《Prio's Notable Past》Envisioning World Peace


The Cerberus Cult's Authoritarianism

If the cult achieves world domination, their rule will be through unquestionable and absolute obidience of their laws. Any restrictions will be forcefully implemented and the notion of freedom of choice will at best exist as a deception.

The ruling class will likely have the best chance of keeping their rule from the shadows, but if their ultimate goal is everlasting peace, they may have to let their presence be known.

Subjects under their rule will need to stay distracted from the fundamental truth of their subjugation to keep them resourceful and prevent an early death by suicide.

For their rule to succeed, they would need to achieve an ascension and reach far beyond any adversary's capabilities. They would need unparalleled power to establish an indisputable world governance. To accomplish this may be considered reaching godhood.

Their efforts to document the world may be with the final goal of cultivating a being into taking the role of a God.

Realizing neverending world peace through indisputable legislation would be farfetched if it was not for The System, which allows us to achieve fantastical powers beyond our imagination. Being able to cheat death by removing your soul from your decaying body is making it possible for one individual to achieve eternal life. My class carried with me into my new body. It won't be a stretch to assume the rewards of the system will carry over to a new body too, which must mean the system is bound to the soul. These two factors makes it possible to accumulate power without being limited by the passing of time.

As long as the aspiring God ensures his subjects can't rival him, true world peace will be achieved. The commandments should make seeking out eternal life unlawful. Cleansing the world of life at intervals would further secure world peace.

While the end results are absurd, it does achieve the goal. I also think it is accomplishable and wouldn't rule out the possibility of this world one day breeding a God. This strips away any concept of freedom and must be avoided at all cost.

The Plague's Hivemind

If The Plague infects every living being, it will prevent conflicts from rising, as conflict requires at least two parties. There won't be any citiziens under such rule, as everybody will be acting under one mind. It'll be a lonely rule with every decision being made by one consciousness, but it will only truely affect one consciousness as well.


For this to achieve perfect peace, it will require monitoring and full control of all possible spawning locations in the world. My current understanding of The System means it drags new victims into the world in intervals. These new victims have to immediately be conformed, while staying unaware of their circumstances, or it could technically result in a miniscule conflict of wills.

I believe The Plague is much more likely to succeed and stay consistent than the Cerberus Cult, but it will be the cost of all life except one. The only way this wouldn't be considered everlasting peace would be if The System includes inner conflicts in its judgement and that would just be ridiculous.

The Soaring Monkey's Monarchy & Anarchy

While the tribe has a clear ruler in Shirley, she is very hands-off within the tribe and focuses on handling foreign affiairs. Her role in governing serves the purpose of protecting and guiding the tribe, as it grows and comes in contact with other nations. They consider the area the forest occupies as their territory and fertilizes the outskirts to hasten its areal growth.

It'll be a challenge to reach a global coverage of the forest, but if they succeed the role Shirley serves may become obsolete and will have to be abolised to prevent the chance of an authoritarian rule from forming.

After the world is under one body and the monarchy has been dissolved. The anarchy-like traditions of the tribe will flourish. Any conflict will be on a personal level. It'll be raised and solved by choice of the individual's who choose to partake in it. While I personally don't see how this absolves the world of conflict, it should do according to how The System has acted within the tribe. While I have observed conflicts, fights and death in the soaring monkey tribe, it has never triggered a Quest, which indicates it does not break the peace according to how the system judges it.

if anarchy can be preserved the resulting world peace won't be infringing on our freedom. I think this could be a satisfying solution and a great world for to live in, but I doubt the peace can stay constant.

It'll only be natural to form groups when conflicts occur. it'll be advantageous to ignore the traditions. Hierachy will be formed one way or another to keep organized and structural and large scale oppression of people not following the same ideals will result in wars and a complete reversal into a world of never ending conflict once more.


Priorita's World Peace

I believe there is a way to achieve a never ending world peace with the freedom I seek in anarchy and the ability to keep it as an absolute rule with one simple constraint, which will create and keep it in a constant state.

To achieve this we will need to cultivate a nonchalant God, who rules in the shadow and enforces one commandment: Absolute Anarchy, with the goal of preserving an anarchy in the same veins as the tribe's traditions. The God itself will be subject of the same traditions and through that will challenge anyone who could turn into a rivaling threat in the future and extinguish their chances. As long as the God is able to keep an eye out for anyone who seeks to cheat death to continously accumulate power, they, the God, will be able to stay in power, as the sole ruler, by dueling them before they pose a risk.

If its possible to split my mind into multiple bodies, like The Plague and essentially have a hivemind. I could passively monitor the whole world. If by chance a being someone accumulates a dangerous amount of power under my radar and perishes one or more of my bodies, I wouldn't die. The power needed to ensure the end of my rule would likely be unachievable.

There must be a way to develope a hivemind, this surely will be the first objective to do this. As a hivemind I'll be able to do the same kind of research as the Cerberus Cult, without any risk of internal conflict or betrayal.

I wouldn't want to wipe out all other life as a hivemind to achieve the first phase of peace, but it would be the easiest way to build the foundation. Anyone new the system drags into the world will unknownly live under my rule without ever becoming part of the hivemind.

Back in the day when suggested these crazy ideas to my brother, he always went along. I am certain my brother would not only approve of this, but be intrigued and so excited he would jump right into making it a reality. This will be my new goal. Through this I will be able to leave a permanent mark for my brother.

We will be going to the area where we last time engaged with a swarm of plague rats. Its very likely we will encounter the plague again. I hope to learn more about it and figure out a way to gain similar abilities.

I still have an unassigned skill point, if any of my potential skills could help me with either analyzing the plague or obtaining its hivemind ability I may assign it. The skill list is huge and difficult to keep an overview of. I must begin noting down any skills I find that may help me with world peace in mind.

Until then I need to keep my current allies close and continue living as part of the tribe. The imposter Bamm is my biggest concern. I will have to confront him and ensure he is, and stays, on my side. If I just had the real Bamm, I would be certain of his protection. Even if I am able to befriend the imposter, he has been acting like a wimp and he don't seem to be reliable as a protector. While I currently have Gib, Gab and Gavin on my side, they will turn once I steal the nagivational tools and leave the tribe.

Infiltrating Petramus' Garden and retrieving Bamm's soul may be a long stretch, but it will certaintly be rewarding to succeed. It may cause another conflict resulting in a quest, Petramus library will certaintly be rife with valueable information of the world and Bamm is my loyal friend, who I need by my side.

These plans are so out there, I must be crazy to think I can become a God. The arrogance I possess, but I need it. It will be my revenge on this world for taking away my brother.

Should I fail, I'll be able to face my brother in the afterlife with a smile.

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