《Untainted Lands》Belia 2.2


Chapter 26

Belia 2.2

Heading to the Martial Field Belia traverse the maze of stone and bricked streets. Her speed practically skipping above ground as she ran to search for her brothers. She quickly understood the severity of the situation. Martial Clans appearing out of nowhere, the suspicion of the King, the death of the Grandmaster and the hostility the Clans have towards the citizens of the Seven Kingdoms.

Belia wasn't dumb and she now could understand that abrupt proposal from the King, albeit, she didn't like it one bit but it was the necessary step to unite the two Houses under the same banner.

The Kylong Household aren't look favorly by the Nobles of the Seven Kingdoms. The High Nobles that govern their own Kingdoms are ancient Houses dating back to the Ages of Heroes when Äsbólöng fought against Ventimir in that Cataclysmic battle.

Those High Nobles who stood at top of the government of the Seven Kingdoms are Houses that have deep pockets and lots of resources. These long established Houses didn't liked when a new House like the Kylong usurped the last Royal Household and climbed the Throne.

So in her view it wasn't surprising that plots and scheme would be at play when they dealt with the Grandmaster. What confuse her is the appearance of the Martial Clans, what the King say makes sense. The abrupt appearance was calculated. They all decided to show up at this time and come out of those Hidden Mountains to step into the Seven Kingdoms. What plans do they have? She couldn't figured out.

What Belia wanted to know was the incident in the Marital Field. The shockwave came from there and that Battle Prowess was something that only Great Masters like Uncle Ash could unleash.

Passing the Gatehouse Belia's feet were illuminated by a cyan hue that brought an airy feeling to her soles. She wasn't stepping on the ground but skipping through it. It wasn't a Battle Skill that push her speed like that and neither was it the Force she has spent half her life polishing. It was something else.

Another type of energy that she didn't understand but could control with a small intent on her part. The Air particles follow her command at Will and let her skip through the ground without touching it. This wasn't the Flouting Steps State when one Force reach a certain degree of polishing but a command on the Element of the Wind.

She knows that what is propelling her wasn't the speed her physical body could produce but what that energy could command. It was the first time that this has happened to her and it all came when she reached the next level in Cultivation. She woke up today with the Aura of Reality coating her body like a thick viscous, slimy like liquid. It felt different from the Airy feeling and look that big Lan taught her.

This Aura of Reality was heavy and alive, she was sure of that and it could think on its own. Why she knew that, she didn't know but it was more of the intent behind the new energy than a concrete proof of the matter.

Passing the wooden fence of the town she already saw groups after groups of town folks entering the gates. Everyone whispering and murmuring.

When Belia reach the grass field outside the town gates she saw the mess. The Martial Arena was a wide rectangular slap of Fusion Stones perfectly embedded on the hard ground. Four pillars stood at their corner and all the grass that surround it was burn to a crisp.


She looks through the masses of people who were taking their leaves of the Martial Field and search the Pavilions on the cliff wall. Soon finding her brothers in a larger one that was surrounded with the City Guards, the Royal Guards and Knights.

"Stan! Big Lan! Are you alright, what happen?" Dropping the usage of that special energy she stepped on the cold grass and ran towards the open pavilion that was filled with large men. Everyone turn to her and she felt her mind shake by the heavy feeling. Their nerves were drawn to a taunt and their Force was circulating without rest. The amalgamation of energy overlapped one another and created a force field of sort. Intruding into their area unannounced was a mistake on her part.

The Force squirming in the air disappeared as they took notice of her and they open a path to the middle were a long table with chairs laid. A fire pit in the background gave the room the light it needed but not the warmth it deserve.

Belia rapidly notice her brothers that were sitting together and ran towards them when she saw her eldest brother pale like snow. "What happen to you?" She quickly grabbed his arms and didn't need to hear the answer to know. His force was practically non-existent. The Energy Veins that illuminated the Inner Bodies of Martial Practitioners was dim in Lanier body. If she didn't feel the pulse of the Aperture she would have taught that her brother was cripple.

"Don't worry girl, this dumbass just use all his energy without leaving anything to spare inside. Now look at him, he is weaker than a Forceless Human." She turn to Uncle Ash and saw him chewing on a drum stick that was bigger than his chest. She looked at the other sitting in the table and even though they were eating or drinking they had heavy faces that could be felt by the way their Force was circulating in their bodies.

