《Untainted Lands》Cyrus


Chapter 1


The moonlight shone like waves on a calm sea lighting up the top of the hilly, mountainous surface of the northern lands. Closer to the top crown of the northern scape of the continent, in the middle of one of the valley that reside deep within. There was a special one that was surrounded by black as night trees. Roars of Beasts litter the forest with sounds of clashing metal resounding within. Flashes of light occur from time to time and tress shake deep within. It was as if unending battles were spread throughout the forest. In one corner a tree may fall and in another a jumping Beast may leap up from the dense foliage of the forest.

This valley was warp by a soft smooth white snow that came this night. Cyrus, sat down on the edge of the cliff cover by crystal like snow grass, letting the winter night breeze pass through his face. Slowly chewing on some bread rolls with honey syrup on top, he gazed over at the training field. Drinking a wine that was red like blood. He murmurs in a low voice, “I think I finally realized, they don't know how to stop.” He could see Master Luwis, a big fierce of a man with a scar running down his face instruct the Art of Fighting to the new young cadets. He made them complete the Martial Exercise half naked, with only a set of old, stiff leather pants that barely cover them from the cold of the northern lands. Some stood sitting on top of ten meter high stones as they experience the cold harsh breeze from above, sweeping out any progress in meditation they have previously made, the others on the bottom weren’t having it easier as well. The winds may not be as harsh as above but the temperature was cold and the calmed air brought a stifling feeling to their chest.

With a few white pieces of silk cloth covering half of his face his vision encompass the whole region, letting him know every single little detail that's happening in the field.

“ You look kind of happy?” Belia said in a tone filled with doubt. Cyrus follow the older and raspy voice of a woman behind him. “But of course,” he answered with a mysterious smile. Cyrus remain looking with his vision. A vision that was of a black space with multiple silhouettes envelop with a blue hue, shining, outlining around their figures and spreading out to encase each surroundings. It was like a chain effects, every move would form ripples that he could see, illuminating the darkness with every ups and downs of a single wave, and the hundreds upon hundreds of waves rippling through the air from a single individual transform his vision and create a world inside the darkness, letting him know everything with horrifying precision. No matter how far or how close, even surrounded by darkness he wasn't truly blind. It's just his eyes don't see what mortals can.

His Vision show him how their source energy work, it look like a ball of burning fire that originated from the center of the body. Like a secondary heart. It beat with rhythm and threw hundreds to thousands of threads of light that form the inner body. From the center most area of the body there it was, the elusive and mysterious organ of the human body. This organ was the pride and prime weapon of the human race to fight against Demons, Beasts, Barbarian and Magical Creatures.

These were just surface level threats to the human realm. However supernatural forces like demons, were something that the humans could barely understand and that was with thousands of years battle, they could only barely scrape the surface of that race, having the limited knowledge they currently knew. Beast on the other hand overpopulated the lands, as for the seas? That was somewhat forbidden regions for Humanity or Martial Practitioner, Cyrus heard that no matter if one had a full Mother Gallery made of Magic Dark Hardwood one could barely traverse the sea without some deaths. Beside all of that Humans also had their hands tied down because of their divided, political power, territories spread far from each other with hard communication between them and unnecessary over accumulated blood feud.


Feud that will continue to roll down like snowflakes forming a ball down a mountain, accumulating so much that no one will ever be truly be unified against an enemy or a problem. But it was this organ, this one miracle that the human race share that could make their growth be limitless or could make them blink like a meteor falling through a starless black sky. The organ was like an organic aperture with special properties that were mostly unknown to mankind and because of its form it was finally called as such. It was that small organic material that was the center of it all, the one that absorb, breath, consumed, store and produce source Qi. From there, his vision showed him how the outside world looks like.

