《Qi research logs. Volume 1》Beastiery 001, Culinary Exploration 001



In this record I will be trying to determine if I can eat the plants in the area.

I will be using the Universal Edibility Test on a few specimens I collected earlier.

Furthermore, I will split the parts up into the petal, leaf, stem, and root

I do not have the ability to use a fire, so I will unfortunately not be able to boil the specimens.

The tests are as follows:

Test #1: test the specimen to see if it smells offensive.

Test #2: rub specimen in armpit and leave for 8 hours to determine immune reaction.

Test #3: Place specimen on lips for 15 minutes to determine neurotoxity

Test #4: Place under tongue for 5 minutes

Test #5: Chew specimen and hold in mouth for 45 minutes

Test #6: Swallow small amount and wait 8 hours to see effects.

Any abnormalities will be noted, and tests will be discontinued and vomiting induced if necessary.

The tests will occur over the course of several days. I have water from the well, and have felt no ill effects from it so far.

Specimen Part Test 1 (Smell) Test 2(Skin) Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6

#001 Petal Sulfur Stem No Smell Itching (1s)

Leaf No Smell Burning (5s)

Root Earthy No Reaction

Note: Soothed previous locations None Cold like mint (5s)

#002 Petal Sweet Skin became cold (1h) Stem Immediate revulsion

Leaf Dizzyness Root None None None Brain Freeze (How?)

During the arduous waiting time, I have distracted myself from the hunger by sitting still near the entrance to the cave and watching the wildlife.

I have seen a few familiar species and a couple of very strange species. The familiar species have given me hope that perhaps I am not the only earth life that has ended up here, and that there must be some measure of bio-compatibility for them to survive here.


Species #001

Appearance: Identical to a deer, but with what appears to be a second set of ears.

Diet: Observed eating specimen #006

Glow: A light brown

Species #002

Appearance: A long hairy creature with a similar build to a pig, but with an utterly alien mouth, and a forked lizard like tongue

Diet: Specimen #006 and an an insect I will sketch next.

Glow: Light Blue

Species #003

Appearance: a bright blue insect

Diet: Unknown

Glow: A swirling blue


After noting the prevalence of #006 in the diet of Species #001 and #002,

I have decided to skip to testing specimen #006

Specimen Part Test 1 (Smell) Test 2(Skin) Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6

#006 Petal Ni; Stem No Smell None None Nausea (5s)

Leaf No Smell None None Earthy Taste Nausea (2 mins)

Root Earthy

Note: appearance is of a tuber similar to a potato None None Starchy None No Effect

(Slightly Less Hungry)

I hope I have found the answer to my troubles.

I will be harvesting some more of #006 and eating small amounts.

With Hope, There Is Life.

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