《Untainted Lands》Belia 1.2


Chapter 7

Belia 1.2

Coming out of her room Belia enter the hallway and walk on the soft blue fur carpet. The carpet was made from the Blue Fire Beasts that nested in the Karst Caves on the western part of the Mountain wall. The carpet brought a warmth just like the candles hanging on the walls but milder in nature. She continues down the hallway and went down on the spiral steps that lead to the first floor hall. Walking down she found servants and maids rushing up and down beside her. Some were scrubbing the stone walls, others were changing the candles and the rest move flowers and other decorations around the castle.

Reaching the first hall, she looks at the coming and going of the servants and couldn't help but laugh at their antics. It's a first for all of them to truly clean up the whole castle and decorating it. These servants and maids were mostly family members of the Masters of Valleyfall, they were young and only have done some manual work around the castle but never something this extravagant. Passing through the wide hall she went deeper and enter the dining hall at the end of the first hall.

Opening the door a breath of refreshing smell enter her nose. Looking at the long table on top the small stage she saw it filled with all sorts of food to break fast. Breath crumbs fill with honey. Fry eggs, boiled eggs, scrambled eggs. They were neatly put on baskets lining up the table. There also were big, thick, long, greasy beacon from the Big Blooded Pigs. At the side, rice were wrapped in leaves that seems to give it a special spicy flavor. Her father and most of the male in the castle love spicy foods so it wasn't weird to have it this early in the morning, beside it there was shop down fish that came from the freezing river at the western mountains with milk from Sleeping Cows for drinks.

On the tables there were already people eating. Her mother, uncle Ash and some Masters. "Good morning lady mother," Belia said with a bow. Uncle Ash stood across her and he was the second strongest man in the castle, a man in his forties with Ash grey hair and half of a face melted off. When she was little he was the one who scares her the most but now he's her favorite out of all the Masters. "Belia! Good morning girl. How was your night." Ash turned to her and shouted in his loud and somewhat obnoxious voice. This was one of the things she loves about uncle Ash, he was an energetic and eccentric man, one filled with positive vibes that could make anyone days happier.

"It was nice and comfortable, thanks for asking uncle." She quickly climb over the steps and sat beside uncle Ash. "Where are your brothers?" While taking a knife and peeling the skin off an apple he asked. "I don't know. Yesterday Tharlos told me that they were training behind the castle at the back tower." She also reach out and took a loaf of bread and split it open while also taking a spoon and putting butter inside. Filling it with scrambled eggs as she enjoyed with a cup of milk at her side.

"They went to the Broken Mountains to find Cyrus." At this time nanny Marilee enter through the back door and brought a tray filled with more fruits. She put it in a corner of the table to let the other Masters grab as much as they like as she walked around and sat close to Belia. Lady Liana furrows her brows and look at nanny Marilee for answer, Belia also look over and waited for her to continue. "Stan manage to breakthrough to the Aura of Reality last night and Lanier and him had this urge to spar with Cyrus so I told them that he must be in that cave he likes to spend so much time on."


Belia let a 'ohh' and continue eating while a smile spread across her mother's face. She saw it in her shining eyes that she was clearly excited about her son breakthrough. "Do they know that his majesty the king will be arriving today." Marilee nodded her head and said, "They must be running back now and will probably reach here soon." As she finished the door of the hall open up. Stan and Lanier enter with wobbly legs and one look at them anyone could tell that they took a beating. Belia bread almost fell from her hand at the site of her older brothers. They both came with coat on but they weren't button up and their bare chest and abdomen were clearly on display.

They were covered in bruises and bumps, Stan has a cracked lip that went down to his chin and Lanier had a big black eye. Uncle Ash had a big, thick, juicy beacon on his mouth as he turned around and stared at both of them, later he roared in laughter. The other Masters on the table stop cutting fruit and look in amazement at the boys new look and also follow uncle Ash in laughter. Lady Liana abruptly stood up from her chair and her Aura flare like a raging candle light, everyone shut up. She crushed the knife in her hand and said, "the hell happened to the both of you!" Lanier had a stupid grin on his face while Stan fidget slightly in embarrassment.

"We got beat up." Lanier said as he walked up the stage and took a seat on the other side of Uncle Ash taking the last big, juicy beacon from his plate. Stan sat down beside nanny Marilee and gave everyone on the table an awkward smile. "Lady mother calm your anger. We were just sparing, now that I have reached the Aura of Reality I can bring forth the power of Battle Skills to another level. As such I wanted to taste the power of the Fighting Wolf Art of our Household, is nothing to be mad about. I think without this beating I wouldn't have consolidate my new realm and be able to unleash the Art with more ease." Stan took fry eggs and bread crumbs and started to break fast.

Liana sat back down with a scoff and said, "that little monster is getting out of hand. He dare to have a heavy hand with my baby boys. Belia I forbids you to give him your drinks for a week. Let's see how he fare with that." Belia almost choked on her milk and stare at her mother in shock. Taking Cyrus drink is like taking his food, his lifeline, and for a whole weak? Does her mother wants the whole castle to crumble down at his rage. Her blood, beside satisfying his hunger it also calm his mind, without it... Belia shiver at the thought.