Some of their Auras were soft and tranquil like a lake in the middle of spring. But for others, mainly the older warriors, theirs were with Auras just like fierce beasts unleashing fast attacks on the stone dolls. Their Aura becomes smog like, more thick and powerful. Their attacks tear through the air with muffle sounds echoing all over the training field. The excited shouts, the loud howls of the Masters, make the field bursts with liveliness and warmth that this cold winter night deny to give. Seeing them train like that Cyrus remember the days he first step into this place, the first thing the people in charge, who call themselves ‘Masters’ told him. They advised him to wear more pieces of cloth to cover half of his ancient looking, dirty grey cloth. When he was around the age of seven, almost a year later, he entered the house that rule over this Martial Warrior Valley, without ever going outside again. Now it's been eight years, and soon it would be time for him to explore the world outside he so wanted to learn about. “Hehe! Even though we are going to that dangerous place you can't stop smiling aren't you” Belia giggles and walk behind him.

“ Even if we go to the gates of hell I would still prefer it over this boring place a thousand times over! To... just to get out of this place I dive deep into these black trees just to look for fun.” Cyrus said while overlooking the whole field with Belia. He meet Belia just when he was a little over eight years old. She was twelve at the time and is the daughter of house Ashcold, rulers of Valleyfal. One of the twelve Nobles Houses of the Seven Kingdoms of Vendelia, guardians of the cold winter northern lands. Since then she has been the only friend he has, at least talk to in this place, beside Brethan he could guess.

Cyrus sat there thinking about the outside world, what it would be like? He's thoughts swarm about Monsters. Yes! What it would be like to fight against a Monster. What kind of species are they? Are they similar to the race of Beasts he fought here while growing up? What different kinds of strong Monster exist? The only thing he knows about them is that they are more powerful than Beats at the same Evolution level and with that comparison, we can say that Beast are also more powerful than humans at the same level too. Then comparing such terrifying beings to humans would be unimaginable! Cyrus is a battle hungry boy, he like chaos, carnage and indulge in the blood of his prey, these thoughts plague him since the moment he came to learn that he will be free at his naming day and that makes him shiver in anticipation.


Cyrus while finishing his bread and wine turn to look at Belia and ask her, “what's the reason for you coming over here, is there something you want to tell me?” Belia look at Cyrus waving his legs on the edge of the cliff. Crouching down and looking at the bottom of the valley she said with her lips curl upwards, “Am I not allowed to come and see my cute little brother.” She teases him with an enchanting smile. After, she trace the cold wet grass with her fingers and said, “I came to inform you about tomorrow's ceremony. It seems that my lord father has more in mind for this graduation.” She cast her gaze around the field below and continue. “From what he say it seems that there's going to be a couple of dozens of warriors that would be participating in this graduation selection.”

Dozens huh, much more than the other years, what's Bethran thinking? Cyrus though. He could feel Belia ice cold hands caressing his head. Belia said while stroking his long pitch black hair. “The princess would also be participating in the ceremony.” Her voice changes as it tremble with displeasure. Cyrus didn't know why but he felt in Belia voice that this princess was not a likable person. “Belia, who is this princess? I have never heard of her before.” Curiosity spark in Cyrus voice, with a turn his head, his starless black hair glimmer with the twins light making his face darker with a shade of shadow veiling his expression.

Cyrus didn't really care who she was but his curiosity about things outside of the northern lands intrigued him. Everything related to the outside world was only curiosity in his mind and nothing more. Belia hands stop caressing his head and turn pointing at the flat land where hundreds upon hundreds of people train. She said, with a scoff, “the future ruler of them all and you.” Cyrus heard that and couldn't help but be startled and let out a laugh, “ha-ha!” He didn't ask anything more and threw the empty glass of wine down the valley floor as he stood up to walk towards the forest behind them. Belia see him off with a smile that wasn't a smile and jump down from the cliff towards the valley below.

