《Fledgling Fae》Chapter Sixteen
Illa's thoughts died on her tongue as she saw in the corner of her eye, a young fae man burst into the demesne. He was a little on the tall side, slender with his face obscured by a dark, large hood. His hood twitched as he must have been casting about, looking for those he knew to be present.
The owner of the demesne stood and said with confident authority. “I only entertain one guest at a time. I am afraid you must leave.”
Illa wanted to stand as well, the better to be able to defend herself, but she kept her body loose and relaxed as if she had every right to be where she was and fully expected the newcomer to leave. She glanced at Summer who had curled her legs under herself, ready spring up if need be.
“I apologize,” the newcomer said. “I only wanted to catch up to my companions.”
The older male fae looked towards the girls.
“I have never seen him before,” Summer said as Illa echoed the negation.
“It appears they do not know you. I must ask you to leave.” His voice took on a dangerous edge as he placed a note of compulsion in his words. Illa could feel the edges of the compulsion and was amazed that the newcomer didn't just turn around and leave.
“They haven't seen me before, but they do know me. We have business to discuss.” He continued, walking further into the room. “I must insist that I be allowed to stay.”
“In my home, I must insist that you leave. Unless, of course, the two ladies,” the owner said using the term as an honorific rather than a title, “wish to deal with you themselves.”
Summer stood, violence ready to erupt either physically or magically at the slightest provocation. Her stance was deceptively relaxed, her control on her magic just a tendril, a touch to the furious forces that could be unleashed within her.
“What is it that you want?” Summer asked, her voice calm and smooth.
“I would prefer a private conversation,” the male sidhe said.
Summer shook her head. “We will not leave this place for you.”
“Very well. It is related to your last activities in Faery. I believe that I may be able to offer assistance in this matter and have an exchange to settle with you.”
Illa thought quickly from her seat. Running from their old school, their old teachers, gone mad and hideously violent. Were they looking for her and Summer? If so, they had to get out of Faery as soon as possible. The teachers may not have had malicious intent, but Illa couldn’t take that chance. Not with Myra missing and all three of their lives on the line. Besides, when she was able to meet with Ibrihim and talk to him again, he would be able to do much to sort it out on her behalf. As the lord who bargained for her services, he was obliged to protect her until such that her services were no longer needed. A tiny voice told Illa that moment could be much sooner than she wanted it, but she wasn’t going to worry about that just yet. Ibrihim was a fair lord and though he would be furious his daughter was in trouble and that she and Summer had let it happen, he wouldn’t throw her by the wayside. Not immediately anyway.
As for the exchange. What could he mean by that?
Shooting a quick look at Summer, Illa saw the same subtle confusion on her face. She must have reached the same conclusion about their last activities and also not known what exchange the fae meant. He was being deliberately vague as to not let the owner of this demesne know what exactly it was he wanted. Of course, that was a risk when Summer and Illa had decided to let him confront them here. He could have been vague for at least two reasons. One: he did actually have friendly intentions. Two: he wanted to lure them to a more vulnerable standpoint to be able to take them out as he wished. There was no way to know for certain until the situation was at hand.
The girls shared the smallest of nods. Summer knew how she would respond.
“I am sure we can settle our previous activities by ourselves and as for your exchange, it will have to wait until other matters are settled first. I offer our thanks for your considerations and ask that I might contact you later.”
“I really must insist you come with me and speak further on this. A time sensitive nature makes it urgent.” The fae tried again.
Illa spoke this time, not rising from her seat. “I believe my companion has said no.”
Summer moved to return to her chair and the fae man reached out to grab her. She caught his arm, twisted at the hips, and using the power from her legs, hips, back and arms, lifted him bodily from the floor and threw him down onto it. She gathered a dark, crackling power in her right hand with an invisible shield in her left. The fae sprawled on the floor, apparently not expecting Summer to be able to handle him so thoroughly. Even so, his own power began to rise swiftly as he tried to stand. Summer blasted him with her crackling magic, throwing him towards the entrance. He tried to fight it, but already off balance he hit the door with a crack of thunder. He tried to speak, but the words came out garbled. Summer hit him again and he disappeared out of the demesne.
“Now, we were discussing an exchange.” Summer said as she sat back down, her tone betraying none of the violence she had just engaged in.
Their host nodded approvingly. That exchange may have helped them in their current endeavor. Summer had handled it quickly, ruthlessly, and entirely on her own. Though Illa had also spoken, it was clear that Summer needed no help taking out a single enemy and by extension the same would be thought of Illa.
“Yes,” Illa agreed, thinking quickly.
This man was someone who didn't just like to be in control; he needed to. That was why he was reading everything he could off of the two girls as they spoke, why he gave access to his demesne from the bazaar but only let certain people know about it. Did he somehow know that the two girls were coming to look for information or did he just leave himself open the slightest bit to attract anyone who remained more cautious than most who frequented the bazaar? Paranoia made Illa think the former was more likely and though she knew Summer would probably agree with her, she kept herself from making contact with the other girl this time. Anything they tried to pass between each other would be “overheard” by this man.
