《The Adventure of Holy Beast Bai Xiaoli》C34. That’s a Rune Beast


Proofread by Claire.KK

Bai Xiaoli roars so loudly, that even the practitioners of star who are hunting in the mountains hear it clearly.

“Who is Lord Bai? Who is so bold to shout and make noises here?”

One hunting party is shocked. They are extremely cautious even during their entrance and try their best to keep silent. They just want to kill several mutant beasts and go back after. They have never expected to hunt alien beasts. Alien beasts are much more dangerous than mutant beasts. Even after mutation, mutant beasts are still local animals on the Earth. But alien beasts are not; they come from other spaces, and they’re very strong and ferocious.

They are always hiding themselves carefully; who can imagine that someone will have a so high-profile appearance?

“Judging from this voice, it’s still in the periphery of the mountains, and it should be a certain reckless rookie.” Otherwise, the hunter with even a little experience would not behave so stupidly.

The captain of the hunting party looks around warily, “Have you discovered it seems to become silent all around at once?”

The hunters all pick up their ears. It really becomes unusually quiet. There used to be some sounds of roaring and screaming of the beasts, fighting and worrying of hunting, but now all sounds disappear all of a sudden. Even the wind passing by seems to blow carefully.

While this team are doubting, they suddenly feel that the ground under their feet are quaking. They are like standing on a huge drumhead, and someone is playing the drum ceaselessly. They are shocked to jump along it involuntarily.

All people are astonished. Such a big movement! What’s exactly the level of the creature who makes it!

One hunter turns back, his eyes all kept, “Ca-ca-captain, loo-loo-loo-look there!”


The captain of the hunting party turns there immediately, finding a creature in whole crimson running away from a short distance. What shocks them, besides the big size of that creature, is the black shadow of runes surrounding all over its body.

“That, that is…an alien beast?!”

Startled, the shocked captain talks to himself slowly, “No, that’s not an alien beast, but…a rune beast!”

“Rune beast?!”

All people come to themselves immediately. One hunter is too excited to tremble all over, “Rune beast! I’ve never thought that there would be the legendary rune beast! Look at the black runes surrounding its body! There must be the debris of rune inside it!”

“What a fortune! We’re going to be rich! As long as we get the debris of rune, we will get everything we want!”

“Catch it!!!”

The hunters know clearly that rune beast is more dangerous and more ferocious than alien beast, but they can’t resist on the greed in their mind.

They have totally forgotten their strength which only enables them to kill mutant beasts. All they know is that they can get everything they have imagined by obtaining one piece of debris of rune.

Even if they can’t get the debris of rune, this rune beast will also be sold at an inestimable price.

The meat of the rune beast has rune power inside, because it used to be nourished by rune power. This kind of power is stronger and more mysterious than star power. Not only the Federation, but also the other empires are all looking for the debris of rune, and even the Lankie people, are collecting and searching, too. It can be seen from that, how precious a debris of rune is.

Such a great opportunity is close at hand, so they can’t miss it willingly.


This rune beast is very high-profile; it dashes madly all the way toward the periphery of the mountains.

Within the mountains, neither alien beasts nor mutant beasts, daren’t to appear within a hundred meters around it. By the fear of instinct, the beasts already run far way. But for the inestimable fortune, the human hunters keep running madly after the rune beast without regarding their own lives.

Cang Yan and Joyce walking ahead are also frightened by the roar of Bai Xiaoli.

Cang Yan turns to Bai Xiaoli, “You have been here before?”

Bai Xiaoli nods, “The little rhinoceros is just in these mountains. He always wants to kill me. I tell him that I’m back; he should find me here quickly. Then I don’t need to look for him.”

Cang Yan has many questions to ask Bai Xiaoli. But it’s not a good occasion now, he can just hold back and look for an opportunity after to ask him. Even Alien Beasts are Afraid of Lord Bai.

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