《Fallout Fanfiction (LitRPG)》In Honor, we bleed, In Freedom, we live, and in death, we give Sacrifice.



Confused, worried, and more than a little afraid of what was out there, you gazed out into the sprawling cavern with its boulders, craggy stone teeth, and mounds of stone. The only illumination coming from large portable construction lights to either side, and glowing green fungi as sweat beaded on your brow. The thought that you had been thrown headlong into danger without so much as a by your leave, causing anger to rise up inside of you, when an insect's foot appeared out of the shadows.

Heart beating rapidly as you realized what it was, you saw an army of skittering black insects flood out of the darkness. Swarms of giant cockroaches carpeted the rocky soil like a never-ending tidal wave, while in between them radscorpions burst out of the soil.

(Use a long-range weapon.)

Rifle lifted up to your cheek, you took aim immediately, breath sliding down to warm the gun barrel, and fired. Each round rupturing an insect into bits of dark green blood, it’s broken bodies stilled, as gunfire roared all around you. Cassidy’s Company and the F.L.A laying into the enemy with machine guns from towers built to either side of the ramparts, rocket launchers that shook the cavern, and the rattling sound of small arms fire. The deafening roar, all but ringing the eardrums as you realized you couldn’t miss, wave upon wave of insects destroyed or blown apart as they charged towards their lines, when something heavy and powerful blasted into the side tunnel. An immense head with antennas breaking through the rock wall to stare at them with large blood-red eyes. Its huge torso and six legs, smashing it’s way forward as flames gushed out of its mouth.

-16 bullets.

(Use a short-range weapon.)

Pistol lifted up as you took aim, you fired, bullets smacking off tough black carapaces as gunfire roared all around you, Cassidy’s Company and the F.L.A laying into the enemy with machine guns from towers to either side of the ramparts, rocket launchers, and small arms fire. The deafening roar, all but ringing the eardrums as you realized you couldn’t miss, wave upon wave of insects destroyed or blown apart as they charged towards their lines, when something heavy and powerful blasted into the side tunnel. An immense head with antennas breaking through the rock wall to stare at them with large blood-red eyes. Its huge torso and six legs, smashing its way forward as flames gushed out of its mouth.

-16 bullets.

Breathless as you stared at the gargantuan ant queen, you had only seconds to duck your head down as fire swept across the ramparts, scorching men alive, their deafening screams tearing through your heart as you saw one of the machine guns go quiet, while a rocketeer fell forward shrieking into the open arms of radscorpion below.

(Toss every single grenade you have. Throwing Skill 20%.)


With not a single moment to lose, you tossed every single grenade you had on you, found a small cache of grenades in a crate not too far you, and tossed them down as well, all of them aimed towards the ant queen who recoiled at each blast, and roared flames that scorched the clothes off your back as you quickly ducked your head back down. Each time repeating your attack as you tossed more grenades at her feet, blackening the ground, and forcing her to retreat.

Hurt and bleeding, you could see red eyes twitch with fear as she pulled back, when a slew of warrior ants poured out of the opening from behind her, overrunning the defenses.

-6 HP.

-? grenades.

(Man the machine gun. Big Guns Skill 50%.)

With not a moment more to lose, you rushed towards the abandoned machine gun in the tower, passed the blackened remains of a dead soldier, and brought the weapon to bear down upon her.

(Target her thorax.)

The heavy jerking weapon, thumping and vibrating in your arms as it struck the armored queen's bloated stomach, causing her to recoil backwards and unleash liquid hot flames that scoured the air, burning through your clothing. The pain almost overwhelming as you kept firing,

saw red eyes twitch with fear as she pulled back, when a slew of warrior ants poured out of the opening from behind her, overrunning the defenses.

-6 HP.

(Target antennas.)

The heavy jerking weapon, thumping and vibrating in your arms as it struck the ant queen's antennas, caused her to recoil and suddenly turn on her allies, when a slew of warrior ants poured out from behind her, overrunning the defenses.

(Target head.)

The heavy jerking weapon, thumping and vibrating in your arms as it struck the armored queen's face plate, causing her to recoil backwards and unleash liquid hot flames that scoured the air, burning through your clothing. The pain almost overwhelming as you kept firing,

saw red eyes twitch with fear as she pulled back, when a slew of warrior ants poured out of the opening from behind her, overrunning the defenses.

-6 HP.

(Target legs.)

The heavy jerking weapon, thumping and vibrating in your arms as it struck the armored queen's face legs, causing her to recoil backwards and unleash liquid hot flames that scoured the air, burning through your clothing. The pain almost overwhelming as you kept firing,

saw red eyes twitch with fear as she pulled back, when a slew of warrior ants poured out of the opening from behind her, overrunning the defenses.

-6 HP.

(Man the machine gun. Big Guns Skill 0%.)