If he was the controlling type, he would most likely reject any offer that was first made. This would have to be played carefully, partially revealing something that the two would seem like they wanted to hide. He would jump on the chance to bring something into light that another didn't want seen.
“I do have a rare item,” Illa began slowly as if still thinking about her offer. “I wouldn't relish giving it up, but the benefit of a possible alliance with Amoria is greater.”
“How rare?” The man asked, playing along though Illa could see the lack of interest in his eyes.
“It was from my mother. She said she had only seen one like it in her entire life.” Illa kept her mind on the situation at hand. She couldn't let this man know that she wasn't being entirely honest. She refused to let herself think about the Dione Sidhe.
“The rarity only confirmed by another who cannot be present? No, I believe I cannot accept such a gift.”
Illa felt her awareness of the man grow as he scrutinized her deeper. He must have been feeling her out to gauge the truthfulness of what she said and whether or not such a rare object was actually on her person. Even with sidhe being unable to lie, deceptiveness came second nature to them. Illa let the feeling of his searching fill her. She could not think about what she had actually offered.
“This object,” he started slowly. “You keep it on your person?”
“Yes,” Illa said.
“May I see it?”
In answer, Illa reached into an inner pocket of her cloak. Beside her, Illa felt Summer tense until Illa pulled out a conch shell. “They say it was Mab's before the wars. She lost it when her castle was nearly destroyed. My mother was one of the people Mab sent in to help clear the wreckage.”
“And Mab did not ask for it back?”
“She assumed it was stolen or destroyed in the attacks and never asked about it.”
“And the value of such a piece?”
“Its value lies in trading it to Mab.”
“Trading with Mab,” the fae man laughed. “Doing so would be like bartering with a hurricane for your life when your very offer of barter created the hostile winds to begin with. It has to have value to Mab.” He said, his voice becoming serious. “What is it?”
Illa shrugged. “I have yet to unlock its secrets. I wouldn't know.” She handed the conch to him. Maybe he really would find a value in the shell itself that Illa hadn't seen before.
“Your mother gave it to you?”
“Yes, before I went to stay in the human world. She wished me to have something that I could use later on if my work there failed me.”
“And it was truly Mab's?”
“They say it was. My mother discreetly had it examined and it does have Mab's signature on it. I have handled it carefully and rarely so as not to disturb it.”
The fae man turned it over in his hands and Illa felt his awareness slide away from her. He peered inside it, even held it up to his ear. “It does have a resonance to it, but aside from that it feels nothing more than an empty home. Poetic, yes, but valuable other than to Mab? I think I might like to see you try to outwit Mab with her own belonging that she thought was long lost.” Still he didn't hand the conch back to Illa. “You brought it with you for trade now? Why?”
“This venture with Amoria is greater than my venture in the mortal world and I feel that it will secure my future.”
“Enough that you would give up a gift that could place you in Mab’s debt?”
“Time will change the fact, but I am still quite young, not nearly yet old enough to challenge Mab herself, let alone the lords or ladies directly under her. And as I said, I do not relish parting with the shell given what it could do, but that is far in the future and this venture is enough to push me.”
“It feels that it is,” the fae man said as Illa felt his awareness return to her.
Illa couldn't say what changed, but she felt that this man was about to accept the offer. Had she misjudged him before or did he really find this conch so interesting? She focused on her excitement that she was about to get what she wanted and tried to make it seem like she was trying to contain it. Her face blank, she shifted slightly on the loveseat.
“I would also know what this venture is to be.”
“Now, that,” Illa said. “That would be too much. This gift is princely as it is and furthermore, were I to tell you the details of our venture, I would compromise it. I am not willing to do so.” Illa stood and held her hand out. “If you require both the knowledge and the conch, we will try our luck elsewhere.”
“It is only princely if I intend to bargain with Mab myself.”
“Not unless you discover what secrets make it valuable to Mab. Not even my mother was able to discover its secrets, but it must be more than sentimental.”
“You are correct.” He paused, examining the conch again. “Were I able to use it for myself?” His voice trailed as he looked at the shell. He glanced up. “Sit, I will tell you what you wish to know.”
Illa let a little smile play on her lips, focusing on her happiness that he accepted the shell.
Scrutinizing each girl for a moment before he began, the fae placed the shell on an end table next to him as if it held no more interest.
“I have indeed heard of the woman you search for. She dabbles with humans as you have said and keeps a cave that she holds them in until she has found a way to use them for herself. What exactly she does there, I do not know, but I can lead you to this cave.”
“We need more than that,” Illa demanded. “Trade fairly.”
“The trade is fair to the extent that you want what I have offered. You sold me on the conch until I wanted it as much as you wanted your information. That is fair.”
“Desire does not make two things equal. A mortal woman can desire a fae as much as she wants, but that does not make her equal to a fae.” Illa said, playing on notions common to many fae.
“Tis true,” he agreed. “I know her to be of low stature, though you must know this already. I also know she was seen moving only hours before you came here. She had a troll in tow with her and ventured into the mortal world before returning back to her cave.”