Gulping down the milk she look at her mother and said, "Mother, you must calm down. You know how special he is, the drinks help him and us in more ways than one. Remember who were the ones who brought him up to this place and seal him there." The other Masters also nodded as they know first hand what kind of monster that boy is. His anger would know no bounds and the only one who can calm him would be Belia.

Lady Liana look mad but didn't say anything else, as her mother she more or less knows about Cyrus special circumstances, albeit she has never seen him awaken but the thought of too much power in that single body rampaging through the castle really made her worried. And she knows that the boy is not bad, he's just different. She also cares for him, in her way but none of less she still care. But to Cyrus, he really didn't appreciate it and was only closer with Belia and the boys somewhat. Beside them, Bethran was the only one who can have conversations with him, she as the mother of the children and wife of the Lord of the castle got as much attention as a crawling ant on a tree.


Belia knows that her mother care about Cyrus, after all, the one who took care of him when he was sick or badly injured was her and not the servant nor nanny Marilee. But most of those times he would be unconscious and always thought it was Belia that nurse him back to health.

Every little time they saw each other out in the open, they were always bickering between them. Lady Liana never told him that she was the one that nurse him back to health nor Brethan made him aware of it.

"When you finish up come with me so that I can make a medicine bath for your bodies." Nanny Marilee said as she also started her breakfast.

The clanking sounds of metal was heard outside the door as Maester Eustace enter with his grey, woven fur robe that were a little too big for the old man small, weak body. A servant boy opened the door for him as he walked in with a big ancient looking book on his hand. The book cover was made from some beast fur as the edges was embroidered with bronze and copper. He had his round, big glasses on his face as he read the book while walking half of the hall. Belia look at him and thought how can his thin, branch like hand hold that big, thick book.

After entering he look up and lock eyes with Belia. She saw his saggy eyes brighten as he literally jump over the steps and went to Belia side. *BANG* He put the book beside her plate and she realized that it was more heavy that she initial thought. "Lady Belia! Look, that boy from last night is a Warg!" She and the others look up at him weirdly as they couldn't understand him.

She gulped down half the chew up food in her mouth and look at him, "Maester Eustace you could take a sit and be a little more clear on what you are talking about." Maester Eustace was so preoccupied with the book that he forgot where he was and look at everyone on the table. "Forgive this old man manner. Good morning lady Liana and masters." He bowed and quickly took a chair and dragged around half the table and sat down beside Belia.

He took the book and said, "Belia, look at this. This is a book dating back to the ages of the Kings of Winter. Thousand of years back. It says here that Wargs are humans born with the Innate Magical Talent to befriend or manipulate beasts. It let them enter their mind and see what they see, smell what they smell and taste what they eat. Is different from the Taming Art taught around the continent. The Taming Art is a skill one needs to cultivate and have the power to implement. But Warging is on another level, they can enter the mind of beasts and wear their skin, they can morph them to do anything that the Warg desire. What I saw yesterday was the same as what it tells in this book. That boy didn't do anything, it didn't fight it, it didn't release his aura to scared. The boy just touch it while whispering words to it and the beast was under his control. This is the trait of a Warg!"

Belia look at the old man that was spouting spit by how excited he was. She didn't know what a Warg was or what it meant, but if it's only about the control of inferior intelligent beast then to the other things he can do, this doesn't seem all that great. Nanny Marilee look at Maester Eustace and ask while she serve him a plate of breakfast. "What's this Warg? Isn't just be able to control some beast, beside those things that you mention there’s not that much different from what the Taming Art does, yeah less magical but their used are mostly the same."

Maester Eustace took the plate with some toast bread covered with grapes jell, apple pie and a cup of hot coffee at the side. "The same? What happen if I told you that Wargs can control Magical Beast." Nanny Marilee just sat back down and look at the Maester with eyes of surprise at what he just mention.

Belia also lean back on the cushions of the chair and she was slightly surprised. Magical Beast, different from Beasts of Nature that live in the wild are creatures with the same level of intelligence as humans. Just like the Dire Wolves of her Household. Since ancient times these beasts have walked the earth side by side with humans, even long before humans knew how to cultivate and tap to the universal force call Martial Power. In the ancient past long before humans recording, when the land was a giant piece of mass in the world. Humans and Beast lives were interconnected.

In those times there were no Royal or Imperial system, no government over the human race. A time where only the strongest Lifeforms survive. In those times the only sense of governance was the Ancients of the past, the now long gone Martial Clans and Immortal Schools that proclaim themselves to receive Esoteric Knowledge from otherworldly beings from the other side. But they could only communicate with those beings in their own respective territory and region. Making those tales be filled with skepticism and superstitions. Comparing those sayings with the whole landmass that was named Askhomir, the influence that had over the human race was miniscule and barely visible in history. The men of those days were only playing strong to survive and not to rule the world.