General Beévarn look at her and said, "you came from the castle, right?" She nodded and he continue, "I bet his majesty know what happen here, right. What did he say?" He eyed her and everyone waited for her to answer. She gulp down the questions she originally had and answer, "his majesty the King know that Martial Cultivators have come to cause trouble so he isn't worry about that. What he spoke in the castle is what worry him. That is that not long ago a Crow deliver a letter saying that Hidden Mountains have appear around the continent. North, South, West and East. It's seem that the events have been going out for a while now and tonight the message was finally delivered to his majesty hands. He didn't say anymore than that but I think Ser Beévarn knows what to do following this." As she figures he rapidly stood up after hearing that and with a couple of commands he disperse the Royal Guards and Knights. He excuse himself and left the open pavilion with some of the City Guards and the Masters of the Castle.

"What ye all waiting for? Go to your post and don't keep on wasting time!" Uncle Ash shouted at the ones that stood behind and everyone ran. Belia turn and look at Stan. Her eyes say what her mouth didn't voice. Stan scratch his ears and answer her with a half smile, "well, you see. Everything was going well. The guards were having a fun time and the Masters were exchanging skills but it all went to hell when that young man appear." Belia long eyebrows were lift up and stare at Stan, not speaking until he finished. "That guy was a Martial Cultivator. He intrude into the Martial Arena and started to challenge everyone and here your big brother as battle hungry as always accepted. The battle was short and fast. Here, your brother didn't indulge in the fight because he wasn't fighting alone."


Belia asked him, "not fighting alone? What do you mean?" Stan took a mug and drank from it. From the foam on his lips it was beer like always. The men of the north love beer because it brought a inner heat that their bodies love.

Stan clean his mouth and continue, "yeah, this guy manage to call a Dire Wolf to battle. You know that the Wolves are around the Valley hidden from the folks and Masters eyes. If they don't deem the situation as worth it they wouldn't appear in front of others and would focus on living on their own around the valley or hunting in the forest. This time, Shaggy Hair came and wanted to battle with big Lan against that Martial Cultivator." Belia gasp when she heard that.

Magical Beasts are as intelligent as normal Humans. Depending on the nature of the Beast they may have a variety of intelligence but overall they have the option to choose. Is not because you have the Noble Bloodline that they attached themselves with, you can automatically control them and command them like slaves or pets as most of the world see them.

There are different criterion to obtain the loyalty or the acceptance of the Creatures friendship. You can obtained in anyway possible, the most and sure prof way is raising them since birth. After all, they are partners not pets. In a sense the relationship is equal from both parties but in the eyes of the public, the Magical Beasts are seen as pets after all, it was because of them that the High Nobles Houses have govern the land for thousands of years

A problem that few know but was an open secret was that Magical Beasts have long lifespans. Their reproduction is horrendous compare to Beasts and having a young, new born cub and a young, toddler Noble growing up together to form that unshakable bond is not necessary easy.

The Ashcolds have a hundred Dire Wolves in the valley and some extremely strong ones spread out in the Black Forest. That's why the kids of the Ashcolds always train since really young with the wolves of the valley. They follow them around, bath with them, eat with them and sleep with them. So that a relationship could be born between them.

Right now the only Ashcold who has a partner in his shadow is her Lord father. The three siblings have no official partner and there's only the ones who were already young adults that grew up with them. Shaggy Hair is one of them and he has never shown any interest in fighting with Lanier in anything. No matter if it was in a hunt or when he went to the Gate for the Graduation. Shaggy Hair only follow big Lan to guard him but never to fight beside him.

The importance of such act signifies that Shaggy Hair has chose big Lan as his partner. That's worth it's celebration.

Belia smile was genuine for once in this night. Is not even midnight and she felt like the whole night has gone long enough. "Was that Martial Cultivator so strong that it threatened to hurt Shaggy Hair?" Stan shook his head and continue, "is not necessary that per say, the Martial Cultivator called out the Martial Spirit they always boast about." Belia blinked and didn't answer as those words sink in.

Martial Spirit...

"Wait, what?" Of course she was shock. Martial Spirit are things from the Ages past. It was said that the ability to call something from another aspect of reality was a thing that was cut off from their linage just how the Nobles lost the Bloodline abilities from their ancestors.

They may boast about the ability to call Martial Spirit but few could actually accomplish that. Just how few could still use magic in this day and age, moreover the ones who can do such feats are the Elders of the Clans who are Above the Aura of Reality as such Belia was shock when Stan mention that a young man could do it.

