《The Adventure of Holy Beast Bai Xiaoli》C29. Lord Bai Is Seriously Injured and Vomits Blood


Zhan Feng nearly has his eyes drop out of his sockets. What the hell is this operation? A student with his star power of 60 marso and ancient martial of F grade Red Star II has such strength? This is not ancient martial style, he’s playing with strength?

All the students around are F grade Red Star-I only. Now they are suddenly shocked by an energy which is five Dan above their own strength. All people are shocked down. Those who are weak in star power are even stroke to vomit blood. Long Lan is one of them.

Cang Yan and Joyce stands in the passage, they have never expected this thing to happen. An orange flashing, all the window glass of the classroom smashes. Like flying bullets, shards of glass are shot toward all directions.

Cang Yan and Joyce have to suffer this unexpected calamity. They start immediately their star power, but they can only protect themselves from being riddled by those shards of glass. In the classroom, Bai Xiaoli is actually bounced out by the strength of star power after chopping.

His body is terribly strong. Even being bounced out, Bai Xiaoli is still safe and sound. He doesn’t know the strength of his opponent, so he just chops with one leg tentatively. Seeing the opponent can take that, Bai Xiaoli jumps up excitedly and plans to knock at the opponent directly with his body, just like what he has done when he was battling with [Sword points to the sky] in the virtual world.

Once seeing Bai Xiaoli’s action, Cang Yan knows that something bad is going to happen, “Bai Xiaoli!”

Bai Xiaoli pauses rushing out. Turning back his head and looking out, he finds in one glance Cang Yan and Joyce standing on the passage. And then he finds the crowd of classmates lying on the ground, wearing a perplexed look on his face. Obviously, Bai Xiaoli doesn’t understand why these classmates have fallen down; they used to sit on their seats.

Cang Yan somersaults through the window. Joyce is shocked to drop his jaw and has to relocate it by hand. Checking front and back, he finds that students and teachers are running from other classrooms to come over, and there’re also a group of campus securities rushing toward upstairs.

This disturbance seems get more attention than it should, looking like an assault launched by the enemy.

“How are you? Are you injured?”

Cang Yan checks Bai Xiaoli up and down. He has just seen with his eyes that Bai Xiaoli was bounced out. He won’t get hurt from falls, but he’s probably injured by blasting of star power. After all, Bai Xiaoli is the one who is closest to the orange star-ring. Compared to others, he must have the most serious blast injury.

Bai Xiaoli is confused; he’s about to say “I’m alright, very well”.

Cang Yan steps forward and steadies Bai Xiaoli. By dint of the noise in the passage, Cang Yan whispers rapidly, “Pretend to be injured; I buy you barbecue from Tianjing Hotel.”


His eyes lightens up. With a pale face, the blood spitting out of his mouth; his legs give out and Bai Xiaoli falls down.

Cang Yan: “…”

Hastily holding Bai Xiaoli, Cang Yan feels flustered. He doesn’t know if Bai Xiaoli only pretends to be injured or he’s really injured. If he’s acting, why can he vomit blood in time? And where does the blood come from?

Zhan Feng is already dumbstruck by all this. Gasping for air and looking at the big mess in front him, he still can’t come back to himself. Isn’t it an exercise only? How’s this happened?

“Mr. Zhan, what happened? What’s wrong?” The teacher of the next class comes over to ask.

Zhan Feng is about to say, ‘It’s all right; we are practicing.’ However, when he turns over, he finds Bai Xiaoli who chopped with furious energy now lying in someone’s arms with blood full of his mouth, his face pale and eyes closed.

Zhan Feng: “???”

The story should not go like this? It’s that guy who has caused all of this, isn’t it? Why now he’s seriously injured and sank in a coma? Is he injured by the blasting of my star power? …so I will be responsible for all the consequences? You cannot do that, you at least get up and share together with me?

Zhan Feng feels like to complain.

That teacher sees that Zhan Feng keeps staring at Bai Xiaoli. Cang Yan picks up the “unconscious” Bai Xiaoli and says anxiously, “Teacher, I’ll firstly bring him to the therapist; he’s seriously injured and can’t wait.”

The thinking of Zhan Feng is still a little slow, “All right, you go quickly; anything call me immediately.”

“Joyce, you take away Long Lan. He’s also seriously injured.” Cang Yan leaves his words.

Joyce comes in and helps up Long Lan who is crumpled on the ground. One person taking one injured, they squeeze through the crowd and leave here quickly.

In the crowd of onlookers, seeing Bai Xiaoli is taken away, Ma Nan sneers slightly. ‘You had been complacent, you played the braggart and dissed me; now it serves you right. The chickens have to come home for roost.’

Holding Bai Xiaoli in his arms, Cang Yan directly returns to his dorm. Joyce follows on supporting Long Lan.

As soon as being released on the sofa, Bai Xiaoli jumps up immediately, “I want to eat barbecue in Tianjing Hotel!”

Joyce is frightened to nearly drop Long Lan onto the ground, “U-U-U, aren’t you injured? Why do you have so good a spirit?”

“Who said that? I’m not injured at all.” Twinkling his blue doe eyes, Bai Xiaoli looks like innocent.

