《Prio's Notable Past》The Ceremonial Duties and The Stick of Mending


Weeks after my first meeting with the village elder, I was woken up early morning by Lone, Prio's mother. We had a heartwaming "reunion" some time ago. She is a lovely woman and surprised me with her courtesy. They may be monkeys, but they are, like humans; emotional and empathetic. She informed me I was being called into the village hall for a ceremonial giving of duty. The village elder, Shirley, would be giving me my task, in the presence of anyone in the village who wised to attend.

It was my first time in the hall. Candles had been lit and people were sitting to the sides on the leaf-filled flooring. The people were excited for Prio's return and my presence filled the room with cheers. I kneeled before Shirley, who was sitting on a throne deep inside the hall. She had instructed me to about the procedures the day before and made me aware of the importance of keeping with the tribe's customs. If I had not listened carefully and taken it in, I may have accidentally disrespected the tribe and been challenged to a duel I couldn't possibly win.

Shirley rose from her seat and officially greeted me back into the village. After all, Prio had disappeared during an expedition gone awry. She ended her speech with well wishes for the rest of the vanished and prayers for them to also make their safe returns. All while she knew full well they likely wouldn't, given the information I had shared with her privately the day before.

As was village protocol, I was given a task, my duty to the tribe, to fulfill. I was to wield the [Stick of Mending] and travel to outposts around the edge of the forest with protectors and a navigator assigned to accompany me. My job would be to tend to the wounded at each outpost. As the edge of the forest was redzones, they were often contested and expeditions were dangerous, often leading to casualities.


Some in that company would later become my close friends. Gib and Gab were reliable in their duties to protect me and Gavin, our navigator, turned out to be a man I could find comfort in as we shared in philosophy through nightly conversation sitting under the moonlight near the fireplace.

We were each entrusted with tools for our job. This was the moment I learned about the existence of objects infused with magical abilities. They were precious artifacts the tribe had gathered throughout its existence and were only entrusted to members held in high regard by the village elder.

Being that Prio was Shirley's first apprentice, the luck I had been blessed with had once again revealed itself to be far greater than I initially thought.

Gib and Gab were entrusted with a rope, a single dagger and a single shield to share among them. Gib carried the dagger, while Gab equipped the shield. It wouldn't be wrong to assume they were veterans. Both of them were covered in scars. Shirley had previously reassured me I would be in good company on my first duty. She referred to these guys as the battletwins and told me they would keep me from harm. Just as long as I was wary of their temper, as pissing them off would surely result in my untimely death.

Gavin was entrusted with a pair of broken goggles and an indecipherable map; supposedly of the forest and beyond. I learned later, the goggles let him read the map.

The map would also innately charter the surroundings and keep up to date with any changes in the environment, as long as it stays open. These tools entrusted to Gavin caught my attention, they would be useful, when the day comes for me to adventure outside the tribe and leave the forest behind. Being friendly with Gavin could grant me the chance to steal them in the future. It might be good to begin work on softening him up early on.


I was entrusted with the [Stick of Mending], a stick carrying green leaves. I would later learn of its healing properties. Leaves would wither and die, when the stick was brushed over a wound. Wounds would heal until the stick had no more leaves. The leaves would grow back with time.

We were to return the artifacts to the hall, after accomplishing our duties.

The stick will be an essential steal, but as long as Shirley trusts me with it, it shouldn't pose too difficult. While it is in my possession I will be able to use it to backup my brother, like the old days. With that in our arsenal we will be able to cheat death. My brother and I will be an unstoppable team, much greater than the battletwins Shirley is so proud of. Their little dagger will only be able to lay tiny scratches on my brother's thick gorilla hide and I would just mend them all away in a heartbeat.

Just one slip up from Gavin and I'll steal the navigational tools and run away. I am sure my brother is watching over me and will follow along. I can just put the goggles over his eyes and bring out the map to make him understand what I am doing.

I would love to take the dagger and shield as well, my brother would be thrilled to have them, but it would be difficult to make off with. I have to manage my thieving hands and know my limits.

Could it be my brother knew I would think of this? We will benifit greatly from having these arrtifacts in our possession. Could the map reveal where the Cerberus Cult may be loctaed? I doubt it will just show up on the map, but it'll surely make our search easier.

For now I will behave, I'll learn more about Gavin's artifacts, when I can see them in use. He might even be willing to share everything if I ask politely.

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