《The Gatriel Decebal Chronicles》Ch 6 - The crazy prince


Ch 6 - The crazy prince

Eh? What was that? I beg your pardon? Are you sick? Is your brain damaged? Www ww w w wwwaaa waaaa wwwhathehe what the hell?


Did that just escaped my mouth? What the heck was that, he’s crazy, totally bonkers, his brain must be made of pudding!

He just asked for my hand in marriage? Whats with that? Eh? Calm down me, is not like you to be nervous, that was just too shocking, yeah, that’s it.

“I beg your pardon? I couldn’t hear too well what you just said”

That's it, calm down, I must have misheard what he said, there is no way a 18 years old man would ask for a little kid’s hand in marriage right? Right? Yeah, that’s it, isn’t it? I’m just confused due to the odd turn of events.

“Once you graduate from the Royal Academy, in 7 years, we wait 1 year for you to come of age, and once you turn 18, you’ll marry me. Is that easier to understand now?”

Huh? Ok, that does it, this dude is crazy, but no worries, my father would never accept such an outrageous request, I mean come on, it’s just nonsensical isn’t it?.

Aliyah's stare is scary, she's staring daggers at the prince’s back, it’s so intently that even I can feel her murderous intent. Ali calm down, it's not like my lord father will ever...

“Oh, isn’t that a fine proposal? Would you be so kind as to elaborate on the reason for saying such a thing to my little angel? She is my daughter after all, depending on your answer, not just declining your proposition, I'll beat you purple and not bloody out of respect for the king, how about it?”

Eh? Dear loved esteemed revered adored... lord father?

What the hell is this? I look between the prince and my father and caught a glance of the smiling king... what’s going on here? What is he happy so happy about? Was this planned from the start? Did the king knew about this? I look again at my father, and he’s not angry, he’s actually smiling? Eh? You selling me to the prince?

“My esteemed lord father the king told me that your daughter had grown to be a true jewel of beauty, and it seems she’s even one of the ‘Flowers of the Royal Academy garden’ knowing of the beauty of your wife, I couldn't deny myself the privilege of laying eyes upon her at least once. As my lord father spoke so highly of her, I decided to come today, and being honest here, his praises ended up falling short. She is by no means a mere flower, and no jewel can even compare to the beauty of your daughter, it is indeed clear that she is still a child, but there is no doubt that she will grow to be one of the most if not the most beautiful woman in the world. So I want to ask you for her hand in marriage when the time is right.”


And he kneels... o h m y g o d, what’s going on here, that’s one hell of a wall of text, no I mean answer, if it were to be written, surely would take a couple of pages, did he prepare it before hand?

You pedo-prince, I’m a kid you know? well not really, so again, hey pedo-prince, I LOOK like a kid, this me has 10 years of age, what’s with you? Think this through please, come on you pedo-prince, think this through yes? Please? Wink? No no, no winks...

“Ho ho, and what do I gain if you lose? You are asking me for my daughter, my little angel, are you prepared to give me something of equivalent value --to me--?”

*plop* I fell down in the grass, I can’t understand this conversation, nor the way this is going, how can this be happening to me? I just wanted to bring some friends, to try to listen to Ali and ‘make friends’ you know, try and ‘make myself more approachable’.

“Hey what’s going on, Dan, Dan, are you ok, Dan, Dan?”

“James what’s this? Wasn’t this going to be a normal practice/barbecue?”

“Is The Pegasus crazy? His daughter is still a little runt”

“Indeed, she’s just a little girl, she’s good yes but isn’t this too sudden?”

“There is no doubt that the prince is really strong, he’s the head of the royal guard you know, that’s not a position you get just by being ‘good enough’”

“Certainly, that’s a position closer to The Pegasus himself. So it’s a political marriage then?”

“Dear esteemed mother, are you ok with this? My dearest and beloved esteemed elder brother and Gat?”

“Shut up Roxana, it is not yours nor mine decision to make, its Higg’s and The Pegasus”

“Oi oi oi oi”

“So it was decided that Gatriel was going to be given to the prince from the get-go? She stands no chance of winning this fight”

That last line just rub me wrong, but I’m losing focus here now. I know people are still talking in hush hush voices, but I can’t hear a thing, one thing is true I’m a kid, and that I know I stand no chance -yet.