“You have just vomited blood.” Joyce can’t understand.

“Oh, I force it out, to pretend to be real.” Bai Xiaoli says naturally.

Cang Yan: “…”

Joyce: “…”


The real wounded, Long Lan gathers all his strength and whispers, “Can, can you take care of me? I’m the real wounded.”

“Joyce, bring the medicine.” Cang Yan says.

“What medicine?” Usually, the team is equipped with some common drugs. There’re many kinds of medicine; Joyce doesn’t know what kind should be used now.

“Medicine for internal injury.” Long Lan is injured by blasting of strong star power, so his internal organs must have been damaged. Otherwise, he won’t vomit blood.

Long Lan takes the drugs. After a moment, Cang Yan starts to ask: “What’s the matter?”

Long Lan almost cries out directly, “Captain, I can’t afford to raise up Xiaoli anymore. The expenses of the month is too high. I have limited living budget. Only because he didn’t eat meat this morning, he stirs up so much trouble.”

“My dried meat also runs out.” Bai Xiaoli adds.

Joyce looks at their miserable faces and feels it so funny.

Cang Yan keeps silent for a long time and finally says: “Xiaoli, follow me; let’s have a talk.”

Cang Yan turns back and returns to his bedroom, and the confused Bai Xiaoli follows.

Cang Yan closes the door and locks themselves into the room. He points to the sofa opposite to the bed and says, “Sit down.”

Bai Xiaoli sits obediently on the sofa, while Cang Yan sits on the bed.

“Xiaoli, there’s something that I have to tell you.” Cang Yan has considered for a long time and finally decides to tell Bai Xiaoli their relationship. Bai Xiaoli is looking at Cang Yan and waiting what he’s going to say next.

“Xiaoli, it’s me who has summoned you to come here. We have half of our soul integrated. I can perceive you as you can perceive me. I know your identity; similarly, you should know who I am, right?”

The interaction is mutual. Since he can perceive Bai Xiaoli, there’s no reason that Bai Xiaoli couldn’t perceive him.

Bai Xiaoli stares at him angrily, “Are you going to fight with me in the real word? I tell you, you can shoot me dead in the virtual word, but you can’t do the same in the real world, hum!”

Cang Yan: “…”

Bai Xiaoli actually never forgets that Cang Yan has shot at him?

“Xiaoli, you’re actually human or beast?” This is the most confusing thing for Cang Yan. Although he believes firmly that Bai Xiaoli is the soul beast summoned over by him, it’s also possible that what he has summoned would be a human.

Bai Xiaoli struggles and doesn’t know if he should tell the truth. According to the telepathy of his soul, this guy can be trusted, but…

“Tell me the truth.” Cang Yan can see that Bai Xiaoli is hesitating.

“Will you send me somewhere and cut me into slices for study?” Bai Xiaol asks doubtfully.

“Study of slices?” Cang Yan doesn’t get it at the moment.

“Long Lan said if I don’t behave like a human, I will be caught for study of slices. So, I can’t eat too much meat; I must be a qualified ‘human’.” Bai Xiaoli always bears Long Lan’s words in mind.

Cang Yan congratulates himself that fortunately Long Lan has frightened Bai Xiaoli like this. Otherwise, with his fearless temperament, he would have caused who-know-how-much trouble. Before he finds Bai Xiaoli, Xiaoli would really have been caught for study?

Cang Yan says seriously: “You may not tell others the truth. Because, they will sell you. So you should reserve and hide something. But you don’t need to guard against me. Our soul are integrated, our life are connected. If one of us gets an accident, another one will also be effected directly.”

“I’m your closest person in the world. I will never betray you. You can trust me hundred percent.”

Bai Xiaoli tries to feel and finds Cang Yan has no sign of lying.

Cang Yan continues: “Now, tell me, you’re a human or beast?”

Bai Xiaoli: “Beast.”

Cang Yan’s heart hanging finally calms down.

He continues to ask: “Since you’re a beast, why can you change to a human?”

Bai Xiaoli doesn’t understand: “With enough quality, I can certainly change to a human.”

Cang Yan is shocked, “What’s your quality?”

Bai Xiaoli: “Now I can’t put forth all my quality. Since I reach here, my quality is sealed. Now I can only use 60 marso of star power.”

Cang Yan feels that his soul beast is very special. A real soul beast doesn’t need to stay around his master; it will only come over when its master summons. For other time, it will return to the starry sky which is for the soul beast.

But his soul beast always stays in the human society.

“Show me your beast body.” Cang Yan is very curious about its real body.

Bai Xiaoli glares and says, “Why should I show you my beast body? I feel good to be a human.”

Cang Yan says decisively: “Thirty plates of barbecue from Tianjing Hotel.”

“Deal.” Bai Xiaoli disappears instantly into the room.

Cang Yan opens his eyes widely. Now on the sofa, there is a little white beast squatting on its heels. On its tinny furry head, there’s a pair of blue doe eyes, just the same as it’s a human. It’s looking at Cang Yan disdainfully, like a king who is overlooking his citizens… If its figure is not so small, there’s really a bit imposing manner. Confess Identities to Each Other

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