words from my heart, tonight, in our own soil, we will shed the blood of our Kingdom’s enemies, we will reclaim one of our own cities back.

The path won’t be easy and indeed, this won’t be a glorious war.

But letting those invaders take one of our cities is an unforgivable act!

Death will follow all those who oppose us, so follow me, when the moon reaches its summit above in the skies, let us give them a taste of what it means to Oppose us, and the dreadful cost of their incursion.

Their lives.

We will return home victorious! All alive, all together!

let’s get going.“

Thanks for reading my fiction! I hope to get your comments and help from now and in future issues.

Give and Take you know undefined, you help me, I help you! isn't that the main reason why most of us gather here in RRL? to learn from each otner?


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