《The Adventure of Holy Beast Bai Xiaoli》C38. Carry the Prey and Run


Proofread by Claire.KK

“Although you can beat up the rune beast, don’t expect to escape from us. The rune beast is after all a beast without intelligence only. But we are human beings with a lot of experience. You want to run away from us? That’s impossible.”

“Kid, you look young; have you grown up? Why don’t you join our hunting party? We will definitely give you the highest benefits. How about it?”

Bai Xiaoli thinks about it and asks: “How high?”

That hunter: “…”

What a weird question! Generally, people will ask what the benefits is. Who will ask how high is it? What the hell is his manner of asking?

The hunter thinks over his words and replies: “It can be as high as you want.”

This kid from nowhere is young, but has the terrible strength. If he joins the team, it’s absolutely a great thing. And what’s more important is that this rune beast will also belong to their hunting party.

Bai Xiaoli: “High, High Five Coffee? I hear it’s delicious, do you have it?”

That hunter’s directly confused. It’s because he’s not smart enough, or the opposite has IQ problems? Why it seems they’re not talking in the same channel? Who can tell him, what the hell is going on here?

The hunters around can’t stand it anymore; one of them shouts, “Put down the rune beast!”


The dust rises on all sides. The earth trembles at the same time. All the people are bounced to jump.

All the hunters are confused. He has said just now that he would lose face if he put it down. Why he simply puts it down now?

The hunter who shouted just now becomes excited. ‘So this boy is frightened by my roar? It seems that my deterrent is very strong.’


That hunter continues shouting: “Step back! We receive this rune beast!”

Bai Xiaoli steps back obediently and stops behind the bottom of the explosive-fire-rhinoceros. After that, he gives an enchanting smile. All get stunned. Their souls are taken away by this unexpected smile.

Bai Xiaoli grabs the tail of the explosive-fire-rhinoceros and rotates it 360 degree. All the hunters around him are stroked out like bowling. Bai Xiaoli doesn’t care about their life or death. He only knows that the one who wants to loot his food is his enemy!

Nobody is in his way, Bai Xiaoli carries again the explosive-fire-rhinoceros and dashes toward Cang Yan and other members.

“Run quickly!”

Carrying a huge beast, Bai Xiaoli runs fast on the ground. Cang Yan and others follow him to cover his retreat. No one proposes to help. Not because of their laziness, but actually…no one can move this huge beast! They already freak out and have no face to say it!

What makes them more shameful is, Bai Xiaoli runs fast on carrying the explosive-fire-rhinoceros which weighs at least dozens of tons, while they’re only following with no load but out of breath. It’s little less than disgraceful!

Bai Xiaoli is running about wildly in the dense forest on holding the explosive-fire-rhinoceros. While passing through several big trees, with an error in visional inspection, Bai Xiaoli runs past leaving the explosive-fire-rhinoceros stuck between the trees.

Cang Yan and others: “…”

Bai Xiaoli who has run past runs back again. Grabbing one leg of the explosive-fire-rhinoceros, Bai Xiaoli pulls as hard as he can. Cang Yan and others push forward desperately from behind. The trees are shocked to creak. The trees have enough toughness and refuse firmly to fall down.

Pulling quite a while, Bai Xiaoli still fails to pull out his prey. He finally gets angry. Walking over, Bai Xiaoli punches one of the trees. With several “Booms”, the trees which have locked the explosive-fire-rhinoceros all are broken off in the middle.



Watching this scene, Cang Yan and others are already shocked to be numb. With no expression on their face, looking at Bai Xiaoli who carries up the explosive-fire-rhinoceros and continues running forward, they follow behind mechanically.

After running some distance, Bai Xiaoli finds one human and one beast fighting against each other in the way. According to the situation of the battle, obviously, the beast is in a dominant position. The youngster who’s fighting with it is in a difficult position. His clothes are ragged with blood; he’s obviously injured.

With the explosive-fire-rhinoceros on his shoulders, Bai Xiaoli looks left and right; on both two sides are dense forests. He will get stuck again after entrance. There’s only this way in front, but it’s obstructed. Bai Xiaoli shouts behind him, “Cang Yan, this is an alien beast or a mutant beast?”

Seeing Bai Xiaoi stop, Cang Yan runs over quickly. Just one look, he confirms.

“An alien beast on Level-II, spine porcupine, it has sharp spines like steel needles all over its body. These spines can be shot out and cause serious damage.”

Cang Yan thinks and adds, “Its meat is delicious.”

Bai Xiaoli used to be indifferent and dislike this alien beast on Level-II. Because its level is too low, so its meat should not have good taste. When he hears the words of Cang Yan, his eyes are immediately lightened up with saliva hanging at the corner of his mouth.

Hearing the voices, the human and the beast who are fighting with each other all turn over to have a look. Save a Youngster in the Way

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