But for that no-good ass Armon to say it just pisses me off, this long past years he’s been on my case challenging me to fight at every turn. He’s about to turn 18 and he’s yet to win a match against me since my father allowed me to fight the other kids.

“How about this, I’m asking for your daughter, then I’ll offer you the king’s son? I drop from my charge as Leader of the Royal guard, and join the Pegasus guard as a rank-and-file recruit, isn’t a son for a daughter a fair trade?”


Ok, I give up. I’m going to silence my mind here, I’ll just ask Ali and develop a strategy.

I call Ali to the other far end of the training area and start whispering with her on how to get out of this ridiculous situation.

“So? What to do? I don’t want to marry this crazy prince”

“~nuuu~, don’t marry him then, want me to kill him ~ehehe~?”

“Don’t say scary things with that face and tone Ali, let’s think of a way to get out of this situation”

“Isnt it obvious then? ~nyan~”

“Nyan? Uh, erm, What’s obvious, he’s almost double my age, my size, and very likely my strength”

“~ehehe~, That’s not true Gat, there is not a single being in existence, except that monster back then of course, that’s stronger than you, one on one at least. ~bubu~”

“*sigh*Ali, my body is not yet developed, I’m a kid, you are aware of it right? What are you blabbering about? Is not like I can just grow up, beat the crap out of him and then return back to a kid's body.”

“~nee nee~ Come on Gat, think a little. Haven't you been training it for the past years, if you use it, even if a tiny bit, you should be able to win against this man somehow”

“What are you talking about ali--”

Shit true, energy(‘qi’), should I go for it? It is true that if I employ a tiny bit of energy I can somehow perform some odd movement and disarm him, maybe, hmmm, stop the cutesy talk you vixen… no I mean stick to one, would you please?

“see, ~ehehe~ you figured it out ~pyon~”

Ok, I’ll figure out a way to fake an attack, employ energy to it, and disarm the pedo-prince, once he is disarmed, the fight should be over and that's that.

“So then Gat, you ready for the fight, his arguments are sound, and as your lord father, and family representative I think the proposal is fair, what say you?”

“I don’t want to marry, so it is ok if I beat him right? Oh, let’s add a condition”

Uh? Did I just say that? Hmm well yeah it’s better to make it clear from the get-go.

“*WHEN* I win, whatever you two agreed on add this, no matter what, this issue cannot be brought back again, and any future possibility of talking about this crazy talk is forbidden. And then you lord father nor esteemed lady mother will ever try to find me a partner ok? As that should be my decision to make. Is that acceptable?”

Was that too out-of-my-age range? Hell if I care, I won’t ever marry this pedo-prince.

“Ahem, so then, If I win, you cannot get out of the engagement, fair amendments to both parties. Would that be ok with you Lady Gatriel?”

Eh? The pedo-prince thinks he will win? How can he say such a thing with a smile? wait a minute, let’s play this worse case scenario here, If I win it’s a complete win, but if I lose, I won’t be able to get out of the engagement? No way ... agr, you pedo-prince

“No no nono, Lord first prince Higg, let's do this. Until I come of age, whoever loses, has a chance to challenge the other once a year before my birthday, either to commit or to break this arrangement, having a last match that year when I turn 18, after that day the loser forget this ever happened, is that better?”

“For the chance of having you by my side, on the name of Reiyah I find the terms fair and acceptable”

A w m y g a w d... This dude is nuts, oh well this arrangement fits me best actually, if by chance I lose here, no no I will lose here. The conditions allow me to keep my hidden my cards in hand.

I can challenge him once a year to break the engagement anyhow, and there is no doubt in my mind that even if at that same day when I turn 18, even if I have to use my energy, I’ll beat him to a pulp and end this farce.

I signal ali to get close and tell her my plan, to which she agrees happily, indeed it’s the best idea, to loose here. Not on purpose but well it’s the obvious course of events. And then challenge him once a year, while learning, growing and training my own style.

I stand in the center of the training area, again in my fighting stance ready for the pedo-prince to get in and attack whenever he wants. I’ll do my best to at least lose with dignity and not to shame myself while at it.

Thanks for reading my fiction! I hope to get your comments and help from now and in future issues.

Give and Take you know undefined, you help me, I help you! isn't that the main reason why most of us gather here in RRL? to learn from each otner?


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