Walking through the forest remind him of his first battle. It was against a pack of Flaming Beast, they were fast, aggressive and dangerous. He remembers their roar, the fishy smell of their breath, and the pungent smell of death their bodies release. Cyrus couldn't help but shiver in fear at the time. It makes his heart pound everything time he recalled it, the moment when he was alone in the dark, corner between a giant boulder and a pack of beast in front. That moment he felt vulnerable, he was just a weak young boy with no powers. He suffer from the beasts attacks while running away from them and injuries cover his small body, he could only run for his life. Listening to their roars and feeling the heat waves that came out of their bodies. He felt the grip of death as he had no one to protect him in the darkness of the night, he could only run and survive. Endure all the pain and fear, he could do nothing else but to endure the endless pain of ripped flesh and broken bones as he ran, continue on until something broke. . .

Feeling not of his own surfaced in his mind like the sprout of a sampling of immense hatred. Hatred for life. He wanted everything, everyone death. These feelings came like a broken crack in his brain. All these feelings were normally hidden within his psych. Something not supposed to come out. His instinct, as small as he was at the time were warning him of the dangers of releasing these pent up feelings that manifest itself in the forms of power. Powers not belonging to anything of Nature, something that this world greatly forbid. As small as Cyrus was he knew that the moment these emotions, these feelings came to life his life would never or could ever be the same.

Embracing these feelings, these cracks of darkness that sunk him in made him had hope for his survival. That’s what his seven years old self was thinking. In that darkness, he found lights coming out from the depths of those abysmal cracks, he dwell deeper and saw something that he didn't know what it was, but still... He reached out and clutched as hard as he could and follow what the voices told him. When fear, panic hit him, this thing that beat like a living heart gave him warmth. When hatred fill his heart, dark symbol like veins spread out like a dry dead tree roots seeking life, letting it take root in his body the process release him from the pain and gave him unknown power. Where he couldn't see any hope of surviving that night, a song with a smooth special rhythm echo out. The only sound in his world full of pain and darkness, it gave him the will to continue to fight back.

Cyrus later heard more inner voices at the time, calling him names; strange one, spirit, monster, devil, daedric, outsider. . .The voices were far away, as if he was listening to the echo of their far away shouts... but not soon after they grew closer and clearer, they were cold and dark, distant even. The voices says to him with Indifference; Ripped, Tear, Eat. Cyrus thought that they were his savior, coming to save him, they gave him a prayer on what to pray upon. He follows those voices at that moment, their voices came together like a chant, in sync as if they have been shouting it for thousands of years.

Cyrus follow those voices with his will, he had no choice at the time as the unseen pressure that came in form of raw energy was coming out from the pack of Beasts, it was too much for his undeveloped body. Cyrus chants his rage as that hope filled his veins with power, at the same time it scream at him for hunger, for blood, at that moment even Cyrus himself was afraid, he never thought that something was wrong with him. In his memories he know of the two human species that live in these lands, and even though they both had their uniqueness his were out of this world, but he was in a do or die situation and he decided to follow what his feelings told him.

Cyrus ran up to the beasts and fought them face to face. He no longer felt the pressure nor the fear, and he didn't hold anything back, but after unleashing every fury that pour out of his veins, in that moment, darkness welcome his eyes. When Cyrus came back from his senses he found beasts ripped apart from limp to limp, a gory scene painted the ground in front of him as his whole body was in blood not of his own. An excitement cross over his body, trembling it with pleasure. His rough, raspy breaths were the only thing heard in the dark, humid forest. Just with a sweet flavor passing through his mouth and down his throat, the mutilated bodies around him were scatter in a spiral like drawing. It was like a ritual. With Indifference Cyrus knew what he did or at least wasn't ignorant of what he has done. At that moment he understood something and frown upon it, he stood there as gazes of shock and disbelief were sent to him. At the time he young and was preoccupied with the change happening to him, he didn’t seems to realize their presence, he was in a trance like state. In his own world, so much that he didn't react to the smell nor the roaring beasts in the distance, he reacted to nothing at all, but deep inside the beginning of a change started to occurred at that moment. . .

