《Untainted Lands》Cyrus 2.4


Chapter 27

Cyrus 2.4

You know, there was always a thought in his mind that women were intelligent creatures. Their learning capabilities were diversely different from men. Nanny Marilyn was one example, she had an extensive knowledge on how to cook different Meat Beasts without spoiling the Vigor Energy that reside in their flesh. She knows different Concoction that could bring different outcomes. Cyrus never needed such treatment from her but that didn't stop him from sitting in her room for hours and watching her scrunch and mix different Herbs and Plants in her small Cauldron.

With the expertise that she handles her ingredients was that of knowledge about the degree of mixture every powdered Plants and Herbs needed to reach the optimize outcome. By that simple fact he knew that women were really diverse in their interest while men were dumb fool that only care for muscles and tits. Cyrus has no condemnation for their acts as he himself is one of them and can understand their mindsets but he couldn't understand why they dismissed other interest in other fields.

The Maesters were the exemption as they are just a bunch of old men who are obsessed with the world's knowledge and use unorthodox methods to extend their life as much as possible while documenting the events of the world.

The Masters that have earn the title through different means are only focus on who has the toughest muscles and the skills behind their fists. Look at Belia, who once talk to him that the Beast's Evolutions were more than meets the eye but there was no one who has spend the time to investigate them or understand their behaviors. How or why was the Evolution trigger? Is it because of age? Environment?

Cyrus at the time answer her that it was all about food. Beast's are the sons of Gluttony, one of the carnal Sins. Cyrus was aware of that knowledge since the day he awaken under the cliff. The knowledge came as a warning as he was the most savory source for them and that he was the opportunity for them to leap to a different Phase of Evolution.

Cyrus wasn't adept at investigating the inherent memories that he just get from time to time but it wasn't as if he could control it at will. These memories came in the form of dreams or visions if strong enough. The only thing he knew was that they would come when they want and not when he intent them to.

So all this rambling came thanks to the show he was looking at below. He stood on top a branch as swirling of winds whiplashed the twigs and blow the leafs around his tree. Muffle sounds came from the people exchanging moves down below him and the only thing he could say was what utter chaos the battle below was having.

In the middle he could see Nightshade with her dark powers swirling around her, not that different from the ones that coated Cyrus. The only thing was that she had the shade of red in her darkness while Cyrus had the abyss on him.

He saw her move between three or so people as they try to coerce her with their Martial Spirits. Spirits that didn't look all that Tiger-ish if he say so himself. It didn't mean that they didn’t have characteristics of one, like claws or limbs but the bodies were somewhat different. One had the body of a Bear, thick and fat, the other one a body of a bird, thin and long and yes, this one had claws of a tiger coming out of its bulge chest, the last one was slightly different. It had the outline, body of a tiger but it didn't have claws or anything that could collaborate that the Beast was a feline. It was as if it had a carapace wrap around its upper body, no fur only a shell of sort that glow with their Spiritual like light. Another different came with it’s short fore limbs and long hind legs cementing the difference between it and a Tiger even though from where he stood it had the outline of one.


The experts controlling them weren't anything special as they were middle aged men that try to catch Nightshade as she wove and wave through their attacks. She was handling herself well, not as good as he wanted but at least she wasn't running or hiding like her other two companions.

He could excuse Nancy as she was using what she had and work with it. It wasn't even half a day since she was turned and she was adjusting to her new powers but Blair? The little brat was hiding behind tree covers and looking from afar. When the young man that was looking for her found her she would quickly dove, duck and run to some bushes and crawl in all four with inhumane speed losing the poor boy that was attempting to chase after her.

Cyrus was utterly disappointed in that. The girl didn't have a sense of fighting in her. He was tempted to jump down and give her a beating himself but he stop the impulse. He sat on the tree branch and while coated in Darkness he flicker his finger towards the two girls. The wisp of vibrant red blood that pierce through Nancy back went unnoticed by her but the one that came to Blair was purposely left notice for the boy. Not hesitating he jump to the tree that Blair was hiding and she couldn't help but jump out of his way and run.

Nancy on the other hand stiffen and with a mechanical movement parry the man that was attacking her. From above Cyrus surveil everything and his eyes shimmer a diabolical glow that could cause the most zealous of man to crumble with nightmares.

"Huh? The hell!" The man was surprised that Nancy not only parry the attack he brought with his sword but that it was with her bare hand. He could see the slash that drew blood and how that slash quickly close itself while the blood that was spurting in the air was as if they receive a command and enter back to her wound.

