《The Adventure of Holy Beast Bai Xiaoli》C33. Lord Bai is Back!


Along the way, it’s almost only Long Lan and Joyce who keep chatting.

Cang Yan is a kind of cold person. If it’s not necessary, he will not talk.

Bai Xiaoli only keeps looking outside the window; there’s nothing in his mind, and he just feels this world so amazing.

Long Lan is optimistic and sometimes reckless. He has only heard about the danger out of the city, but as for how dangerous it is, he doesn’t has the idea.

Rovel is the most nervous among them, because he’s normal.

When they drive to the gate of the city, there’s a routine check.

The guard looks inside and says to Joyce: “Going out of the city at this time, are you going to pass the night in the wild?”

Joyce smiles and says: “If we drive fast, we can come back before the night.”

The guard nods and reminds them with kindness, “Be careful. Recently, there’re many hunting parties who go out of the city, but many of them get the whole party killed. Those alien beasts and mutant beasts are all restive…oh, are you going out again? You look like still young, why always go out of the city?”

The guard glances at Bai Xiaoli who sits in the back row. The outstanding beauty and the long silver hair, it’s so impressive.

Bai Xiaoli has a look at the guard and gives no expression, not to mention an accosting.

The guard instantly feels a little awkward. Joyce hastily eases the situation and says, “Brother, you know him?”

The guard is kind of good-tempered, he smiles and says: “When ‘she’ came back that day, I was just on duty. ‘She’ walked back alone from the wild. Her clothes were covered with blood. It seemed that she’s seriously injured. A little girl survived from the wild and came back alive. What a luck!”

All the others in the vehicle are astonished, especially Cang Yan. His eyes are deep, serene, and cold. His heart feels so painful like to have been smashed by a heavy punch. He blames himself and feels so unhappy. He thinks, it’s him who has summoned Bai Xiaoli to come, but fail to take care of him. It’s up to now that he finds Bai Xiaoli. They have been missing each other for four years. What he knows now is just Bai’s experience during the past one year and a half since Bai met Long Lan. How he has survived from the other two years and a half, Cang Yan doesn’t know at all.

It’s a little depressing in the vehicle. Cang Yan is blaming himself. Joyce and Rovel are astonished that Bai Xiaoli used to be so seriously injured.

“I’m a boy.”

When all the people are upset in their mind, a beautiful and cool voice suddenly breaks out. All the people come back to themselves.


Now it’s the turn for the guard to be shocked, “Bo…Boy?”

Bai Xiaoli looks at him with dead-fish eyes, “Need to take off to show you?”

Cang Yan turns with a rush to look at Bai Xiaoli; Bai Xiaoli doesn’t know why.

“Eh…’hem… No, no need.” The guard is directly choked by his own slobber.

How he dares to watch, such a beauty? He must can’t hold himself after watching. Even knowing about it, the guard also can’t help himself but imagine the beauty undressed.

He can’t imagine that; it really causes nosebleed!

The guard hastily covers his nose and waves his hand to let them pass quickly.

When it’s already a distance from the city, Cang Yan talks like a deadpan, “Afterwards, don’t say those words casually.”

“What words?” Bai Xiaoli doesn’t understand.

Cang Yan says with a steady face, “Those words of taking off clothes to show others, it may be misunderstood by others as teasing.”

Bai Xiaoli gets more confused, “What is teasing?”

“Puff…ha-ha-ha-ha…” Joyce really can’t help himself and bursts into laughter, “Xiaoli, you’re so daring. Nobody can hold himself against your hint.”

Bai Xiaoli already feels dizzy. He doesn’t have an idea on what they are talking about. Sure enough, he has to learn hard, otherwise, he even can’t understand human talk.

Seeing from the endoscope that Bai Xiaoli is still in a blank, Joyce is simply shocked, “Xiaoli, you really don’t understand?”

Bai Xiaoli responds honestly, “I don’t understand.”

“Concentrate yourself on driving.” Cang Yan speaks coldly disrupting Joyce’s next explanation.

The vehicle gallops at full speed in the wild. Not far away, there’re some cottages with thatched roofs which are built simple and crude. Some human beings with the strange faces and in ragged clothes, are doing their own work, while some are watching from the distance the disappearing vehicle.

Looking out of the window, Long Lan’s face turns green with fear. He has just seen a human mutant not far from their vehicle. The human mutant is blue and black all over his body. On his fierce face, the tusks are exposed. He has six arms and one long tail behind. The human mutant is staring at their vehicle with his baleful eyes.

These human mutants were all effected by the star power during the Dark Age and then became mutants, neither a human, nor a ghost. Some of them lost their wits and became very aggressive.

It’s been 30 years since the Dark Age, the human survivors have to face every day all kinds of alien beasts, alien races, mutant beasts, mutant plants, and even the natural calamities. Among them, the most threatening is the human mutant.

Human, as the dominator of the Earth, has a huge population. When the Dark Age came, under the effect of the alien energy, human mutated massively. They massacred all the living beings and fed themselves on fresh flesh. Human naturally became their food.


