《The Adventure of Holy Beast Bai Xiaoli》C21. Yummy Meat, Daddy Bai is Coming.


Wiping her saliva, the elder sister recruiter explains, “Black God is the strongest team of Tianjing College. The regulars are almost all upperclassmen. New entrants must pass a period of special training. If he performs well enough in the special training, he can be promoted to an alternate and have the chance to play in the match. ”

“Well…” Long Lan starts to fill in the form after a slight hesitation. Because according to him, Bai Xiaoli doesn’t need any special training at all. But who will refuse to join in such a strong team?

When Long Lan completes the form on behalf of Bai Xiaoli, once turning around, he finds that Bai Xiaoli is lost, but Bai Xiaoli was standing behind him just now.

“Xiaoli? Bai Xiaoli?” Long Lan starts looking for him.

Bai Xiaoli sniffs the scent of meat and searches along the road to find it.

Xie Anshen already becomes impatient, “Cang Yan, since Vivian appreciates your capabilities, you can join them and provide them tactical instructions; this is your best choice. Little Annie in your team can join our Black God team. Others go back where they come from.”

There are a crowd of onlookers attracted by the strange action of Grey Wolf. They are watching that two top teams openly poach members from Grey Wolf team. The stall of Grey Wolf has been suffused with people.

Cang Yan is always patiently waiting, and the throb of soul is coming closer and closer.

Suddenly, Cang Yan looks up at a rush, staring at one direction.

The schoolfellows crowd in front of the stall are squeezed through violently.

“Damn it, don’t push me!”

“Oh my God, who is it? Stop squeezing.”

Ma Nan hears the cries come from behind, but he doesn’t turn back, thinking no matter who is squeezing, he will not make way. He stands here like a nail rooted in the ground; with his strength, no one can make him move.


Not yet getting out of his thought, “Pah” Ma Nan is pushed away and staggers bumping into the fellow aside.

Ma Nan is shocked; turning his head, he finds someone with long silver hair. There is only one person who has such characteristics in appearance in the whole Tianjing College!

Ma Nan is trembling all over with anger. Before he picks on Bai Xiaoli, Bai Xiaoli provokes first, intolerable!

“…a good-for-nothing team, still imagines to recruit new members? You’d better dissolve your team as early as possible, otherwise…”

Not yet finishing his big words, Xie Anshen feels being pushed on his arm. Someone should want to push him away, and his first reaction is to keep his feet and to beat back. Who dares to let him make way? No way!

Failing to pass through, Bai Xiaoli pushes a bit harder.


Xie Anshen stiffened, feeling like a radish pulled out, two feet off the ground. He is thrown to the group member aside.

Joyce and Rowell look at this wide-eyed, totally surprised.

Xie Anshen, is, pulled away?

The youngster with long silver hair, breaking open a way through the crowded people, finally appears at the stall. It seems that he doesn’t perceive any complaint from others. He just closely looks at the various meat dishes which makes his mouth water.

Everyone keeps silent out of fear.

Joyce and Rowell quietly watch those people around pulled out by the young-silver-hair.

Ma Nan, trembled, with a ferocious face. ‘Does he look like to eat someone?’

Xie Anshen, with an air of confusion, as if questioning “Who am I? Where am I now”, obviously not yet comes back from such a great blow.

Cang Yan glances at the crowd. He has seen what happened just now. He looks forward, the young-silver-hair is staring at the meat on the table, unable to hide his greediness.


As if there is only meat in his eyes, nothing else on the earth can distract him.

Bai Xiaoli swallows, watches carefully the man behind the stall, “This is the meat cooked by Tianjing Hotel; I can figure it.”

The throbbing soul becomes gentle and serene, the separated soul finally integrate as a whole.

Cang Yan already confirms, this, is his soul beast, absolutely.

Cang Yan replys him with a smile, “it’s the meat from Tianjing Hotel.”

Bai Xiaoli looks at these meat and the man who makes him feel comfortable, then turns to the meat, and again the owner of the meat. Bai Xiaoli deeply wonders that why this guy is so inconsiderable. He doesn’t see how much I want to eat? Why not invite me actively to eat the meat?

“Can I take a bit?”


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