《Prio's Notable Past》Respected - Friend or Foe


I write this just moments before I climb down to confront the Bamm imposter. At this point I don't see how I could be, but I hope I am wrong. He isn't responsive when I try to communicate through our sign language. I honestly feel completely ignored. His behaviour has only reinforced my suspicions. Not only does he not seem to recognize me, he acts like a wimp. Gib and Gab may also be on to him, as they have messed with him from the beginning. Gib especially seems furious about Bamm's weak behaviour and at one point pushed Bamm up against a tree and almost cut him with his dagger. Gab managed to stop him in time by switching their places, if he had not done so, we would have had to wait for the dagger's dazing effects to wear off.

Confronting him is scary nonetheless, Bamm's gorilla body is strong enough to crush a soaring monkey in one downwards smash. Whoever is acting like Bamm may be a wimp, but I am sure, if he feels cornered he could turn hostile and become extremely dangerous. Luckily Gavin and has been on high alert since the encounter with the plague and the gorilla attack. He has upped our security and given us each a flint & steel and a specially engineered pinecone which when lit and thrown into the fireplace will send out sparks and loud noises waking up the camp.

I'll threaten him with raising the alarm. Gib and Gab will believe me, even if I accuse Bamm baselessly. They are already on the edge of dueling him to put him out of his misery, all they need is an excuse and my baseless accusation will provide it. I just have to worry about keeping the distance, I can't give him an opportunity to pin me down. Then again, it would be more likely he would smack my skull in than restrain me.


The imposter is likely another Peacebringer, who is just trying to survive. I suspect he could be one of the people the Cerberus Cult trapped inside metallic cores and the golem's core was provided by the cult. I despise him for what he did to Bamm and I have a strong urge to kill him. I have never felt so comfortable about taking someone's life before, my own thoughts are disturbing me, but I can't help it. Given the opportunity I might attempt murder on impulse. I have to restrain this blood thirst. I need him.

I want to confirm my suspicions and I intend to extract any information that can expose his fakery, but afterwards, if I am able to; I would like to have him on my side. If I can obtain a bargaining chip or better yet make him lay his trust in me. I may be able to use him to rescue Bamm. If he is still alive inside the golem's metallic core...

The ability he used to switch with Bamm is also worth taking into consideration, I need to know more about it. It may pose a danger, if he attempts to change with me. I doubt he would attempt to do it at this time, as I would just turn around and smash him to pieces in Bamm's body. I couldn't care less about what happens to Prio's body. Having Bamm's body in my possession could prove beneficial, it would be easier to preserve and I would be stronger in a fight. I may consider provoking him into a body-switch.

Regardless, the imposter may be useful as I attempt to infiltrate Petramus' tower. Should he die, it's no issue, as it's not Bamm's true body. Once I know the whereabouts of the Cerberus Cult, I'll be able to steal their technology and help Bamm into a new body. The main objective is retrieving that golem's core.


I should be descending now and confront him, I've been delaying it with this writing. I can't let this window of opportunity expire, but I need to stop my trembling first. I can't show fear as I stand before the imposter. It feels like the times when I sat in my bed shivering and wanted to confront my parents with their unfair treatment of me. I delayed that confrontation and now it is too late. I'm going this time.

Should I die. I hope someone is able to read this, even if it's only the sick creators of this horrible system that send us here against our will. If someone is reading this, I hope it is useful. Even if no one ends up reading my notes, they have had their use. It has been comforting to write, I felt every letter was purposeful and I am happy I spend my time on something I chose to do by myself.

My freedom was not given, it was taken. Now I am finally taking it back.

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