“We know this already. Do you know where she is now?”
“That I have not seen, but I do know that she barters her pets here in the marketplace. She has a tent not far from here that she uses on such occasions.”
Barter pets? That meant she wanted to sell Myra to someone else. Maybe increase her own position by capturing a half sidhe? Whoever would be able to control a half sidhe would have to have considerable power themselves. Why would someone that strong want a slave?
“Have you seen these barters?” Summer asked.
“Not myself, but it is common knowledge here.”
“If it is that common, can you tell us something else as well? Perhaps try to divine where she is now?”
The male fae nodded softly and closed his eyes. Illa could feel other presences enter the demesne even though she couldn't see them. The fae must have weaker fae spying on people for him. More than a dozen presences came and went over the next few minutes. Illa wanted to scream out her impatience, but remained quiet as she struggled to keep her feelings in check.
“I do have her last whereabouts. It is not very long ago, but she may already be gone. Is there anything else you wish to know?” His eyes glittered as if expecting more in payment.
“Just one thing,” Illa said. “What does Amoria require in payment for these pets?”
“The usual payment, favors at a later date or special items helpful in acquiring new pets.”
The girls nodded.
“As this is common knowledge, I trust it will not require further payment?” Illa asked.
“No, it will not. Nor will opening a gate for you to Amoria's last known location. Do you wish me to?”
“Yes, please.” Both girls said together.
“Very well.”
The girls' host didn't use a flashy, drawn out spell to create a way between his demesne and their destination. He didn't even make a symbolic gesture of slashing a hand as if he were parting a curtain. He simply looked towards his side and Illa suddenly felt a subtle wind blow in from the way. The other side looked simply as if it were through a window, rather than a doorway between two parts of the world. It was one of the most stable ways Illa had ever seen and the most effortlessly opened, aside from the upper ranks of the Sidhe, of course.
Offering his hand to each fae girl in turn, the fae man stayed behind and closed the way so fluidly that Illa didn't even know the way was gone until she looked around.
Why in the world would she be here?
They were at the outskirts of Mab's castle, close enough to see the individual bricks that made up the castle walls and the narrow slits in them to shoot arrows from should the castle be attacked. The structure loomed up over the landscape, snow and ice surrounding it and heaped upon the gates. No vegetation grew that the girls could see.
The castle looked stark, resolute against the lifelessness that encased the land. Even from here Illa could feel the queen's influence, her pull.
Summer shuddered by Illa's side. This was not a safe place for her. Illa frowned, thinking. Myra's trail had led them here, but Summer couldn't stay for long. She would survive in the domain of the Winter Queen. Summer was not yet strong enough to throw off the queen's influence.
Instead of inviting Summer in, like it did for Illa, it forced her away, weakening any magic she tried to work and consequently, weakening her body. Fae were too ingrained, too moved by magic for them to survive long with it suppressed. An older Summer fae would have been able to throw off Mab's influence, but they would still be weakened by it. Summer as it was could barely stand.
“You can't stay here,” Illa said. “We have to get you out of here. You can wait back at the dorms for me and find out if Nathan has learned anything.”
Summer tried to shake her head no, but she was shaking too much all over. Illa had never seen a reaction so strong. Nor had she ever felt the compulsion to race to the gates of the Winter Castle and bellow her pledge of undying loyalty to Mab. Never before had she actually entertained the notion that Mab deserved such loyalty.
Slowly, Illa's head turned to the side. She caught the words that would about to tumble from her lips as she looked at her friend. Summer was her friend, Illa reminded herself. Whatever she felt now, Illa knew that Summer was her friend, that they had been for years, when their training had just ended and Ibrihim had just asked both of them to look after Myra.
He had wanted a fae from each side of the clans to be sure that they wouldn't allow their own to take advantage of what Myra offered. He had been counting on the animosity between the Seelie and Unseelie fae girls to keep Myra away from Faery and the sides even. When he had seen that Illa and Summer weren't at each other's throats like most Seelie and Unseelie fae were, he had jumped on the chance.
He hadn't realized that by being in the mortal world, even for the relatively short time that they were, that a true friendship between all three girls would develop.
Now that Illa was back in range of the winter queen's influence, she remembered the animosity that every fae on either side seemed to share. She struggled against it and pushed Summer through the gate that was still open. It seemed to close by itself behind her as if grateful for one of the enemy to be on the other side of itself, to be out of the winter realm.
Illa looked up to the castle.
Suddenly she realized that Myra, even though she was the daughter of a Unseelie lord, might not have had an alliance either way.
Slow steps took Illa up to the gates of the winter queen, up to the heart of her domain, the one who controlled air and darkness, who had inspired legends mortals had told around campfire and the poets to write of their fears. The creature who had spawned legends of other dark mistresses, who had given lessons to every fae beneath her, of her cruelty, her malice and her joy at seeing darkness flow throughout her domain and seep into humanity.
Illa looked up to the home of Queen Mab, and standing just outside the gates, she bowed her head and waited for the gates to open.
It had been so long since Illa was home.
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