《Prio's Notable Past》Petramus' Garden


I've been asking around the village and gathering any information I can find on Petramus, his tower and his garden. This is what I have discovered.

The garden was started generations ago, but has in recent time rapidly increased in its rate of expansion. The soaring monkey tribe kept hidden and had never shown themselves before the golem encounter, Petramus may not have known they were inhatibating the forest. Petramus has been the only person sighted in the garden since it came to existence. Some monkeys believe he is immortal and he has always looked the same, while others believe he started cultivating the garden from a young age and simply live much longer than they do.

His tower is the centerpiece of the area he is occupying, while the garden extrudes out from it in every direction. According to multiple sources, the estimated height of the tower is between eigthy and a hundred meters. The bottom is between fifteen to thirty diameters while the top is around ten to twenty diameters. There are rumours of a deep basement, that I will go into details with later. I am guessing the tower may contain nine to ten floors, but I have nothing other than the height to go off of, as no one has ever had a glimpse inside.

The trees from our forest, that are immediately surrounding the garden have withered away, no one has seen what kills them, but the tribe is certain it is from Petramus influence. The golem was appearently uprooting these death trees, when the soaring monkeys engaged. The tribe has observed this cycle of trees dying and Petramus removing them and expanding his garden since the very beginning, when Petramus planted the tower.

The garden has very defined sections, each containing unique flora, like a botanical garden, each plant has been given room and it's placement is as if it was meant to be displayed like a public garden.


The soaring monkeys claim Petramus was drawn to that part of the forest because of a natural flow of energy that pulls all living towards the centrum, where Petramus placed the tower. The monkeys believe that site provides the best environment for flora and fauna to blossom, evolve and grow. Before Petramus invaded and took the area for himself, it was considered holy ground and the tribe often ventured there to "lift their spirits". They were careful not to impact the natural landscape and their expeditions to the site were mindful of keeping the harmony of sound, vision and touch.

There are all kinds of pavillions spread throughout the garden, all with their own unique style, twists and clear architectural design signatures. They are often participating in walling off sections from each other, keeping each area intact in it's own ecosystem. Every building is decorated in a strong red paint and it sounds like it's detailed like dancheong in a Chinese style. The patterns are simple and the soaring monkeys see the symbolism as powerful and a warning for outsiders not to intrude.

As I mentioned before, each section contained unique flora, some sections also inhabitated supporting fauna, who are kept caged into their section. I'm noting down each section that sounds similar and I will write down what it may be, but some descriptions sound otherworldly and I am also not a botanist.

There is one tree that is in every section of the garden, it's strong orange colour on its branches from a fruit exposes its repetition throughout the garden. The outer edges of the garden have some of these trees with the fruit appearing green. I suspect they are Persimmon trees or something similar.

Ponds are spread out as frequent, if not more so, as the pavillions and every pond has lotus flowers and often at least one bridge befitting the style of the associated pavillion.


Bamboo is repeatedly appears throughout the garden.

Around 30 meter tall red pines are in one of the larger sections.

Another major section has a grand crape myrtle with crimson red petals.

One eyecatching section is in a small oval shape and brimming with blossoming peonies.

My theory that he may be involved with the Cerberus Cult is gaining legs. There are rumours of Petramus building an army of golems such as the one that crushed Bamm, I wonder how difficult and expensive such a supply of metallic soul prison-spheres are. Watchers have reported seeing Petramus move many hundreds of books out of the tower, could they be a trade for the metallic cores?

No sighting of people with dog masks or anyone with masks at all. Only Petramus have been spotted in his garden.

Sightings of Petramus have been confusing the scouts to say the least. They often see him leave and enter from the tower entrance, but at times they have kept eyes on the entrance constantly, but find him suddenly go unnoticed around in the garden and sometimes they have seen him leave the tower multiple times in a row without ever entering it. This is what brings people to speculate about a possible basement, some suggest the tower has a basement linked to every installation in the garden.

This may be wild speculation from me, but what if the Cerberus Cult have deeper connections with Petramus than the surface may suggest? Could the cult be hidden deep underground right under Petramus tower and linked through many levels of basement floors? The walls we saw when we were trapped in their grasp did have water damage. That damage may come from the garden as the water drains and reaches the basement levels.

I want to breach the tower and see for myself. If I am able to infiltrate Petramus' grounds I may be able to rescue Bamm and discover more about the Cerberus Cult.

For now, I will have to follow Shirley's order and join a mission to "recuperate" the Bamm imposter. I hate to play along, but it may give me a chance to confront this new Bamm.

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