Darkness has always been his friend, it was him and he was it, but to say the truth, in reality he hated. His world was nothing more than a void of darkness or an endless abyss. Thinking back at it, now he already grew numb to it, his oldest memories was him surrounded by darkness all around and loud sounds of people screaming at him or at everywhere else. It was like he was in the middle of some battlefield surrounded by explosions and death. He knew that it was a battlefield because of the pungent smell of death in the air. And after his vision clarify, what welcome him was that of a battlefield. He didn't know where he was or who the voices of those people belong to.

The only thing that awaken him was a painful hunger and the urge to move, after, he started to see some lines form in the darkness, the lines transform into shapes and he saw truth. People in hides armors fill with animals fur and covered in grease sweat and blood were running all around, at the time he was little and didn't know what or who they were. After growing up and learning from the books Belia read him, he now knew that they were Tribesmen. People living in the Wilderness surrounded by Beasts of Nature. Cyrus didn't have lots of clear memories of the time but the tribe were under attack by a horde. The warriors fought hard against the onslaught of the Beasts but they were too many to hold. Cyrus would have been trample to dead if not for a young tribe girl that helped him escape as they both ran and found a cave to hide. He was getting accustomed to the lines, shapes and objects in his vision by now. So he could vividly remember the scenes that happen after his first awakening.

For Cyrus that was his worst memory. Just getting out of the void his eyes welcome him with the first image that he fell upon and that was a mass chaos, blood, corpses and beast running amok to kill him or whatever that stood in their way. The worst part of that chaos was that he couldn't remember the girl who save him. He could only vividly remember her back, it was tall for a young girl of her age, wielding two bone sword in her arms as she pave a path of blood in front of him, her short auburn hair and pale bronze skin was the only vivid memory he has of her. The most impressive thing about those tribesmen were that they didn't cultivate the Force within themselves. Their aura didn't change or grow. Till this day that image of those warriors fighting a horde of beast with their physique and beast bone weapons, amazes even him.

They were different from the warriors he sees in Valleyfall, they cultivate in a systematic energy that they call the Force. He learned from Belia when she was in charge of teaching him knowledge. She taught Cyrus how to revolve and summon the Force in his Inner Body. By himself Cyrus also learn how to read it by observing other warriors. Comparing that to his oldest memories he realize the difference between the warriors of Valleyfall and the tribesmen of that Wilderness.

Cyrus remember that in the cave he got a cold. When they escape from the encampment they went deep inside the rainforest. The humid air and the dropping of constant water cause Cyrus to burn in a high fever. He remembers her saying, “Cyrus, later am going back and see if the tribe survive or if there is anything left for us to scavenge and use to survive. And Cyrus… I think this wasn't a natural cause horde it must be from those…” It was from her that he came to learn that his name was Cyrus, if not he couldn't introduce himself to the others later after he came to meet them. She was a tough girl that's one thing clear Cyrus can take from his memories. After that he couldn't heard anything of what she later says. His high fever got to him and he fell on her embrace. Cyrus could perfectly hear the melody of her heart when he rested his head on her chest and the warmth of her embrace. That was his last memory of her and to this day he still couldn't remember her face.

Waking up in the dark cave he was alone again, as for the time it was morning and only one day has pass. Cyrus search for the girl but nothing was found in the cave, only the eerie darkness, the howling of the winds and the roar of Beasts in the distance. Scare, Cyrus desperately search around trying to find her, after no success he touch the ground around him when he felt a cold fur creature at his side. It was a long eared rabbit, with a small stone knife, rocks and dried up wooden sticks besides it. He thought that she left them there and will come back soon. He waited, minutes, hours, daylight, but she never came. He waited some more until his hunger strike again but more painful than the first time. Cyrus grab the animal and devoured it raw. That was his first meal, at least the one he clearly remember. The taste of blood permanent his mouth and he likes it, it was sweet and it felt sour, prickling his tongue like festival candy.

