《Prio's Notable Past》Bestiary - Soaring Monkey


The Cerberus Cult pulled my soul out of my body and switched it with that of a soaring monkey. This experience increased my soul density, at least that is what my notifications tell me, I need to write notes about the soul as well. My new body have given me the ability to fluently speak the tongue of the soaring monkeys, but I still walked like a human and had to learn the locomotion of a soaring monkey. Use of the wings proved dangerous, as it required technique. It did come to me easily, it felt very intuitive to lean into the direction I wanted to steer, like riding a bike in the air.

I need to find some use for this skill I acquired that lets me write these sort of notes. So I thought - why not begin a bestiary. The panel doesn't provide any information on any of the creatures roaming this world, usually games have this. Maybe my notes will turn out useful in the future as I end up referring back to them.

I decided it would only be natural to start with the animal I have become - The Soaring Monkey.

A soaring monkey looks like a cross-breed between a Bonobo and a Cheiromeles. They don't grow much taller than one meter. They brandish very toned muscles gained from their healthy diet and constant physical activities. They are able to act like kites and glide between branches of the trees using their thin skin hanging from their arms.

Their grip strength is incredible and I wouldn't be surprised if they could apply a pressure above hundred kilograms. This enables them to comfortably and securely leap between great distances even under the worst of conditions. When taking down opponents or prey, if they manage to grab a hold on them, it is unlikely for the opposition to find a way to wrestle themselves out of their claws.


The nails of a soaring monkey are incredibly dense and sharp enough to easily break through the bark and peneltrate the trunk of the trees in their forest, if they desire so. These trees are incredibly thick and likely many times harder than oak. Victims who fall prey for their grip will likely wound up with punctured skin, that easily result in deep wounds. A soaring monkey is adapt with fighting unarmed and will go for any weakspots they identify, such as the throat, belly and eyes.

Most monkeys have seemingly random patches of bare skin spotting on their body, while they are mostly covered with grey and brown fur. I was one of the luckier Peacebringers whose new body matched their gender. While I initially thought my new body was beautiful... it was thoughts before I knew it would be my body. I don't want to be a monkey! Among the soaring monkeys, my body is exeptionally beautiful, I have delicate skin under silky, blonde fur. The fur covers my entire body except my face, ears, hands, feet, bottom, chest and belly. All things considered, I am pretty well off.

Infants are in the first couple of years heavily reliant on their mother and clings to them, often leaving the mother with wounds from their claws. As they grow older, they become more independent and are often seen exploring by themselves, as they are deeply curious. When they wrestle each other as play, they keep their hands in a fist, as to not accidentally sink their nails into each other and drawing blood.

As they get older, the skin becomes frail and I have seen an elderly monkey with holes in her wings. This means, despite the gamified panels, which we can open and interact with and the presence of magical abilities: Our bodies will decay. - I don't want to die a monkey.


The soaring monkeys are very tribalistic and I've learned that the natural soaring monkeys are nothing less than sentient. My brother convinced me to leave him in the wild after I got approached by a tribe of soaring monkeys. They called me Prio and asked me a lot of questions. I told them about the masked men, but avoided mentioning anything about the soul exchange process. When I told them about the faith of the other soaring monkeys (who were victims of Cerberus), they were clearly dismayed. I eventually convinced them to let my brother join their ranks and I hope one day they will consider him family the way they see me.

There is a lot of culture within the tribe, I think it will be worthwhile to write down my findings. That way I can refer back to them when necessary.

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