《Prio's Notable Past》Nursing Notes


I screwed up... Everyone hates me. They are upset with me, because I chose this Skill. I understand where they are coming from, given our circumstances. I chose it so I could write - how was I supposed to know better. In retrospect, it was a terrible choice and I have been unable to help and save anyone because of it. I guess, I was destined to be a bad nurse.

We live, but at the cost of so many lives. We were the lucky onces. We did nothing special. We had a lucky spin of the wheel in the most unfortunate circumstances and with that we survived.

I was studying to become a nurse. My family put a lot of pressure on me, only my brother staying proper connected with me. He always invited me to play MMORPGs, which was a lot of fun. He was the fighter and I kept him alive. Through him, I felt I could succeed in my exams.

My brother wanted to change to a new game and, as always, I followed along. He kept telling me how his friends had mentioned a game called Mayhem of the Macrocosm and gotten so absorbed in it that they stopped responding to him. We signed up out of curiousity. This was a horrible mistake.

We lost consciousness and awoke in new bodies in a hall full of other people, who were all in the same situation. We had in a way been kidnapped through supernatural means. We were in a large hall, possibly underground, with moss and water damage on the otherwise bright white walls.

My brother had been clad in roman armour with a beautifully decorated shield and a broadsword. He had lost weight, grown taller and become terrifyingly muscular. His facial structure was the only part of his looks left untouched.

My own body was left mostly intact, though my chest felt heavier and I was wearing a skimpy nurse costume. It was embarrassing!

Some creeps even came up to me, but my brother stood in their way. A third party was walking up to us as well, he looked like a fierce warrior wielding a giant axe and clothed in furs and animal skins. The creeps drew their weapons and divided their attention between us and the fured warrior.


Luckily, before it turned into a brawl, we got interrupted by the opening of a giant gate above a decorated staircase as three masked men entered the room and descended the wide staircase. Their masks were shining silver and resembled Rottweilers, and other than the masks' expressions, they looked identical; same build and height, same hooded cloaks with silver stripes. They were all wielding long decorated spears and forced us to comply.

A voice, we couldn't tell whose, instructed us to stand in line. We took turns sitting in a chair. There were three chairs in the room. When it became my turn it became clear why we had to do this. They instructed me to sit and told me a screen would pop up. When I sat, a transparent panel did indeed pop up. I know now it was a status panel and every Peacebringer can bring it up. They wanted me to tell them what it said in the left corner. It was my class. I told them honestly: I am a Nurse.

When we signed up on the Mayhem of Macrocosm website there was an endless selection of classes to choose from. I don't know the exact class my brother took, but he clearly took a frontliner to fill his role in our party. When I looked through the list, I didn't know what to pick. I knew I had to be a healer, but there was so many classes that sounded like the healer: Priest, Monk, Druid, Shaman, Witch and even strangely modern class names like Doctor, Chiropractor and Yoga-instructor!

It was a little unnerving to find Nurse among all of them. I chose it with the silly thought of it maybe helping me with the exams. Now I am living a nursing nightmare.

We all had to open our Skill panel and tell them both the title and description of each Skill. It was a long and exhausting list. For some classes they only needed the person to mention a few, while with others they went through the whole list. I believe they were writing it down using a Skill like the one I am using now.

My Skill is called "Nursing Notes", it was the first Skill on my list and I unintentionally obtained it. We all start with one skill point and I didn't know what I was doing. I accidentally chose to spend my point on this ability. It is possibly to refund the point by pressing a respec button, but it costs a whole level, so I won't be able to change it before I am level 2.


After they had examinated all of us, they brought us down the hall and instructed us to fall into queues in front of a row of doors cluttering one of the walls. We had to go in, one at a time, not knowing what was on the other side. No one came back out, so we had to assume we would meet up somewhere else. Some people in the group were growing discontent with being forced around and became agitated, as the masked men completely ignored any attempt they made to have a conversation with them.

One man armed himself with a dagger and challenged them, but were quickly neutralized by a flashing light, that emerged from one of their spears. Another man in our group shouted, like a battlecry "They are only three! Let's take them on", but he was very mistaken in thinking they could be overpowered. Another flash struck down one of the rebellious men and, like a spark of lightning, it jumped from person to person, only stunning the people who had meant to rebel. The masked men was in complete control of our faith.

The voice that had continuously instructed us asked us in a polite tone to carry them away from the lines and rejoin the queues.

My brother and I had lined up in the same queue among the last, hanging back, as we wanted to assess the situation. He had the brlliant idea of attempting to gather some information from the front row by playing the phone game. He whispered a question to the person infront of us and had him carry it over until eventually reaching the person standing right before the door.

He asked, "What can you see inside the room?" It took a long time to hear back, but once we were halfway through the queue, we began hearing from the front, each person leaving a message, as the door closed behind them. Despite the phone game being notorious for changing the message completely, there was one piece of information that kept consistent - "Metallic Sphere".

A metallic sphere was inside the room, and there were other vague descriptions, like inscriptions on the walls and on the sphere, burning candles and it being the size of a closet.

When it came to my brother's turn, I didn't want him to go and held him back as I told him to let others go before us. He let one person go before him, as he wanted to take his time to reassure me.

If I had not made him wait and if he hadn't let that one man go before him, we would have been separated and possibly never seen each other again, as once the person we let go before us went through, the instructor told us to stay back and wait for future instructions. The masked men were talking among themselves, I was only able to partly overhear their conversation. It sounded like they had run out of something and had to resort to a secondary option. One of them threw fistpumps, their demeanor making them look like drunk farmers celebrating a good harvest.

We eventually resumed and my brother went in before me. When he went in, he shouted "Gorilla!". I was confused at first, but it made sense when it became my turn. There was no metallic sphere inside, instead there was a monkey. I assume the monkey had taken the place of the sphere. At first I thought my brother couldn't tell a monkey and a gorilla apart. The thought made me smile and brought me much needed relief.

The monkey was beautiful and a little strange. It had skin, like a bat, stretching down from its arms. It was clearly frightened. As I stared it into its eyes, it stared back, and eventually, I saw myself. My face was covered in heavy make-up, crimson-red lipstick and barbie blue mascara. I crouched down and mimicked the monkey, I felt compelled to mirror it. When I stood back up, my perspective had completely changed.

An out of body experience, resulting in our consciousness switching places.

My body was still crouching, but I was standing.

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