"Guys be careful, this bitch is weird! I don't know what Demonic shit she did but the wound she received recover itself in a second and the blood I drew went back into the closing wound! Don't let their appearance fool you, they may be stronger than what they are letting on!" While he shout to his comrades Cyrus Parasite was making ways through Nancy body. Him learning what he needed to learn and understand the Transformation better.

He didn't did it prior because making a Parasite takes much of his Blood Essence. These Parasites were an extension of his Self. It inherit his Intent and thoughts and with a strong enough connection it could give him the same effect that the Mystic Bond gives between partners. The difference here is that it was a one way use and the other party beside Cyrus wouldn't know what had happened to them. Not only could he know the host body as if it was the back of his palm he could also influence their thoughts with his own or if their distance was far away for a connection then he could influence them through the Intent he attached to the Parasite with.

Cyrus learn this Ability when he enter into the Realm of Nen. In this Realm you Evolve into a phase that let you have control over your brain per say. Everyone thinks that when one is born everyone has a brain in full capacity of their potential. What most don't know is that that potential is seal, deep asleep in their bodies and waiting for the individual to grow and learn, so that later it could adapt and control whatever the Realm of Nen will gift them.


Being able to control your brain in a higher capacity than before let you discover more Abilities that your flesh hides. And one of these abilities that Cyrus has is to detach a part of his Blood, mind you, Blood that is incredibly filled with Force Energy and are Essences generally taken from his heart. He spent a whole month to be able and learn how to manipulate his blood to that degree and be able to give it an Intent to do his bidding. He came to understand that depending on the being that he used against, it dictate the concentration and energy that the Parasite would take.

Right now what he gave Nancy and Blair is that. A Blood Parasite, as he call it. One reason is to know to what degree the change have take them and the other is to manipulate them so that they can fight their enemies.

Nancy dodge a swing of the sword made of Fire. It was a weird construct actually. Cyrus has never seen anything like it and if he could compared to something it would be to the Knight's Soul Weapons. The difference here was that these ones didn't come out of their bodies and were conjured by pure Energy Flames.

Nancy twist her body under the slashing blade and with a twist of her ankle she shift to the side of the man. Her body devoid of energy. In reality, there was an energy that was running through her body, through her blood. This Energy didn’t came from the Blood like the Force but Is the Blood that it's directly moving her body instead of been the fuel for her strength. The Transformation has changed their bodies to such a degree that it needed energy to move because of the immense strength under their skin.

Nancy close her hand and form a fist. She was right beside the man. She felt the danger of the Spirit like entity that was coming down on her but even if she wanted to dodge there was something that forbid her from doing so and was commanding her to punch out. And punching out she did. With a twist of her waist she brought the weight of her body to the rib cage of the man that was still on the swing of his missed attack. The only thing he could do is watch as she punch his open ribcage with open eyes.



The bone crushing sounds follow the swirling mist and wild whistles that were spreading out on the clearing. The boy who was chasing Blair stop and look to the man that got hit by Nancy with wide open eyes while the ones battling Nightshade did the same. Making that their error.


"Yes! Hahaha!" Cyrus laugh when he saw the abrupt attack of Nightshade. Just like a Beast, she had no distractions in battle and no emotion to empathize. In the split second that her opponents stop their onslaught she took the opportunity to ripped out the throat of one of her assailant.

"Brother! Nooo!" With a shout of anguish the man with the Martial Spirit of a bird body but with Tiger claws fell down beside the one who had a body of a Bear and claws as a Tiger spirit.

While Nancy opponent was sent flying she stood frozen as she stare at her own fist in amazement. Overcome with emotions that she actually did such a swift and graceful attack that took out a expert Combatant! It wasn't until his own Martial Spirit came down and clawed Nancy back with one wide swipe that she learned one of the deadliest rules that Nightshade show to never break. That was to never distracted yourself in the middle of a fight.

She flew faster than a Cannon ball and crush through two or so trees. Mind you that trees of Named Forest were giants compare to the ones outside of them. Their thick bodies needed hundreds of people to wrap themselves around to cover it. So the degree of force behind the attack and the strength of it was something a human body couldn't take.

But Cyrus felted. From above he stare at the mangled body of Nancy as she laid in splinters of wood and earth as she made a ditch when her body touch the ground. Her broken bones were clanking against themselves, the blood was coagulating back to the body and the skin was woven back together with a series of squirming sounds. As no one was looking at her Cyrus jump down and went to her far from the battle.

