《Fallout Fanfiction (LitRPG)》A Lesson in War



....Then thought better of it. Best to leave this creature to someone better equipped, and trained to handle such a monster, and as it was, you were running low on supplies again. Demarco however without hesitation, his golden skin slick with sweat, gave a hoot of laughter, and raced after the creature into the cavern.

Cassidy, red-faced and fuming, shouting after him, “goddamnit! Demarco! The treasure isn’t real!” But that didn’t seem to matter to the man as he scampered across boulders, before disappearing into the shadows. Bull, Jernald, and Wren, almost equally excited at the prospect of hunting down a queen, followed soon after with a sideways glance towards Cassidy who nodded her head in resignation.

With more than a few of the F.L.A members staring after them in shocked surprise, Jeffries, released a muttered curse underneath his breath, before he turned back to face what was left of Cassidy’s Company. “I suppose you four will have to do for now. I had initially planned to launch a counterassault towards Red’s Stronghold, but with that train you’ve brought here, another idea comes to mind. We can end the threat of the beastlords once and for all, but for now let us adjourn inside, where we can discuss a mutually beneficial alliance.” He then waved his arm up to a man in grey business who gave a low bow of introduction. “This is Gyforn, he will act as your escort and guide, while you are here with us.”

Cassidy still fuming trailed after the Colonel into a side corridor, while you found yourself surrounded by more men in dark green uniforms. Tessa, releasing a snort of disgust as their weapons were taken away again, before they were led back down underground with the wiry pale-faced man leading the way, long jet black hair neatly combed, and with the air of someone important.

Smiling back at them with golden eyes that did not quite seem natural, Gyforn took them down a busy intersection, her concrete walls sweating in the lamplights as dozens of fighters armed to the teeth pushed their way past. Bags of sand carried on their shoulders as several squadrons of synth troopers followed close behind to secure the area, which upon closer inspection were second-generation synths. Their plastic features, easily recognisable beneath those close-fitting helmets.

Still not sure what synths were doing down here of all places, considering the news Tessa had told you, you thought this was as good an opportunity as any to learn more about this world, and about this place called Freedom Station. “Gyforn, if I may call you that. Can I ask how synths came to be a part of your organization?”

Startled by the question, the tall wiry man with a drooping mustache, first looked to Tessa in surprise, the ghoul almost shrugging her shoulders apologetically, before he answered the question in a soft monotone voice, ”that is a sore topic for my people, but I suppose there is no harm in telling you, that is if you decide to join us one day,” with another backward glance over his shoulders, he said, “It is not exactly common knowledge, but it is we synths who were the first ones to found this place. Having escaped the institute’s failsafe, we realized we had no place to call home, nowhere to hide from the hatred and prejudice that had been engendered against our kind. Those who were able to integrate into other communities managed to live out their lives in peace, whereas those who could never be mistaken for human were left to wander the wastelands alone, hounded by the brotherhood of steel, and murdered by savage wastelanders. Perhaps if the Railroad had not disintegrated after the Battle at Bunker Hill, things could have been different for us. But with the losses they had taken, few outsiders were willing to welcome us into their homes."


Led past a series of lecture halls filled to the brim with eager students that sat at desks, you paused for a moment to see what they were learning, and saw an image of a radscorpion up on the screen along with arrows indicating weak points, current habitats, and other essential information that could prove useful in such encounters.

Quickly hurrying after Gyforn who had not stopped, you apologized, "please continue." The third generation synth giving you an unexpected smile as though surprised by your interest, before he continued on, "as I was saying, for those that could not assimilate into any society, we were hunted down systematically, until Rigen, our leader at the time, discovered this place, and with the help of our gen1 brothers rebuilt it to house the survivors. However with the continuing war in the Commonwealth and Red’s expansion into Ardea, hundreds of other people had begun to flee their homes. Many of whom came here, seeking shelter, but as was to be expected there were those who did desire such an outcome. This is where the situation became tricky as there were those who could not stand by and do nothing, letting these people outside to die, whereas others believed wholeheartedly that humanity’s time had ended. It also did not help that many had not forgotten the many atrocities committed against our kind in the wasteland. Hundreds of us murdered, having never seen a day of kindness nor peace, and yet they expected us to welcome them here of all places.”

Head shaking from side to side as though he were remembering something painful, he finished, “sadly this caused rifts to open up among our people, and there were those who decided to leave rather than live with humans, but eventually we began to welcome all races, ghouls, super mutants, deathclaws, humans, gunners, brotherhood of steel. We accepted them all, and became the Freedom Liberation Army in honor of our deceased creators who hoped that we would one day live up to the constitution. But I digress, you wished to know why synths patrol these walls, and the answer is simple, my friend, this is our home, our last bastion against Red’s dreaded legions of horrors and what awaits us under her rule .”