While confronting all the alien species, human also had to fight with the monsters mutating from their human fellows. During that 30 years, human nearly died out. In the history, this period is called as “Dark Age”.

The human mutants can be divided as “Smart mutant” and “Bloody mutant”. The smart mutant will keep some memory and intelligence of their human lives, ’cause they only mutate physically, and their temperament are relatively mild; but the bloody mutants have only fresh flesh in their minds, without esprit, or intelligence, and they are very atrocious, just blood-thirsty monsters. They are the main targets in the human’s couner-attack.

Human can leave the smart mutants some space to live; they may exist, but they’re not allowed to enter the human territory. In contrast, human can never bear the existence of the bloody mutants, ’cause they are really too dangerous. They must be killed at the sight.

If not usually go out of the city, these students have no opportunity to see the real human mutant at all. All their knowledge comes from the textbooks. It’s their first time to see the mutants with their eyes; Long Lan and Rovel both have their face green with fear.

Bai Xiaoli is totally senseless. Cang Yan and Joyce already become accustomed after seeing too many times.

“Bro-Brother, the mutant just now, is a bloody mutant?” Long Lan is frightened to be tongue-tied.

Joyce replies carelessly, “If that’s really a bloody mutant, Tianjing City will not turn a blind eye to it, it’s still near Tianjing City.”

“But, the eyes of that mutant is so terrible.” Long Lan is still a little scared.

Joyce smiles and says: “Maybe he’s hungry and wants to take us for food.”

Long Lan’s face becomes turquoise; Rovel directly turns pale.

Joyce continues: “Xiaoli, you’re the strong one. Since you walked back directly from the wild to Tianjing City, have you come across some mutants?”

“I met them, they wanted to chase me, but they can’t catch up with me.” Bai Xiaoli answers.

If Joyce were not driving, he would like to give Bai Xiaoli thumbs-up.

Even the mutants can’t catch up with him, how fast he runs.

Joyce doesn’t know till now that Bai Xiaoli runs at what kind of terrible speed. Comparing with his speed, the speed of this vehicle is entirely far from ‘fast’. Otherwise, he would not have been leading the Explosive-fire-rhinoceros to run for half of a year.

Their destination are the mountains which are the nearest to Tianjing City. In general, the hunting parties from Tianjing City will hunt in these mountains. They don’t dare to go too far. The further they are from the City, the more dangerous the situation will be. No one will complain about his long life and courts death.

There’re dense forests in the mountains. The vehicle can’t drive in, and it can only be parked outside. Except their vehicle, there’re also vehicles of other hunters. But only the vehicles are here, nobody’s found; they should have entered the mountains.

The vehicle stops, all get off. With their backpacks, they starts to go into the mountains.

Cang Yan and Joyce lead in front; Bai Xiaoli, Long Lan and Rovel follows. Bai Xiaoli and Rovel are barehanded. Bai Xiaoli doesn’t need the weapon. Rovel is the equipped member of the team, that is, human shield. Tall and strong, he stands there like a wall. His fists are his weapons.

By contrast, Long Lan, with his backpack on him, holding long sword in his arms, is peering in all directions. He flinches and cowers for fear that something terrible would suddenly come out from the dense forest. His entire body tenses and looks very nervous.

Bai Xiaoli looks at him curiously, “Are you sacred?”

“No, I’m not scared. The longer, the stronger; with a long sword, I’ll get this world! I have the long sword in my hand, what shall I be afraid of?” Long Lan talks with stuttering, but he still refuses to acknowledge his real heart.

Bai Xiaoli looks at him weirdly, “Do not fear; this is my site.”

Long Lan: “…”

Brag; you beat me.

Bai Xiaoli thinks about something, then takes a deep breath and shouts suddenly, “Boys! Your Lord Bai is back--!”

This roar resounds endlessly in the mountains.

Deep in the mountains, once hearing the roar, the alien beasts which are looting food and killing each other all shudder with a chill and look at each other.

One alien beast doubts, I hear this voice sound like so much that devil?

Another doubts, too. Yes, I think so, too.

The prior alien beast opens his mouth showing his one lonely tusk—another tusk has gone. Check it, my tusk was broken off by that devil!

Another alien beast almost cries out. Raising his leg which is a little lame to his deadly foe, ‘Have a look! It’s that devil who stroke my leg to comminuted fracture; now it’s still lame.’

Two alien beasts stare at each other with tearful eyes, ‘Hasn’t that devil said that he would go for a good life in human world? Why he comes back?’

Oh my god, let’s run quickly, the devil’s back!

Two alien beasts don’t want their food anymore, running directly into the deep of the mountains, at a so fast speed.

Deep of the mountains, in one spacious cave, once hearing this soar, a sleeping alien beast in whole crimson suddenly opens its eyes. Its eyes which used to be fairly clear and bright instantly become blood red. With a roar, it rushes out of the cave, snorting. That’s a Rune Beast

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