He left the cave the next morning, wondering until it was already late noontime, walking through the wet forest Cyrus heard voices far in the distance. It only took a moment but a headache struck him down to the ground, his skin started to burn hot. That the sizzle of the drops of rain could be heard from his skin. Leaning on a tree trunk his vision grew blurry, Cyrus panic and curl up, hugging his knees on the ground. Later when he felt his world tremble he held his head and a *thumping* sound echo inside of his brain. It was faint at first but rapidly it grew closer. Lifting his head up, a group of trees branches sway. Having his last string of consciousness awake Cyrus saw a group of men with fur armor, different from the tribesmen. Those people were the Masters. Cultivators from the Kingdom of Vendelia, nobles of special houses that govern the land with rules and laws. Cyrus last memory then was of a old graining voice speaking “give him Sweet Dreaming Milk, I don't want any trouble on the road. Is a long way towards the northern lands.” The man's rough voice stuck to him to this day, after that one of the other fur armor man force a milk of sorts like liquid down Cyrus throat. It was then that he finally black out.

After living without Nature’s colors all his life it wasn't a hindrance for Cyrus to walk in the pitch Black Forest. As he walked around in the forest he could see Seven Legged Spiders crawl over branches, poison insect that were no larger than a young girl palm hiding underneath stones and leafs. Two Thousand Legged Earthern Worms that were more than a meter long crawling under big, thick roots that seems to be frozen black under the trees. With also dark big eyes that lurk under the foliage of the trees, in between underbrush, whiffing and searching for any new prey that step in the forest. This was the Black Forest that surrounded Valleyfall and the Beast infected land that humans stay away from.

The fights between others warriors and strong beast could be felt from afar. In places like this he felt just like home. There were few times when the ‘Masters’ let him out to play. Cyrus spend almost all of his life seal deep in the catacombs lower than the crips of the Ashcold Castle, only when Belia came down could he walk out with her for a short period of time. Now with no one from the house who can tell him what to do, the masters have no authority over him and now not even the lord of Casterly Ash, Lord Brethan as one of the four great ‘Masters’ of Valleyfall could say nothing.

The only thing he could and would follow command would be for the upcoming ceremony. Every other year the Warriors of Valleyfall are sent to a dangerous ground for their final training. Passing it alive will eligible them for traveling the world for their own experience. It was only this that Cyrus comprise to fulfill.

And that’s just to fill his perverse lust of curiosity, he would be following the rules and pass their ‘Graduation’. It would be something to quench his thirst after all. Cyrus doesn't know anything about the outside world, especially about the elusive and unknown Monsters, that don’t appear in the Kingdom of Vendelia. Only the text books Belia read him is how he came to know about their existence. Because of the place where the graduation takes place, he heard that only Monsters lurk there as such he decided that if he's going to leave the valley as such he must experience the Gate to the other side, were magic rule and Strange Monsters are born.

Walking through the forest, he arrived at a clearance. With the moonlight shining down from above, a flowering field greets Cyrus vision. All the flowers were bundle like little snow balls. Cyrus lean on a tree to see the beautiful scenery. The twin moons at the background emitted a soft yet cold light with their Silver and Crimson glow at the ground. One big, the other small, the red moon taking only a small part of the sky compared to its older twin that took two-thirds of the sky. Illuminating the night with her silver-blue shine. The winds breeze brought a cold-sweet breath and the night's life activities were as lively as the high cities of Benv’tos. Breaking a branch from a tree Cyrus started making a rhythm by knocking at the trunk.

*Knock-knock 'luuk'knock'luuk' knock-knock* bright eyes illuminated the dark forest after the series of knocking. Some were big like lanterns and other, small like a Firefly. A pack of beast of different sizes and species appear... Cyrus smile, throwing away the stick as he walk the lilac white carpet slowly approaching the middle of the field. The beast follow him with their gaze, wary of the youth in front of them. They follow the calling of a beast but found a blind youth leisurely walking on the open field. They didn't move, they can't, only a couple meters away from the youth and fear envelope all of them. Some shiver, others growl and some took up stance with their bend hind legs ready to leap while other stomp their hooves, threatening with their large tusks at the youth. But still they didn't move, Cyrus continues to walk through the open field as he slowly caress the white lilies flowers throughout the field. He murmurs in a ease up tone, “ Belia always like theses flowers, just have to wait till they blossom and they will be more beautiful!” He whistle a lullaby Belia always sang him when they were little as he walk the open field.

