《Fallout Fanfiction (LitRPG)》Broken Dream



Listening to the rhythmic beat of steel against steel, you slumped down into the torn driver's seat, and stared out into the inky abyss with tears in your eyes. Of all the things you had ever expected to happen to you, you had thought that this time you were going to die. But now that you had survived, you felt weak, and utterly drained of all energy. The light that flooded the rock walls revealing railroads tracks that kept going and going on, passing burrows where creatures had dug their homes, while feeling this incredible weight on your shoulders. You had saved Wren’s life, but now that was done, you were beginning to realise that you had no way home, and no pipboy to guide you.

Too tired to think, too tired to really care anymore, you drowsily closed your eyes, and for the first time, in a long time, you dreamed of your family. The one you had lost touch with all those years ago, their distant voices as they spoke around the campfire, reminding you of a different time when they had all been so close, before they had drifted apart. Friends, and family, it was always the same with life moving ever onward. (Resting moment.)

Waking suddenly to the sound of blaring horns and flashing lights, you let out a loud gasp as the rock walls became steel and concrete. Its smooth curving white surface, untarnished by war as yellow lights shot past you. The darkness receding away before an immense underground complex that sat beneath a great dome and pulsed with hundreds of lights that came from buildings, towers, and people’s homes. Every inch of it, reminding you of the institute with its sheer white walls, intricate glass structures, fountains, and lush green gardens. It was like deep-diving into the pre-war era of fallout as the train dipped lower and entered the city's boundaries, when you realized there was another train on the tracks ahead of you, halted in front of a station with the named, American Dream.


(Pilot Skill 30%.)

On an almost certain collision course with the train, you immediately drew back on a lever, and heard the squeal of the brakes as Big Bastard was slowly brought to a halt.

(Luck 4.)

On an almost certain collision course with the train, you frantically flipped through levers, pressed down on buttons, until at last you heard the squeal of the brakes, and brought Big Bastard slowly to a halt.

(Pilot Skill 0%.)

On an almost certain collision course with the train, you frantically flipped through the levers, pressed down on buttons, until at last you heard the squeal of the brakes, and were thrown forward against the glass screen. Badly bruising your left shoulder. (Any weapons skill requiring the use of two arms is decreased by 5% in the next two fights.),

Breathing heavily at the close call, you looked out past the quiet station platform to stark empty streets, park benches surrounded by green shrubbery, and towering trees. Your mind half wondering to yourself as to how you were ever going to be able to find Cassidy in all this, when to your surprise you saw movement. Shadows moving through the buildings, the urge to flee, stamped down as you realized there was nowhere to go. Plus there was Wren to think about.

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