Silent as you contemplated this bit of information, you had to guess that Loraq and Tessa had already known about this, and yet they had told you nothing. Not that they had known that you did not know. Still, in the end, you weren’t sure whether or not you were pleased that the synths had made it out of the Commonwealth. From the games you had played in the past, the brotherhood of steel seemed to believe that synths would simply replace all of humanity. The railroad saw them as kindred spirits that had been enslaved as they had once been, and the minutemen, well, the minutemen cared more about surviving till the next day, and the day after that. It was why after dozens of playthroughs, you had often chosen to side with Preston despite his annoying persistence at handing you quests you did not want. There was also the fact that most of the other factions took hardline stances and saw war as the only solution to everything.


Too tired to really think about it anymore, you tried to pay attention to where you were, but even after a short walk these corridors looked much the same with flat white stone walls, dead ends that led nowhere, and peepholes that seemed to watch their every movement. There were also narrow passages where Gyforn had told them to follow his exact footsteps as they carefully navigated their way forward, and you began to realize that this entire place was designed to be a deathtrap.

Releasing a heavy sigh of relief as they finally reached the mess hall, Gyforn waved his arms out in the air, and handed them a pouch full of caps. "Please feel free to take a look around and enjoy yourselves. I'll be waiting outside if you need anything." He then gave a slight bow of his head as you surveyed the large underground chamber where a few men relaxed drinking at long tables, a kitchen at the far back where a cook prepared food in trays, and listened to the familiar tunes that came from the jukebox. (Resting Moment.)

Inventory Item Added.

200 Bottle Caps. (Rewarded in contribution for your aid in their defense.)

(For those deemed to be outsiders. Check out what the quartermaster has for sale.)

Quartermaster Bob. (Rolls 15, 6 sided dice.)

Stimpaks - 150 Caps. Restores full health.

Rations - 10 Caps. Restores 2 HP.

Bandages - 20 Caps. Restores 4 HP.

Rad-x- 200 Caps. Acts like armor to reduce incoming radiation damage by 5. Limited to 10 uses.

RadAway - 300 Caps. Can be used to drop radiation levels by 10.

Med-X - 150 Caps. Temporarily doubles your armor’s defense rating.

Psycho - 150 Caps. Temporarily boosts your melee and unarmed combat by 50%. Boosts strength by 5.

Jet - 150 Caps. Temporarily slows down time so you can escape unharmed from any damage.

Buffout - Temporarily boosts strength by 10.

Mentats - Temporarily boosts intelligence by 10.

Grenades - 50 Caps. Throwing skill required to use properly.

10mm Pistol - 50 Caps. Small guns skill is required to use properly.

Hunting rifle - 100 Caps. Small guns skill is required to use properly.

Assault rifle - 150 Caps. Small guns skill is required to use properly.

Combat Shotgun - 200 Caps. Small guns skill is required to use properly.

Combat Knife - Melee skill required to use properly.

Combat Rifle - 300 Caps. Increases Small Guns Skill by 10%.

Sniper Rifle - 400 Caps. Increases Perception by 2.

Machete - Melee skill required to use properly.

Battle Axe - Melee skill required to use properly.

(Any type of ammunition is 1 Cap per Bullet.)

Raider Armor - 50 Caps. +2 defense.

Leather Armor - 150 Caps. +5 defense.

Metal Armor - 500 Caps. +10 defense.

Combat Armor - 800 Caps. +15 defense.

(For those who've succeeded in convincing them that you're a soldier. Check out what the quartermaster has for sale.)

Quartermaster Bob. (Rolls 15, 6 sided dice.)

Stimpaks - 150 Caps. Restores full health.

Rations - 10 Caps. Restores 2 HP.

Bandages - 20 Caps. Restores 4 HP.

Rad-x- 200 Caps. Acts like armor to reduce incoming radiation damage by 5. Limited to 10 uses.

RadAway - 300 Caps. Can be used to drop radiation levels by 10.

Med-X - 150 Caps. Temporarily doubles your armor’s defense rating.

Psycho - 150 Caps. Temporarily boosts your melee and unarmed combat by 50%. Boosts strength by 5.

Jet - 150 Caps. Temporarily slows down time so you can escape unharmed from any damage.

Buffout - Temporarily boosts strength by 10.

Mentats - Temporarily boosts intelligence by 10.

Grenades - 50 Caps. Throwing skill required to use properly.

10mm Pistol - 50 Caps. Small guns skill is required to use properly.

Hunting rifle - 100 Caps. Small guns skill is required to use properly.

Assault rifle - 150 Caps. Small guns skill is required to use properly.

Combat Shotgun - 200 Caps. Small guns skill is required to use properly.

Combat Knife - Melee skill required to use properly.

Combat Rifle - 300 Caps. Increases Small Guns Skill by 10%.

Sniper Rifle - 400 Caps. Increases Perception by 2.

Machete - Melee skill required to use properly.

Battle Axe - Melee skill required to use properly.

(Any type of ammunition is 1 Cap per Bullet.)

Raider Armor - 50 Caps. +2 defense.

Leather Armor - 150 Caps. +5 defense.

Metal Armor - 500 Caps. +10 defense.

Combat Armor - 800 Caps. +15 defense.

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