The night sky filled with bright eyes stare down at him as he walked in a moderated way. The twins shine bath him in their grace as he becomes one with them. The winds pass the tree tops starting a low ominous song. The silent night was making out with the creak of the branches as the nocturnal animals wake from their dreams to follow the night’s melody.

Leisurely he remains caressing flowers left and right as the beast follow his actions feeling their instincts screaming them to run. From the deepest part of their blood, a suffocating terror overwhelm them. They could feel an invincible dark hand ripping through their bodies, ever so slowly. Death roll on the beautiful night as beast fell one after another, after a beast fell a flower would blossom, with beautiful black butterfly scattering into particles of lights. The inside spread open for the stars to see, dark red like god's blood with a bright black seed in the middle, half of the field, filled with open red Palm facing the stars. The beast couldn't comprehend what was happening, with the toll of death they could feel their instincts telling them about the dangers here. The death continues to roll on the ground until half of the beast were remaining. Cyrus felt the surrounding life force diminishing and gaze around him. He found a couple dozen death beast on the ground. The ones still alive growl angrily at him and the others shiver, as the rest put their heads on the ground as if bowing towards Cyrus.


It was then that they were Illuminated by a red-ish golden light and the beast were no longer afraid as all of them scatter like sand been blown by the wind. Cyrus look at his side and found a blinding light illuminating one part of the dark forest. Hmm what's that? Cyrus though. *ROAR* From another direction of the forest an air piercing sound spread throughout the open field, blowing up leafs and drifting snow with the wind. Looking ahead he found a majestic red lion walking out proudly with its head held high from the other side of the forest. Cyrus tilt his head to the side and touch his chin in a thoughtful manner. Hmm is that a red lion? Cyrus curiosity peaks up after seeing the beast. He knows about every beast in the surrounding forest but he has never seen this type of beast before. Cyrus stop playing with the flowers and stare at the beast with interest.

“What is a blind boy doing this deep in the dark woods?” A calm voice sounded behind the red lion mane, the voice was like a lake, warm and cool to the ear with a burst of pleasure coming into ones chest after hearing her voice. Cyrus concentrate on that voice, one of a woman coming from behind the beast mane. Looking at the mane of the beast, he saw her in the shape of a woman with gilded hair and a winter coat. “Me!” Cyrus say pointing himself in ignorance. “Yes you Boy! what are you doing here all alone.” The woman answer as she teases him with a smile. Cyrus smile wary and pull up a bundle of flowers in his hands, he said while pulling out petals one at a time, “I, just came, to pick up, some flowers, for my sister.” The woman with golden hair look at him with a meaningful gaze as she raised an eyebrow and jump down from her beast.

Adjusting her fur coat around her armor that shone crimson red, she cast her gaze at the surrounding field finding the dozens of beast death on the ground. Staring back at Cyrus she ask, “what happen here, why are all the beast here dead?” Following her movements Cyrus also gaze at the surrounding, she looks at him with strange eyes when he looks around as if he has eyes of his own. He answered, “I don't know, really, when I came here they were all like that. I thought they were sleeping and sneak in here to pick these beautiful flowers, do you want one?” Cyrus motion his hand and pull out a lilac-white flowers that weren’t there. “Oh! My, thank you, magician aren't we, such a young gentleman you are.” With an exaggerated expression on her face she spoke with a flirtatious voice. Receiving Cyrus flower she walk around the field.

Looking at death as that's the only way to explain the scene she was watching, there was no battle, no blood, no destruction. Only death. Suspicions arise in her heart but she shook her head and banned her thoughts. Looking at the blind youth in front of her she realizes his beauty. Long pitch black hair, dark as the night they were standing on, beautiful paled skin, black nails that brightens his jaded like skin. With a long winter, dark brown fur cloak and long sleeves that hide his arm completely, revealing his palm that were covered in tattoos. He was a strange boy indeed. No such youth as strange as him has she ever seen in her life.