"Yes, Lia, that man was not even older than me and he could do such a thing. It could only means a couple of things, that that man was a genius in the same caliber as Royal Princess Cassandra or that there's something that the Martian Clans experience that we don't know." Uncle Ash intervene in that moment and said, "what the brat said is correct. I saw that Princess and there's no way that young man can stand on her toes. That Princess is either a reincarnated goddess or a monster in human skin like that boy of darkness. That leaves me to believe that the Martian Clans have experience a change that we don't know about, I am even more convince now thanks to the message that his majesty the King received." Belia brows furrowed when she heard the evaluation of her uncle. She loves him but praising that woman in front of her made her stomach turn.

Belia really hated her. Now more than ever but she didn't know why. Surely it could be because of the whole arrangement between her and Cyrus but there was something else, more than just jealousy. The energy inside the Aperture cringe every time her images came to mind. It was a weird feeling that surpassed emotions.

"What makes you think that uncle?" Finishing chewing some meat left in the bone he answered her, "because I have participated in the Martial Conversion more than five times. I know what Martial Cultivator are, how they look at us and why." Belia took a seat and waited for him to continue. Drinking from a huge mug that was as big as his torso, he finish the remainder of what was inside and said, "in the past, the Martial Cultivators have always boasted about the ability to call Martial Spirit with no evidence to show. Even you have been taught about that knowledge. But did you know that it wasn't a boast of their large mouth but the truth?" Stan brows were furrowed and he said, "if that's true then why didn't they use it in the Conversion every time the two sides exchange skills?"

Uncle Ash look at him with his one eye and said, "because they couldn't use it in this part of the land." Now Belia was confused. He read her expression and continue. "You were taught that in the past the world was fill with Magic right?" They all nodded, even the Master who were still there and didn't left like the others who had post to fill agreed with him. "Then you know the legend of Devil and Gods." Belia couldn't help but correct him in that and said, "Tale of The Devil and Gods." Ash nodded at that and continue.

"Well, there was once a man who was different from everyone else. No one understood him and no one care about him. He was an outcast, but not of his village, not of his town, nor of his City. Neither of his country nor of his kingdom. He was a outcast from the human race. As such he never had a place to belong, he never had family or friends. No one taught him the ways of life and beasts became his companion in crime. He did outrageous things to the human race but he never found fault in his deeds. He carry himself as if he wasn't born human and did things that even monsters wouldn't. It continues until the gods intervene. They send their sons and daughters to out an end to this abomination of nature and that cause the Cataclysmic fight between Ventimir and Äsbólöng."

The story was overly simplified but it was accurate nonetheless. After a short pause Uncle Ash continue.

"Äsbólöng as the son of one of the strongest gods he created a group of Noble Heroes who protected the lands from the atrocities of Ventimir and his Beasts. These Heroes were also descendants of gods just like Äsbólöng but even with such an entourage they couldn't defeat Ventimir. So they did the unthinkable and deprived the world of its Magic and used against Ventimir and all of his creatures. This e turned on the current climate of the world were Magic is gone and the bloodlines of the ancestors were cut. I tell you this because when that event occur the land change." Before he continues big Lan said. "The Break of Ashkavir!" Belia wanted to palm herself. Big Lan wasn't the brightest of the Ashcold siblings and he wasn't fast in conversations, he may be a genius fighter but he wasn't a quick thinker. The Break of Ashkavir was big Lan favorite tale it was older than the Tales of The Devil and Gods.

Ashkavir is a huge World. Something in it's history left it scarred. Who knows how many years the world actually had. When the map of the world was finished and spread throughout the lands what is seen is broken landmasses. There were continents spread out with the land were Belia was born in the middle. The north part is unexplored. It stop in a wall like mountain that stretched from East to West. One part frozen, the other barren. A gigantic Gate laid between two mountains in the East with a stretch of hills, forest and lakes south of there.

Down in the extremities of the south was a tundra that ended on a desert in the west and stretched down to a massive land bridge towards a continent in the south. This land bridge wasn't connected per say. How it was draw it look like dried, cracked earth. In between filled with water depicting the Hundred Sea Islands. This was one of the prof of Ashkavir unnatural formations. Continuing south was the Wild Continent were many Savage Beasts are born in.

On the east side of the world map there was a longer and bigger continent that continue on horizontally towards the edge of the land were no details were shown and in the west there was only the corner of what one would think as the coastal areas of another huge continent. Nothing more was explore and for a couple hundreds of years or so the map hasn't be updated.

