
“iain, sia dinner is ready. come downstairs”

I’m doing my studies. Mom is calling us for dinner. I closed my books and knock on the iain’s room.

“big brother, let’s go”

“coming” he says.

I helped her in the kitchen. She made a creamy chicken and rice casserole. I placed the dishes on the table. Iain is here.

“where is dad? He’s not coming” lain says.

“he is going to be late. He called me. he has some work to do” mom say.

We sat down at the table.

Mom asked about my studies, iain’s stuff and all,during dinner.

Then mom’s phone is ringing.

“who is it? Is it dad?” iain ask.

“no, It’s not Jonah. I don't know. It’s some unknown id” she picked up the call.

“hello” she says.

“yes, I’m Hannah Easton. who is this?”

“what” she stood up from her chair.

“mom, what happened?” iain said.

She’s not saying anything. She’s stunned. whatever it is I know it’s really not a good thing and I am scared.

“how’s he? He’s fine right?” she said.

Panic fluttered like a trapped moth in her chest, and she couldn’t seems to keep her breathing steady.

“mom, are you okay? What happened?” I said.

She’s crying. Some time passes after she said

“Jonah, he had an accident. He’s car rolled over. They are taking him to emergency"

I’m too terrified to do anything. I just hope that everything’s ok.

Iain said nothing but I know he's scared.

We quickly came out of the house and get into a cab.

It took twenty minutes to reach the hospital.

Mom asked the receptionist about dad. She gave us the direction. We are hurriedly going there.

When we get there I just freeze because this is not emergency room it’s mortuary.

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