His bright white silk cloth cover the top part of his face only revealing his nose and pale pink lips that brought a sense of mysteriousness that made one wonder what was behind the cloths. The combination with the dark forest and the twins light shining on him brought a bizarre attraction to the boy as if wherever he stands a mysterious darkness follow.

She didn't sway for his beauty as plenty has she seen but the smell of lavender linger on her nose. Her favorite, she also bath with lavender oil and his body has the strongest and most attractive scent that she has ever smell, it wasn't only the smell but something else, however realizing her train of thought she took a step back, distancing her from his bodily odor. She changed her tone of voice as if giving a demand and asked, “Tell me what truly happened here?” Cyrus perception at some time ago got glue to the red beast at the back as interest fill his thoughts. Weird? That red lion bloodline must be royalty, interesting! A smile crept into Cyrus face, at this moment he heard the woman's voice asking him something. Turning to her he got to see her in more detail.

Golden long, bright hair, it wasn’t deep blond but golden actually. Just like the sun on a hot summer day, it cascaded down from above her head like a hanging shawl. Her sharp beautiful face was filled with a inherent arrogance and an aura of coolness. Her slightly knit curved brows combined with that pair of shining green pupil exudes a majestic aura, which were now mainly focused on him, it made him realize that she's the most gorgeous woman he has ever seen. Even though she was wearing a long winter fur coat with her red leather armor inside that cover her whole body, it could still not conceal her hot and mature figure. On her back laid a long white sword shimmering in a glowing light as if its own. All together she was giving off an impression of maturity, elegance, tyranny, pride, which was also filled with a bizarre kind of enchantment. Just like a queen looking down on her subjects.

Cyrus could feel an invisible pressure emitting out, just by standing in front of her. His blood scream with excitement as he knows that the person in front of him was strong, stronger than the Masters. The same huh! Also a royal bloodline. Smiling Cyrus answer, “miss didn't I say I didn't see.” His voice grew colder, the winds sway by his tone as the clouds cover the moonlight and darkness descend. The golden haired woman couldn't help but take a half step back, this…! Her mind swarm with endless thoughts, until she froze. A red light illuminate Cyrus white silk cloth as a pair of diabolical eyes stare at her soul. But as quickly as the clouds cover the moonlight the light appear again, the clouds disperse and the light illuminated the dark forest again. When the moonlight shine on the youth in front of her, the golden haired woman saw him smile with the most beautiful smile she has ever seen.

Weirdly enough two fangs protrude from his mouth as if built-in to drink blood. Shock ripple through her heart, she couldn’t understand it. Can a person grow fangs like that? These weirdly sharp fangs that look no different from a Beast left her perplex and stunned, strange, is that artificially made or did he grew it naturally? That should be impossible, right? She thought. What were those red light as well. It look like the glow of when that happens when someone stimulate their Energy inside their bodies. But isn’t he crippled? She couldn't help but think of those pair of red diabolical light that came from the boy eyes, it was outrighteous to think more out of this weird encounter but she quickly shook her head and dismissed her thoughts. How can a crippled blind boy scare her?

Cyrus gave her an evil smile as he turned around and said while giving her his back. “Am going now, my sister must be making me dinner by now.” Walking leisurely he pick up more red flowers and whistles through the field. Reaching the front of a tree he stops and turns to her again, “miss, nice to meet you. My name is Cyrus by the way. I hope we can talk more some other time... Him? Oh right!! Also bring your red lion next time I will like to pet him and play with him for a while, bye!” Leaving like that he disappeared between the dark trees leaving the golden haired woman behind in the middle of the field. The lion walk up to her with slightly trembling limbs *Aou* with a low growl he tug the woman trying to make her leave. She realized the scared look on her friend's face and to the place his eyes gaze. It was the place that Cyrus went.

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