When they were little and were studying together under the guide of the Maester, big Lan was enamored with the map. He always swore that he would finished and fight all the great experts that lives within them. It's why he love the tale of The Break of Ashkavir.

"No Lan, that if, the stories are true is a tale way, way before the Tales of The Devil and Gods. If they are true then the Break happen thousands of generations before the Age of Heroes and mostly was the Ancient World where the Relics belong. No one knows what happen in those times, we can derived from what we know from the stories. From the Tales of The Devil and Gods we can confirm that the Gods existed once upon a time and that they had descendants that were the ancestors of the Nobles of the past." Stan now said before Uncle Ash could continue.

"Then does that mean we are descendants of gods?" Uncles Ash shook his head at that and continue, "no, is more complicated than that and this is not what I am trying to tell you guys about. The point of me mentioned this is because when that battle, war or whatever is depicted in Tales of The Devil and Gods happen. The world change, thousands of miles of space disappear. When it would take months to reach a place became weeks, mountains that stood in the land disappear and a great number of humanity went to another space. This space is another world inside our own. What's inside, I don't know but I do know is that Martial Cultivators train there and could use their full power inside. Here, on the outside, they couldn't use that power and for some reason they had the obligation to converse the powers of this continent and host a tournament of sort to gauge the strength of mankind. So seeing a young man doing that you could imagine the shock to the people who knows the inside information. Moreover, now knowing that all the Hidden Mountains are appearing around the continent then chaos will follow the land."

"You all need to keep in mind that even though Martial Cultivators could roam the lands of Vendelia but they could never stay outside. They needed to go back and continue whatever they were doing inside. So you can imagine what would happen when these Clans come out with ambition towards the lands of Vendelia." Belia brows were furrowed and she look at her uncle and ask, "you mentioned that you know why there are hostility between us right?" Uncle Ash stare at her and smile, a half ugly smile.

"Well, is not that hard. Think about it, they once roam these lands with us and we can't confirm if the power they hold is the after effects of staying in the other space or the inheritance that their ancestors left behind but there's one thing that is true, and that is that this land was once theirs. Think what you want, for hundreds of years the Martial Conversion was more of an event to estimate how strong the human race have been growing through all these years than an actual competition to gauge who side is stronger and stroke our egos. Remember that we aren't the ones who stand at the top of the food chain in this lands. There are bigger, better and stronger predators out there and only our semblance of civilization have kept us alive."

Belia remain silence but not long after throw another question, "do you know why they can't remain outside and need to go into their Mountains once again?" Uncle Ash shrugged and said, "have you seen a fish out of water? Applied the same rules to them. Maybe is because of the difference in environment and the way they train but they can't recuperate like we do with Breathing Exercises, since the moment they are out they are on a finite use of energy and they need to later enter their Mountains before they asphyxiate outside." Uncle Ash stood up and stretch his back and look at the Masters, "go and rest. We soon need to get these brats out to the real world and let them experience the horrifying forces of the Gate." With that they all nodded and left with a shift of their bodies. Uncle Ash walk out of the pavilion and say while looking over his shoulders, "kids, go and rest, tomorrow we may begin the journey to the Gate." With that he leap and disappeared from their sight.

Belia was quite while sitting and no one spoke again. It was until ten minutes or so that she ask, "where is Cyrus? Have you guys seen him?" They both shook their heads and Belia sigh. "Now this is trouble." Stan stood up and said, "why? He will just spend the night out like yesterday. He may be in the Broken Mountains for all we know." Belia shook her head and said, "no, I know him. If he is in the Black Forest or even a mile or two outside it he would be aware of the new intruders. He has an extreme sense of smell and he is aware of all the native life inside the forest. If these Martial Cultivators happen to close on him he would kill them for the fun of it. That's how he is. Martial Cultivators are different from us. Cyrus would pick that up and stalk them with predatory interest. When they become useless he would dispose of them."

Stan gulped and Belia noted the nervousness that overcame him. She said, "you remember the day you meet him in Lord Father's study? You know that a day prior he had a brutal fight with Night Blur. Father came to know about his tendencies for violence and aggression. Problems that father and the Masters that knew him saw at the time, the danger of it came with the playfulness of his actions. He may have be aggressive or violent but he never did it because of anger or hatred, he did it because he could and wanted. That's why when he sees the Martial Cultivators inside the forest the first thing he would do is to coerce them to a fight or scare them to a fight. It can go either way but we have to wait and see what he tell us later if he comes tonight." With that they also exited the pavilion walking through the field with heavy mind and a heavy heart.

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