"How does it feel? Do you like your new powers? Understand that having this power is like a one way ticket to eternal pain. Are you ok with that?" Cyrus red orbs flouted behind the cloths that blind him and Nancy ruin body could only laid there and look up. Cyrus was aware of her sensations, her emotions. He could feel it, now more as he was standing in front of her. What he was feeling was pain, excruciating pain, a pain he learn to live since his younger years.

"This...I... is the most... liberating night...of...my life." Cyrus smile at that and bit his finger. A trickle of blood fell down to her mouth and like a greedy person who has spent months in a dessert without water she drank it with fervor.

Her wounds started to heal more rapidly. It was such a disturbing sight seeing a mangled body repairing itself up while the splatter blood work in reverse and came back to the closing wounds while leaving black dregs behind that could cause the most indifference mind to cringe at the visual pain. Cyrus stare amazingly at the process while keenly aware of what was happening behind in the fight.

Blair stop running and stare at the young man that was a little older than Cyrus. She was afraid of the violence and feared the blood that would ensued such action. But now there was an Intent, a Will to fight. She clearly know that this was not coming from herself and knew that it was from Cyrus.

How Cyrus knew that, well... he didn't. He felted as she have looked a couple of time to his hiding place whenever she was running around. Cyrus knows that she may be a cower or a cry baby but Blair wasn't stupid. The abrupt change in Nancy behavior and the confident of her moves assured her that Cyrus was behind it. And her feeling the Intent to fight and complied with it, she wasn't stupid enough to not understand that Cyrus had a hand in her change as well.

"Not running little girl?" The young man standing before her was tall and lanky. He had a Martial Spirit of a cat somewhat similar to a Tiger, thin and long. It didn't have any of the muscles or none of a Tiger ferociousness. He was quick on his feet thought and maybe the fastest out of the bunch.

Seeing the fear in her eyes the young man grin and leap towards her from dozens of meters away. Like a cat trying to catch a mouse he stretched out his hand to hold her shoulders. Blair had no cover or distance to dodge. She stood her ground and let the Instincts screaming at her to do the work.

Like a lither butterfly she twist on her heels and spin out of the young man reach. She wasn't that far actually. An arm's length at best. But the way she spin on her heels and dodge the young man grabs infuriated him.

With a roar coming from his Martial Spirit, winds coated his limbs. The mist that was year long in the Dark Forest trail behind it and the cat like Tiger wove into becoming airy and realistic in seconds. Cyrus aware of it didn't know if this was an ability or something else. He has never seen such a thing but it wouldn't be a surprise for them to have abilities of their own.

The young man move and this time with twice the speed. Blair eyes widened in surprise and he caught her in his grasp. She shiver and started to tremble like a rabbit. Waves of fear spread throughout her body and Cyrus cringed at the strong feelings. He hiss like an animal and the parasite woven and garner more energy.

As Blair was about to voice her fear she felt her body disconnect from her mind. What happened in front of her eyes astounded her. Finger splayed out in front, nails growing out like Beast's claws her hand blur, with a single swipe she slap the young man from ear to mouth.


Blood splatter and teeth flew about. Blair didn't stop there. She jump and spin in mid air to kick the young man on the center of his chest. A blow that cave his chest inwards and send him flying out.


As if a wall was struck by a sledgehammer the sound stop the fight once more in Nightshade end. The body of the young man was flying towards them in a speed that was only slower than a shot cannon ball. Mist parted and wind whistle. The impact of the blow must have crush bones and damage organs if not out right destroy them.

Not even waiting to stand her ground Blair bolted to the trees where Cyrus was standing and appear beside him in a blur. Her breath gasping for air as she lean to an outgrowth of a root coiling out of the ground. "I...did it, I fought my first battle!" Well, she was happy at least.

Nancy healing was under way and even though she was cover in blood and her winter coat was damage with her pale skin illuminating in the darkened atmosphere of the forest. Cyrus stare at Blair through his blindfolds and later said, "go and get the body of the man that Nancy blew away earlier." It sounded like a command and as she heard it her hunched body stiffened and straighten up. Without hesitation she turn and went back to look for the body of the man.

