《Fallout Fanfiction (LitRPG)》Wildmen?



In the few seconds it took you to realize that you did not wish to be found here, you hauled Wren up onto your shoulder, heard her muttered oath of pain, and hopped off the train on the other side of the platform. Your palms half covered in sweat, and surrounded by an eerie stillness as you stared out at pristine white homes with picket fences, american flags hung from doorways, and beautiful lush green lawns. It was all that you had imagined the American Dream would be, although it was missing a Mr. Handy to tidy up the hedges.

Nervous at being out in the open, you humped your way across the concrete platform, climbed down the metal steps at the other side, and entered one of the houses across the street. The sleek green car that was parked in the garage outside, one of odd design that had no wheels that you could see, everything about this place screaming pre-war tech that far surpassed even your own world.

More ominous however was the pervading quiet as you opened the door for this elegant house, and passed the welcome home mat, before laying Wren down in what looked to be the living room with a box-shaped tv in one corner, plush blue couch behind you, and kitchen annex to the front. The bookshelves that lined the floral patterned walls, filled with stories you’d never even heard of, and colorful paintings that depicted images of the pre-war era. Mostly with propaganda on how to stamp out communism and keeping a lookout for the reds. There were even a few toys strewn about the carpeted floor, a still lit cigarette in the ashtray, and a plate full of warm food on the kitchen counter. It was as though the people living here had all just vanished.


Disturbed and not a little worried by what that could mean, you quickly headed to the window to make sure you were not followed here, and saw dozens of near human like males in shabby brown clothing carrying makeshift weapons surround the train, their unwashed hair uncut, and beards grown long as they sniffed the air like wolves on the hunt. The voice that came from behind, almost a shock to you.

“What are you doing in my home, stranger? I want no problems with your wildmen.”

Stiffening at the mere mention of the name wildmen, you remembered the dlc with the savage cannibals that had suffered neurological damage, and half-turned to see a rumpled looking man in a grey business suit carrying a double-barrelled shotgun.

Arms held up before you, you replied, “what are the wildmen doing down here?”

Plain looking with a thin mustache above his lip, and jet black hair combed to one side, the man’s eyebrows lifted up in confusion, before being drawn down angrily. “How the bloody hell should I know! It was your bloody lot that brought them down here in the first place!”

Head still shaking as you tried to understand what was going on you replied, “I meant where did they come?”

Dark eyes narrowed suspiciously, the man hefted his shotgun, “they’re from the surface of course, brought here on those blasted trains that you keep hauling in here to build that bloody fortress of yours. Our boys would have dealt with them, but most of them got eaten by the Scrulk. But now a man can’t leave his home without being hunted by those savages, and I tell you now that is no blasted way to live.”

Stunned at the explanation, a part of you wanted to know why the wildmen were brought here to work on construction? Or what this Scrulk was, but then half guessed that this had to be the work of Red, and gestured your arms placatingly in the air, “listen whoever it is you think I am, I'm not. I just arrived here with my friend, and as soon as the rest of my group gets here, we’ll leave.”


Studying you with eyes that bored holes through yours, the man eventually released a heavy sigh, and lowered his shotgun, “you do seem different from that other sort. Buggers would have tried to gun me down by now, but you can’t stay here. I won’t have you endangering my family.”

And as if on queue, you saw a little girl’s head pop out from the kitchen to stare at you, her wide brown eyes curious, hidden behind blonde curls, before an arm dragged her backwards. “Get away from there, Sarah.”

The woman who appeared, short and plump with dark blue eyes, wearing a green dress as she hustled the little girl out of the kitchen, when you heard footsteps out on the porch.

The man’s terrified eyes, grabbing your arm and dragging you down to hide below the windowsill as bloodshot red eyes peered through the window, yellow teeth sharpened to points, and face horribly scarred by radiation. The metal collar that flashed red around his neck, sending a spike of fear coursing through you as you wondered if this was how they were being controlled? A thought that was immediately quashed down as you heard fingers rattle the door handle.

(Shoot the wildman in the window.)

Not knowing what else to do, you took out your gun, saw the dark-haired man’s expression widen with fear beside you, and fired up at the wildman, killing the creature with a bullet to the head. The explosive cries of rage as his body fell backwards, followed by heavy thumps on the door as the man scrambled away and blasted two barrels into the doorway. “Bloody fool! They would have left us alone!”

-1 bullet.

(Block the doorway.)

Not knowing what else to do, you threw yourself towards the doorway, and clutched onto the handle with all your strength, when the man looked at you with wide-eyed terror, and whispered, “no!”

The creature on the other side of the door realizing the handle would no longer move, growling, and pushing down, when bodies thumped against it.

Nimble despite wearing a suit, the man scrambled away, and blasted two barrels into the window. “Bloody fool! They would have left us alone!”

Terrified at the sounds coming from outside, you picked up Wren’s unconscious body, her eyes half flickering open and raced after him as he darted through the kitchen. The daughter crying into her mother’s skirt as they both were pushed towards the back of the house, opened up a trap door hidden in the parent’s bedroom, and clambered down. At least, you tried to climb down, when the man growled and pointed his shotgun up at you. “Bugger off.” The metal trap door snapped shut behind him.

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