《Fallout Fanfiction (LitRPG)》Welcome to the Freedom Liberation Army!



Back aboard Big Bastard and listening to the clickety-clack of the railroad tracks, you sat down alone on one of the bunk beds. Most of the crew asleep in the next car over, whereas you had chosen this spot to think, and clear your head. It had been a long while since you had had a chance to decompress, and your mind replayed over every single terrifying battle. The view ahead of you, exposing the glowing yellow embers of a city on fire as bands of feral ghouls, wildmen, and raiders roamed the lamp lit streets, through burnt out homes as families huddled together. Ordinary men and women dazed and bleeding as they watched the train pass by with haunted eyes. More than you would have expected to survive in a place such as this, but they had.

Looking out at their soot-stained faces, you couldn't help but feel a touch of guilt at leaving them all behind, but as Cassidy had been quick to point out, the threat of raiders and wildmen being about was a real one with more than a few taking pot shots at the train as it snaked its way deeper through the city. The map marker on your pipboy, indicating two last points of interest before they would reach the surface, Red’s Stronghold, built in an abandoned mine directly in their path, and a Garrison called Freedom.

Having told Cassidy what might be up ahead of them, she had appeared unsurprised, her hard exterior almost thoughtful as she stared out into the dark depths of a labyrinth that was the City of Broken Dream before she spoke slowly, “I know, rookie. This was my home, once, long ago. I left this place to search for a way to live a life on the surface. Back then, I had been almost as naive as you. Course, the wasteland takes care of that particular problem.”

A heavy sigh released from her bruised red lips, she watched the train rise up a steep incline, before it turned a circuit around the edge of the dome, and passed across the grim vista of the burning city below, that huge hulking form in the darkness shooting out flames as they rattled across a suspended bridge, carriages swaying from side to side as she looked down at the utter destruction, fires flaring everywhere, gunfire flashing in the darkness, her voice but a whisper. “Her name was Yula back then, and after a few weeks of my own being aboveground, she rescued me from a pack of hungry super mutants. She took me in, and told me of her dreams to unify the wasteland, and to avenge her murdered family, but after a couple of years I noticed a change begin within her.

“At first, it was just simple migraines, but then that turned to bloodlust and rage. She took on the name Red, for only the color of blood she said could cleanse the world. And this City, once my home, meant to be the beginning of her dream, a sanctuary for all races, a place where she could care for her offspring in peace, had become a butcher’s yard of death. Men and women alike penned in and treated like animals to be fed to her precious pets.”

Hand lightly touching the glass screen, she pressed her forehead against it, before she continued on, “But it was only after the brotherhood reared its ugly head in the Commonwealth that she truly lost her mind. Said there could be nothing but war with such scum and began turning everything into weapons. Wildmen little better than animals could be influenced by her powers, deathclaws, raiders, super mutants, it didn’t matter to her so long as she could use them against the brotherhood. I’ll admit it wasn’t exactly the highlight of my career in those years, but Yula had seemed like the kind of person that had the strength of will to change the world. It is unfortunate that things have turned out the way they have and that our paths will possibly cross again.”


Head turned back to face you with somber green eyes that looked deep into yours, she smiled sadly, “To be honest I had half expected I would need to put a bullet into your skull at some point, but you have proven to be quite useful. It’s why I tell you now, that in order to get through Red’s Stronghold, we will need the help of the F.L.A, the Freedom Liberation Army, an underground movement started by a fragment of the Railroad. They're not as pigheaded as those blind arrogant fools out in the Commonwealth, but they will still need a bit of convincing to help us in our endeavor. It is my belief that those strange skills of yours will come in handy again.”

Eyeing the protective glass dome of the city as they left it behind, they re-entered the empty dark corridors of the subway tunnels, your gaze shifting to look back one last time upon the city’s brilliant lights, and noticed for the first time that the pipboy’s geiger counter had begun to spike again. An odd coincidence, or was that dome meant for something else?

Thoughts drifting to the F.L.A. You couldn’t help wondering if they were anything like the Railroad where you had to complete a quest to gain their trust, a thought that finally brought you into exhausted sleep…(Resting Moment.)

+20 Rads.