In those dark ages the humans didn't have anyone nor anything to depend on, only their bodies and intelligent. But, Magical Beast came to the human race and bonded with them, becoming partners and surviving together as a group. The Maesters of the Tower of Knowledge claim that beside the rare Mutant Beasts in the world. Beasts that have deviated from their ancestors, the next thing the humans will not see free roaming in the world would be Magical Beast who are now on the verge of extinction.

The remaining Magical Beast that roam the earth are the ones already partner up with their respective families. Only people who have direct and pure bloodline would be able to make bonds with these Magical Creatures. Even a bastard can't if it has a baseborn parent. The Magical Creatures will be hyper sensitive towards their respective partner bloodline and purer bloodlines makes their connection stronger.

Belia knew this since the moment she started reading. As a daughter of High Nobles and surrounded by the partners of her household she came to know a lot about them.

Master Creg at the far end of the table spoke, "you saying that little brat has the potential of taking control over magical beasts from other families?" He was a warrior in his twenties and was built like a fortress. The men of the north emphasize not only the Circulation of the Martial Force inside their bodies but they took pride and honor on their robust physique. Even a thin, slim man from the north would show outstanding physical abilities on the far south.

Maester Eustace look at him and then later down at the book. He adjusts his big magnifying glasses and swipe a couple of pages before quoting the book, "Wargs may be able to steal the control of Magical Beast from their respective familiar companion but that would only be a forceful process as what Magical Beast are attached to are not necessarily at the person but more at the blood. In year 193 A.C King Bhergard's Dire Wolf, Black Alpha was stolen by an outlander that made his way to the north. The outlander and King Bhergard's Master Warriors fought for two days outside the black forest. Destroying mount Furru. The battle ended on King Bhergard being killed by its own partner and the outlander was never seen as it escape with Black Alpha to the Unknown Tundras in the south."

He closed the book and look up at Master Creg and said, "this is the only instant found were a Magical Creature was stolen from its partner and was even forced to kill it and eat his flesh." Belia listen fascinated by the tale of more than a thousand years ago.

Master Creg nodded with a frown and continue peeling more apple for his plate. Maester Eustace look at lady Liana and ask, "Where's Lord Brethan? I went to his study room but he wasn't there, I later went to the Lord's Tower but the guards told me he wasn’t there." Liana nodded at him and said, "that's right he isn't in those places, he also isn't in the Wolf Godswood. I sent him to the Martial Field to accommodate the Royal Army and the caravans that would be coming behind the Royals tail." The Maester nodded and let a soft sigh escape his mouth.

Belia look at Stan and Lanier that were still wolfing down the food like starving animals and ask, "where is Cyrus? I went to his room last night but he didn't come back and now both of you are here but he isn't." Lanier that was engrossed in eating answer absent minded, "he must be spending time with that hot-" Before he could finish a piece of grape hit his throat. It was control with Force as the fruit didn't burst out from the pressure of the impact. Lanier started coughing and look up at the table, he immediately look at the Masters as that grape was infused with the Aura of Reality, making his skin prickle in pain. He later found Stan looking at him with sternest and made a shhh movement with his finger.

They did this fast and soundless as everyone was distracted with one thing or another, besides, with Lanier louder than normal cough it caught everyone's attention as such one saw Stan. But this didn't elude Belia eyes and her brows rose in contemplation. At this time uncle Ash stood up and spoke, "am heading up to the field towards Lord Brethan to welcome his majesty. Who's coming with me, maybe the royals brought those Knights that they are so proud off." He had this half a grin as his one eye shone with excitement, looking at the sparkling light in his eyes everyone knew what he was thinking.

One after another the Masters left the hall, following uncle Ash. In the hall there only remains Belia her two brothers, nanny Marilee and her lady mother. Even Maester Eustace went out with the Masters as the Maester of Castle Ashcold he needs to be one of the first to welcome his majesty.

"Come boys let's get that bath going for both of you. So that those bruises can somehow heal slightly before the coming of his majesty." Her brothers stood up and walked out towards the back door and went up a pair of steps at the side of the wall. Now only her and her mother stood silent in the big dinner hall. Lady Liana look outside through the window that were covered in pale blue silky curtains and said, "Come, let's go get you a dress for the welcoming banquet." Belia quickly shook her head and said, "lady mother is not necessary, this fur robes and leather coat is enough, really." Belia stood up and stare at her mother with a pleading expression. She hated being dress like a noble lady. The dresses were too tight around the waist, her breasts were squished to look more appealing and the dress was long and stiff, yes beautiful but too restricting.

"Little lady don't give me that, we also need to get rid of that bed hair of yours. How can you present yourself to his majesty like that. What happen if a dashing handsome Knight make his appearance with the king, I heard that General Beévarn would also come and if he brought his son, the Smiling Knight then it would be a perfect opportunity for you to make acquaintance with such a genius." First of all, she didn't have a bed hair, she has made me sure to straighten her curls. Second, she didn't care about this Smiling Knight. With Cyrus beside her what other men can enter her eyes.

Without anyway to resist her mother she was dragged out of the hall and up the castle to her room for clothes. Starting the thing she hates the most, dress up...

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