The heavy jerking weapon, thumping and vibrating in your arms as it struck the armored queen's body, causing her to recoil backwards and unleash liquid hot flames that scoured the air, burning through your clothing. The pain almost overwhelming as you kept firing,


saw red eyes twitch with fear as she pulled back, when a slew of warrior ants poured out of the opening from behind her, overrunning the defenses.

-6 HP.

(Go for the Rocket Launcher. Big Guns Skill 50% and Agility 3.)

With not a moment more to lose, you threw yourself off the ramparts, rolled into a perfect dive to sweep the rocket launcher up from the dead man’s arms, and fired. The devastating blast, destroying the radscorpion into tiny gobbets of meat, before reloading, and firing again. The red flames that gushed towards you, forcing you to leap aside as you pulled the trigger again, and watched with satisfaction as the queen turned tail to run, a slew of warrior ants pouring out from behind her.

The gates briefly thrust open to allow you back inside.

Gasping for air as they clambered over the walls like...like ants? You had only moments fall back into the lines of men and women in green military fatigues, bullets flying from assault rifles to litter the ground with torn-up bodies, a part of you afraid it wouldn’t be enough, when an immense explosion rocked the entire cavern, a volcano of fire and light that blew everything away, leaving behind a large blackened crater where the gate and walls had once stood.

Half stirring from your fallen position as you realized you had been blown backwards off your feet into a wall, you looked up to see Colonel Jeffries with a Fatboy on his shoulders as he dropped the now useless weapon to the ground, his steel-grey eyes watering with unshed tears as he whispered, “Farewell, my brothers, go with honor, ”his softly spoken words edged with sadness.

+30 Rads.

Inventory Item Added.

FatBoy. (Valued at 1000 caps. Can be sold to merchants for 500.)

Stunned by the utter devastation caused by the FatBoy, you sat there for a moment, blinking your teary eyes, and felt a dark chill creep through you, followed by swelling anger. Only a few seconds and it could have been you caught in the explosion, but as it was this bastard had killed some of his own men who had been too slow to get back.

(Punch the Colonel.)

Flooded by waves of undeniable rage, you leaped up, and without thought hooked the man hard in the nose, warm blood spraying up into the air. The guards that surrounded him, immediately raising their rifles back up again, when the officer waved his arm down. “No need for that, boys, it's simply a misunderstanding.”

“Misunderstanding?! You killed those fucking men!”

Head nodded sadly in reply, Jeffries wiped the blood from his nose on his sleeve. “You are right, and you are wrong as well. As members of the F.L.A, they each took an oath. To bleed when it's necessary, to defend the rights of every single man in this wasteland, and lay down their lives so that others can live in peace. Their deaths are not without meaning, wastelander. They saved our lives and yours. I only pray that you can appreciate their sacrifice.”

Chest still heaving with rage, you had the urge to punch him, when Loraq came over, and gripped your shoulder. Tessa, not far behind him, murmuring, “he isn’t worth it.”

(Insult the Colonel.)

Flooded by waves of undeniable rage, you wanted to leap up then, and hit him hard in the nose, but instead spat out, “you are one fucking murderous bastard!” The guards around you that sensed your growing hostility, immediately raised their rifles back up again, when the officer waved his arm down. “No need for that, boys, it's simply a misunderstanding.”

“Misunderstanding?! You killed them! You killed your own fucking men!”

Head nodded sadly in reply, Jeffries looked over towards the blackened hole where they had died. “You are right, and you are wrong as well. As members of the F.L.A, they each took an oath. To bleed when it's necessary, to defend the rights of every single man in this godforsaken wasteland, and lay down their lives so that others can live in peace. Their deaths are not without meaning, wastelander. They saved our lives and yours. I only pray that you can appreciate their sacrifice.”

Chest still heaving with rage, you wanted to lash out the man, tell him he was wrong, when Loraq rested a comforting arm on your shoulder. Tessa, not far behind you, murmuring, “he isn’t worth it.”

Still, it looked like the fighting was not yet over as radscorpions surged out from the ground, a stinger whipping past your cheek in a blur, slicing the skin open.

-4 HP.

(Melee Skill 60%.)

Furious with pent-up rage, you thrust the blade into one of its eye socket, it's claws lashing out at you as it died.

-5 HP.

(Small arms 60%.)

Furious with pent-up rage, you thrust your gun barrel into one of its many eyes, and fired at point blank range, claws lashing out at you as it died.

-5 HP.

-1 bullet.

(No Applicable Skills.)

Furious with pent-up rage, you fired repeatedly at point-blank range, claws lashing out at you as it died.

-5 HP.

-5 bullet.

Jernald and Bull dealing with the last two as Bull smashed off a pincer with his bare hands and used the deadly weapon against itself, while Jernald thrust a grenade into its waiting mandibles and kicked it backwards, blood, guts, and flesh exploding into the air.

Breathing heavily as you stared around the cavern, you wondered if you should go after the ant queen and finish her off?

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