"So...is true that...you can command us." Cyrus look down at her and tilted his head, an expression of utter lost on his face. "I... figure much from our short interactions. The two time you ask me for something...I would stiffen without any warning and later your Will becomes my own. I don't know...how to explain it but...it was as if I wanted...to do your biddings. That I wanted to please you." Cyrus didn't answer to that and stare hard at her blue glowing eyes. After being turn their eyes glow as if there was a lantern inside their skull that lit things up through the eyes. Even though there are shades of red in the eyes it didn't drown the natural color they had prior. It only brought them to life with light.

"I realized that myself for that matter. Are you uncomfortable that I can enforce my Will on yours without permission?" Nancy chest was taking deep breath and was now heal presentably. Her twisted limbs have reorganize themselves and her mess up clothes, well that's a work for later.

"No, I actually love it! It's a pleasure I never thought of having. Not even when I was married with that man and we indulge in sex did I had the pleasure that I had in serving you." Ohh, Cyrus didn't expect that answer. He truly didn't. It was because from his point of view he wouldn't want to have someone to impose on his Will like he did to them.

The simple fact that he spent half of his life hole in a place filled with Beasts by the wishes of people who fear him never abided well in his mouth but he had Belia throughout those years so at least he didn't disliked. Now however, Cyrus wouldn't have anyone imposing their wishes on his own. If Cassandra wasn't as interesting as he saw her to be he wouldn't even glance at the suppose arrangement twice.

He only did things that he would like and wouldn't care what others want on less that aligned with his interest. Cyrus put back his attention to the battle still happening and threw his distracted thoughts to the back of his mind.

"You Monster! What the fuck are you guys?" The bald man of the two kneeled beside the boy that was spewing blood from his mouth. The man with a trimmed beard was exchanging moves with Nightshade and the savagery of his attacks went two folds up.

The bird like Spirit had two long claws that were felines in nature. Seeing it Cyrus could mistake them with Tiger claws. The mouth of the creature was a mismatch of a snout and beak with sharp fangs that came out of its side. The wings were in form of red flames and the talons were similar to that of an eagle. With it, it was fast with it's swiping claws and head thrusts but Nightshade was a creature in her own league.

Her specialty laid in weight and speed. Her blood had this amalgamation that multiply in weight, and as if the heavy pounded scales she had in the past didn't went away but hide in her blood, her speed soared like, as if her scaly wings were still in her person. Her Darkness like power was something she inherit directly from Cyrus just like the others.

The difference here was that while Frozenfire, Stonequake and Devour had an attribute that they exceeded at Nightshade didn't. Frozenfire is from the race of Chaos Birds. A race that is born with twin opposite attributes. Stonequake is from the race of Tortoises but not of the turtles of the seas but creatures who are born with Stones on their backs for reasons unknown. Their attributes correlate with earth and vibrations. Devour on the other hand is from a race that Swallow indiscriminately. Their primary source being the densest and most concentrated form of energy known to man, lightning.

Every single one of them needed a piece of himself to complete the Metamorphosis and become the Monsters they are now. Nightshade on the other hand had nothing, only the strange ability of her blood and the genius of learning through fighting. So when she took a piece of him she inherited all.

As the wings of the Martial Spirit came down on her head Nightshade stood her ground. She lift her hand and catch the five meter long wing. *BOOOM!* The ground cave in and the trees shook. This was the first direct confrontation beside the dodging and faint attacks. The bearded man eyes widened. Martial Spirit are construct of weight and strength. It didn't mean that because they were Spirit that they didn't have physical weight under their attacks. Moreover with an eight meter tall Martial Spirit with wings five meter across. It didn't necessarily meant that could soar through the sky like a Bird of Prey but it could fly short distances and was faster than any land animal in close quarters combat.

Nightshade azure eyes stare at the man and the tips ends of her hair rose. They were blood red. They glow in the darken atmosphere of the forest. Her hood whiplashed with the swirling winds that escape from her. Her Raven Hair was mesmerizing and no one can deny that Nightshade was a beauty. A bestial one with eyes of a predator and strength to match it up but still, anyone would flinch when they saw her beautiful sharp and strong expression on her face. She didn't look like a soft, weak girl but wasn't any less attractive than a noble lady from one of those High Cities on the south.

On her hair lines horns started to make their appearance. From afar Cyrus saw the widened eyes of the man, from that Cyrus confirm a doubt he had before. It seems that if his Guardian Monsters don't use their Powers or Abilities their animalistic characteristics wouldn't appear to the untrained eyes.