...Waking up to the sound of footsteps beside you, you looked up to see Loraq, his expression twisted into a frown of worry as the train began to slow to a crawl, floodlights pouring through the car windows, and loudspeakers amplifying a stern voice, “This is the Freedom Liberation Army! Throw down your weapons! And come out!”


Hesitant over disarming yourself, especially considering you didn’t know who they were, you crouched down behind your bunk bed, and tried to look out the window, when bullets flew through the glass, grazing your cheek, followed by grenades that popped, and released noxious fumes.

Coughing and gagging on your own vomit as you hurriedly thrust open the car door, you were instantly blinded by flashlights thrust into your eyes as men in green military fatigues thrust weapons into your face, forcing you down onto your knees onto the cold stone platform, your bleary eyes able to make out Cassidy and the rest of the crew being pushed into a line beside you. (All of your gear has been removed.)

-2 HP.


Not sure what else to do, but comply, you quickly removed your weapons, looked to Loraq who had done the same, and thrust open the car door to a blinding light. Dozens of flashlights thrust into your eyes as men in green military fatigues thrust weapons into your face, and forced you down onto your knees. The cold stone of the platform, seeping into your skin as bleary eyes were able to make out Cassidy and the rest of the crew being pushed into a line beside you. (All of your gear has been removed.)

The man that swept out from a tall squat building ahead, built like a brick house with a wide jawline, scarred left eyebrow, and short close-cropped silver hair, his steel-grey eyes examining each one of them as he went down the line, before he stopped in front of you.

“I am Colonel Jeffries, Commander of the 22nd Division of the Liberation Army. Who are you? And what are you doing in my garrison?”

(Bluff. Charisma 5.)

Mustering up your courage, you replied, “Sir, we’re reinforcements sent by headquarters to help reinforce your position. Unfortunately we took heavy casualties in Broken Dream and many of our men were killed by wildmen.”


The startled look of surprise in the man’s steely grey eyes quickly turned to rage as he spat out, “fucking savages! But we’ll sort them out soon enough. Well, on your feet, soldier, we’ve been expecting your help for quite some time now.”

A little shocked that your bluff had worked, you were helped up as the Colonel explained the situation to them. “Beastlords have been crawling up our arses lately. We’ve put a swift end to their assaults, but the bastards persist in attacking our eastern defenses. If we don’t get reinforcements down there soon enough. We’ll end up losing the whole goddam section.”

Not really sure what the man expected you to do about that, you were led away down a narrow stone corridor lit up by fluorescent lamps. The underground military bunker, a maze of tunnels as you were brought through rooms filled with bunk beds, a mess hall with bedraggled and exhausted men, and to your shock synth troopers. Their familiar white armor stained with dirt as they nodded their heads to you in the hallways, a part of you unable to believe former members of the railroad would work with their kind.

Still not sure what else you expected to happen, you looked back to see Cassidy shoot you a look of confusion, before they were brought in to see the quartermaster, his stockpile of weapons and supplies arrayed behind him on racks, and shielded by what you suspected was bulletproof glass.

Waving an arm to the stocky man with bushy black eyebrows and a thick black beard, the Colonel spoke again, “Stock up whatever essentials you’ll need and we’ll get underway.”

(Your gear and weapons have been returned to you. You can sell equipment here as well. Expanded Stockpile for military personnel.)

Quartermaster Bob. (Rolls 15, 6 sided dice.)

Stimpaks - 150 Caps. Restores full health.

Rations - 10 Caps. Restores 2 HP.

Bandages - 20 Caps. Restores 4 HP.

Rad-x- 200 Caps. Acts like armor to reduce incoming radiation damage by 5. Limited to 10 uses.

RadAway - 300 Caps. Can be used to drop radiation levels by 10.

Med-X - 150 Caps. Temporarily doubles your armor’s defense rating.

Psycho - 150 Caps. Temporarily boosts your melee and unarmed combat by 50%.

Jet - 150 Caps. Temporarily slows down time so you can escape unharmed from any damage taken.

Buffout - Temporarily boosts strength by 10.

Mentats - Temporarily boosts intelligence by 10.

Grenades - 50 Caps. Throwing skill required to use properly.

10mm Pistol - 50 Caps. Small guns skill is required to use properly.

Hunting rifle - 100 Caps. Small guns skill is required to use properly.

Assault rifle - 150 Caps. Small guns skill is required to use properly.

