《Prio's Notable Past》The Calling of a Peacebringer


When we arrived in this world, we were granted the title of Peacebringer. I discovered this early on when the Cerberus Cult ordered me to go through my status panel. The panel includes a section called Title and simply says Peacebringer. No more information is available, the title doesn't open anything when tapped.

The status panel also includes a section for Status Effects, which will list and give information on various health conditions, such as, if you have been poisoned. These can be tapped on and will provide further details, like the duration of the effect, its source and how to cure it.

I have a permanent status effect called Peacebringer's Tranquil Mind. its description is vague.Just telling me I am sent to this world to bring peace and order.

The effect lists one influence it has on me, which again isn't very informative, but its implications are very crippling. Supposedly my emotions are mostly suppressed. If this is true, then that would mean my panic attacks and emotional breakdowns would have been much worse without this effect.

Wouldn't losing our emotions take away part of our humanity?

I've since gained a level and the title remains the same.

So far the only way to gain levels has been to complete a Quest and gain a high rating. This may help us further discern our purpose as Peacebringers.

As the title implies, we are here to bring peace to the world. The quest we were given and have completed lend support to this. We were present when the gorillas attacked the outpost and that must have triggered the quest. Otherwise we should be receiving quests about conflicts we know nothing about. This is not the case, it is also unlikely the rest of the world is not experiencing any conflicts.

The gorillas' raid conflict resolution could have taken another direction and I wonder how the quest system handles this. If a third party had stumbled in on this conflict, like an unaffiliated Peacebringer, decided to take the raiders side, would they have been awarded just the same?

When the first soaring monkey expedition I participated in encountered and engaged with a swarm of rats affected by the plague, I did not receive or complete a quest. This may be because the group I was part of was the one to provoke a conflict or it may not have been considered a breach of peace. This could be a way for the system to avoid encouraging Peacebringers from creating friction to gain experience.


I theorize, if there is an ultimate end to the system's quest system, a purpose behind pulling innocent civilians into a dangerous and deadly world. It must be to not only bring peace, but to keep it. Achieving world, a dream that can only be accomplished, if everyone collaborates and share the same vision.

Imagine the surreal moment after achieving world peace and the reward is to return to your reality. Once back, you face the difficulities of life, the daily struggles of just making a living and the harsh truth that your own world will always be in conflict with the rich waging wars and the poor dying in them.

There won't be a meaningful reward from accomplishing the system's goals. The only reason to play along is to level up and receive the skill points. Working with the system enough to survive. A Peacebringer is just a loyal servant of a mega corporation with no other place to turn to.

Why are we Peacebringers brought to this world without any guidance? The quest system may be the biggest guidance for us, but it doesn't explain anything, it just instructs us to deal with a conflict and rewards us for following their commands.

The Peacebringer's Tranquil Mind oppresses us and almost turns us into mindless drones acting like soldiers for a cause we were dragged into against our own will.

Could the Cerberus Cult be Peacebringers attempting to bruteforce their way to achieving world peace with an iron fist. Would letting The Plague infect everything and mind control every living organism satisfy the system.

This world is twisted. My old life wasn't much different in that sense. Will I be able to live peacefully within this sick system? The freedom I felt blessed, isn't as pure now that I know my emotions are being controlled. The life I lead is now with instructions to follow and the only way to thrive is to complete them and carefully allocate the rewards, with balance for my various needs. This world isn't any diffierent from my past life working to serve others and only going by with the minimum wages.

Why isn't the system giving us access to all our skills from the moment we arrive. The quest system only serves as a hindrance to their greater goal. Are we just pawns in a sick game to entertain its creators.


The difficult want of finding the Cerberus Cult and retrieving my body may not bring me the satisfaction I had hoped. The more I think about my situation and learn about the world, the worse it gets. I want to understand the system, unveil the puppeteers and free myself from their strings. They don't deserve my labour, they will have to earn it by telling me everything and letting me choose.

I've never understood how anyone finds the concept of a God meaningful. Fulfilling the vague purpose given by a greater being seems like it only takes away our freedom and punishes us when we fail to do what they expect us to do, despite never making our task clear. An abusive relationship. Just like working for a corporation with a manager, who continuously promises rewards for the future, but never commits and always delays when it comes to fulfilling them. Don't anyone dare call me ungrateful for this "opportunity" given to me. Even if I served someone who made good with their promises, it would only lead to a trickle down of the freedom they would want to grant me. I want to be equal, have unrestricted opportunity not regulated by a great being. I don't want to fight others wars and do their harvest. True peace can never be achieved through the orders of an authority.

I can't accept a system where there are regulators monitoring its users and changing the rules according to their believes. When I thnk about what reason any authority would have to obscure the truth and keep their policies vague, there are only nefarious reasons to do so. It allows their servants to spend their lives believing they are making a choice to follow their ruler, while the doubt only serves to keep their questions unanswered.

If servants were given certainty of the structure of regulation they live within, it would bring their freedom to question. The promise of avoiding hell and going to heaven after a life of service loses its appeal when there is no mystery and you are certain of what you have to do to earn it. Knowing your life is a trial to establish if you deserve inner peace brings our freedom into question. Suddenly it is unquestionably that we are restricted by the rule of a judge, who set up rules we have to live by. There will be no other choice than to loyaly serve and avoid the punishment. Any intentional act that goes against the rule and leads to being punished would have to be done knowingly and it is unlikely any sane person would make such trade. It will have to bring into question their ability to make such choice. Should someone really be punished for actions that must have been done either as an imbecile or while in a psychosis.

The obscurity of meaning and purpose from a ruler in such a position as a God must be entrapment. No law, immoral act or crime would be committed by any sane person, if the decrees stood without question. In a world with a ruler, life is slavery. What the ruler gets out of us doesn't matter. As long as we are under their rule, we are without freedom.

The ruler is able to squeeze us for everything we got, when we can't get the answers. The uncertainty keeps us from ending our life of servitude early. People under a God live a life of involuntary servitude and if they become aware of this; any threat of punishment would be redundant. Any suggestion of a reward a joke. There is no excuse for slavery, even if you are a God.

There is nothing more meaningless than a life lived under the thumb of an absolute ruler. The absence of a God is the only way to grant freedom to pursue purpose in life. Any attempt at creating an absolute purpose will always obstruct any sense of freedom you may have. The void left behind from vanquishing a ruler can't be filled. There is more meaning to be found in nothing, than in anything that can be in its stead.

The system in a peaceful world has to be without punishment, guidance or obstruction. The soaring monkey tribe's primitive culture suddenly doesn't look so unrefined. Aside from the indisputable rule of Shirley, the tribe doesn't have enforced rules by a gorvening body. Their traditions of regulation based on individuals ability to fight for their believes are remarkably freeing.

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