He wanted to ask about why Lanier and Stan didn't see her horns but so much had happened that he threw the thought to the back on his mind.

Cyrus saw her powering up and could heard the strong heart beat on her chest. Cyrus hiss in hunger and his fangs elongated themselves on their own. He was ravenous, beside Belia's Blood he never had such an incline to quench his thirst with anyone else besides what he felt with Nightshade. It must be how high quality the blood actually is and that it may be one of a kind in the world for all he knows. That put her on a pedestal in his eyes and he would sure cherish her for that.

Nightshade claws were already out and dripping with blood from the ripped throat that was thrown on the side. The man with a bald head managed to successfully help the boy that had his chest cave in by a kick from Blair and look at Nightshade body. Staring at her horns he said with gritted teeth, "so you are one of those unholy creatures of Creation? A Demon, huh!" In that moment Cyrus saw something completely unexpected. The Ring that the man had shimmer in light for a second and he could see the squirming Präná appear out of nowhere in the atmosphere and culminate in the dull stone of the Ring. Magically an object appear on his hand.

A silver sword, when that sword appear it vibrated on it's own and from afar Cyrus saw Nightshade cringed at the sound and take a step back as if something hit her. Cyrus eyes behind the blindfolds were wide in shock. In his perception his black world was change to one of Silver-White. Ripples spread out from the sword and they all concentrated on Nightshade body as if the ripples weren't traveling equally through the air but were guided directly towards her.


"Did you think we came out unprepared for situations like this? Demon! Prepare for slaughter, you and your kind would disappear from our lands." With that he leap forward with sword in hand. Soon after the sword was coated with flames, the orange flames inheriting a wisp of Silver White radiance from the strange weapon. Nightshade was still holding her head but when the man was two step from her, she whipped a hand towards him with a speed that was anything like before.

A swipe later a head flouted on the air. A soft curve later it drop down. Cyrus appear beside the falling body of the man and stare at the sword on the man's hand. He touched and hiss in pain. Shockwaves spread throughout his heart and it was the first time he felt something like this.

The skin on his palm turn red at the touch and it was itchiness that spread instead of pain but it was still uncomfortable for him to make him flinch. "What did you feel?" He asked her while studying the sword body. She walk to his side and stare at the sword as well and said, "I don't know, when he imbued the thing with his energy the sword started to scream in this high pitch tone. It was distracting and annoying. The only thing he could do was cause that discomfort but my instinct scream to me that I shouldn't let him touch me with that sword." Cyrus nodded and turn to the man that was still standing shock while looking at the headless corpse.

"You, what do you know about this strange weapon?" The man flinch when Cyrus address him but he didn't speak. He kept staring at the dead body of his friend? Or brother? Cyrus didn't know nor did her care about the relationship in Martial Clans. He only care about this strange weapon. "Oy! Are you going to answer me or ignore me?" He ignore him once more and Cyrus said, "alright, Blair come here." With a Blur Blair appear beside him and Cyrus wave his hand as a hand of darkness grab the lanky, tall boy. At that the man made a reaction but it was too late. "Here eat, a fight like that consume a lot of energy. Especially to beings like us who use different energy than others creatures on this land."

Blair didn't fight it this time and grab the boy from the weaving shadows and in front of the man wide eyes he saw a thirteen years old girl grab a tall young man who could easily be twice her size and bite him on the neck. Blood spurted out of his neck and the unconscious male open his eyes wide in pain.

"ARGHH! What....? No, stop... don't, I don't want....to,die...." It was only at moments like this that Cyrus realized how much and grave the bite actually is. Blair, an easily scare girl, an easily crying girl becomes a ravenous beasts at the feeling of hunger and at the sight of blood. In front of the eye of the bearded man he saw how the body of the boy wrinkle on himself and his skin dry with a speed visible to the naked eyes.

With the hold she had on his body the man could see how easily she was crushing his bones in her grasp and how she was twisting it out of shape and form to get out the lasts of his drinkable blood.

The sight was horrendous compare to anything he has seen in the inner space. Cyrus read it in his eyes. From behind the trees a shadow with a dragging body came into view. Nancy clothes were ripped off and her right side was bare to see. Her bare breast were bare to see and in her hand a mummified body dragged behind. The bearded man eyes tremble and he fell back on his back. He was trembling like a rabbit and he sure had reason to. Cyrus wasn't playing right now and he demanded answer from the man and if he doesn't answer, Cyrus would make sure for him to have an unforgettable experience...

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