Combat Shotgun - 200 Caps. Small guns skill is required to use properly.

Combat Knife - 50 Caps. Melee skill is required to use properly.

Combat Rifle - 300 Caps. Increases Small Guns Skill by 10%.

Sniper Rifle - 400 Caps. Increases Perception by 2.

Machete - 60 Caps. Melee skill required to use properly.

Battle Axe - 80 Caps. Melee skill required to use properly.

(Any type of ammunition is 5 Caps per Bullet.)

Raider Armor - 50 Caps. +2 defense.

Leather Armor - 150 Caps. +5 defense.

Metal Armor - 500 Caps. +10 defense.

Combat Armor - 800 Caps. +15 defense.

Starting to get a little worried now that your bluff might have worked a little too well, you had only a few moments to pick up fresh provisions and supplies, before your gear was handed back to you, and you were marched off again. This time, the Colonel escorted you down a set of staircases, before ending up at a heavily fortified position with eighteen men and women gathered behind barricades, standing watch on ramparts with machine-gun nests that overlooked a large cavern covered in stalagmites, and soldiers guarding a huge metal gate.

With a rough hand thrust into your back, you climbed up the wooden steps that led up to the ramparts, feeling an utter fool, when a voice roared out, "here they come again!"

(Tell the truth.)

Mustering up your courage, you replied, “Well, to be honest, we were hoping to get some help from you against Red and her army.”

The startled look of surprise in the man’s steely grey eyes turned to one of amusement as he laughed, “And what makes you think we’d want to help you, wastelanders.”

Shrugging your shoulders uncomfortably under his inscrutable gaze, you replied, “we are on the same side?”

Staring into his cold hard eyes, you thought for a second that he would kill you right there and then, when he finally nodded his head. “Very well, but you will need to help us first.”

Not an unexpected request as you were helped back up to your feet and guided away, the Colonel explaining the situation to them. “In the past few days, we’ve had beastlords assaulting our eastern defenses. If we don’t get reinforcements down there soon. We’ll end up losing the whole goddam section, which is where you come in.”

Not really sure what the man expected you to do about that, you were led away down a narrow stone corridor lit up by fluorescent lamps. The underground military bunker, a maze of tunnels as you were brought through rooms filled with bunk beds, a mess hall with bedraggled and exhausted men, and to your shock synth troopers. Their familiar white armor stained with dirt as they nodded their heads to you in the hallways, a part of you unable to believe former members of the railroad would work with their kind.

Still not sure what else you expected to happen, you looked back to see Cassidy shoot you a look of confusion, before they were brought in to see the quartermaster, his stockpile of weapons and supplies arrayed behind him on racks, and shielded by what you suspected was bulletproof glass.

Waving an arm to the stocky man with bushy black eyebrows and a thick black beard, the Colonel spoke again, “Stock up whatever essentials you’ll need and we’ll get underway.”

(Your gear and weapons have been returned to you. You can sell equipment here as well. Limited Stockpile for outsiders.)

Quartermaster Bob. (Rolls 15, 6 sided dice.)

Rations - 10 Caps. Restores 2 HP.

Bandages - 20 Caps. Restores 4 HP.

Med-X - 150 Caps. Temporarily doubles your armor’s defense rating.

Grenades - 50 Caps. Throwing skill required to use properly.

10mm Pistol - 50 Caps. Small guns skill is required to use properly.

Hunting rifle - 100 Caps. Small guns skill is required to use properly.

Combat Knife - 50 Caps. Melee skill is required to use properly.

(Any type of ammunition is 5 Caps per Bullet.)

Raider Armor - 50 Caps. +2 defense.

Leather Armor - 150 Caps. +5 defense.

Starting to get a little worried now about what he meant by help, you had only a few moments to pick up fresh provisions and supplies, before your gear was handed back to you, and you were marched off again. This time, the Colonel escorted you down a set of staircases, before ending up at a heavily fortified position with eighteen men and women gathered behind barricades, standing watch on ramparts with machine-gun nests that overlooked a large cavern covered in stalagmites, and soldiers guarding a huge metal gate.

With a rough hand thrust into your back, you climbed up the wooden steps that led up to the ramparts, feeling an utter fool, when a voice roared out, "here they come again!"

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