《Fallout Fanfiction (LitRPG)》Gwen



But in the dark gloom of the third car as you gazed down at Gwen’s pale sweaty brow, a part of you knew that you could not leave her. And it wasn't because you wanted to be a hero, even though you did enjoy that sometimes. But because you had seen what it was like to be left by the wayside, to struggle alone in the darkness. Even if it made the most logical sense in the world to you, you could never do that.

Heart suddenly pulsing with rage at the thought that someone else could, you let out a low growl, "I’m staying here."

Cassidy's startled look of shock, quickly turned to green-eyed fury as she spat back, "sometimes I think it's like you want to fucking die. Ferals swarming all around us, and here you want to stay and play fucking hero. Well, let me tell you what happens to heroes fuck face! They die quick! They die stupid! and they die forgotten! And those that they try to save, end up fucking dead anyway. So you listen to me fucking good, you're coming with us."

But whether or not she was right, you shook your head, and replied in a much softer voice, "you're wrong, Cass, wrong to just give up. If there is something in this world worth fighting for, you do it. You stay, and you fight for it.”

Cassidy’s emerald green eyes flashing red, veins pulsing angrily on her forehead, before she crossed the gap, and ripped the pipboy from your arm. Her snarl vicious, “we'll see how you enjoy having ferals feast on your bones.” Her attention shifting to Loraq as she wove her fingers through the air.

The young former member of the railroad, frozen as he stared in between them, trying to decide what to do, before he slouched past you. So much for him being a do-gooder, you thought angrily as you mutter, “coward.”

Loraq’s brown eyes barely glancing up at you as his dark skin flushed a deep red, and his hands trembled at his sides before they both left the train compartment. The air left behind, rank with the odor of blood, desiccation, and ripened corpses. All things you had never smelled in the real world but had now become all too familiar with.

Head shaking at what you had gotten yourself into, you looked back down at Wren’s watery blue eyes, and saw her shake her head and smile, “idiot.”

Before thinking, well, what were you going to do now? The welling of despair, quickly scrubbed away as you gently gripped the edges of her bloodstained clothing and pulled it up to get a better look at her wound, warm blood spilling freely onto your hands at the deep gash in her abdomen.

(Doctor Skill 40% or First Aid Skill 50%.)

Moving swiftly into action, you stopped the bleeding with scraps of cloth, cleaned the wound using alcohol, and stitched her back up using whatever you could find in the compartment. But unlike you, she made no miraculous recovery but fell into a deep slumber with a grateful look on her face.

It was then as you sat down beside her that you noticed a stimpak left for you by the doorway.

Inventory Item Added.


(Use a stimpak.)

With no real medical knowledge, you wasted no time, and pulled a stimpak out from your pocket, tested the needle by spraying a few drops into the air and tapped it like they did in the game, before you stabbed her in the stomach. Her cries of pain forcing you to grit and squeeze the liquid, watching her fall into unconsciousness. But unlike you, she made no miraculous recovery but fell into a deep slumber with a grateful look on her face.


It was then as you sat down beside her that you noticed a stimpak left for you by the doorway.


Inventory Item Added.


(Staunch the wound and search for a stimpak.)

With no real medical knowledge and no stimpaks on hand, you did what you could to stop the bleeding, forcing Wren’s hand to take over from you and searched the compartment, hoping against hope you had missed something in your first search for supplies, when you noticed something left on the ground by the car door. A single stimpak left by the doorway where Cassidy and Loraq had been only moments ago.

Stunned that they had still cared enough to waste supplies on people they believed would die, you scrambled towards it, and rushed back to Wren. A part of you still disbelieving as you tested the needle by spraying a few drops into the air and tapping it like they did in the game, before you stabbed her in the stomach. Her cries of pain forcing you to grit your teeth as you squeezed the liquid inside, watching her fall into unconsciousness. But unlike you, she made no miraculous recovery but fell into a deep slumber with a grateful look on her face.

+20 Rads

Panting for air like you had run a thousand miles, you knew there was still no time to waste. You may have saved her life, but they were still very much in danger, the howls of rage you heard coming from outside growing louder and louder. The smell of blood drawing dozens of denizens from the under pits of hell.

(Carry her into the forward car.)

Heart still pounding like a drum, you carefully picked her up in your arms, her small body surprisingly light in your arms, and galloped towards the next car, preferring your chances better there where the windows were hopefully still intact. The skitter and growl of creatures becoming much more frantic as you managed to grasp the handle with one hand, and rush inside, snapping the car door shut behind. Everything in complete disarray with the bunk beds ripped free from the walls, Bull’s large pot of stew spilled across the metal surface, and the table smashed into pieces.

(Load up on more ammo first.)

Mouth dry with fear at the thought of running out of ammo here of all places, you raced back over to the crates, filling your pockets with ammunition, when a huge green-scaled body slammed against the window cracking it wide open, yellow savage eyes peering inside with a look of fury as you hauled Wren into your arms, and galloped for the next car. The skitter and growl of creatures becoming louder as a powerful claw swiped at your back ripping through your armor, before you managed to grasp the handle with one hand, and rush inside. Everything in complete disarray with the bunk beds torn free of the walls, Bull’s large pot of stew spilling across the metal surface, and the table smashed into pieces.

-4 HP.

(Ammunition refilled. Every 10 bullets equals 1 item in your inventory.)

Winding your way forward through the carnage caused by the train's sudden stoppage, you moved on, a part of you disappointed to find the power armor gone. But no matter, all you really needed was to get this damn train moving again, and you would be fine. At least that's what kept telling yourself as you thrust open the door to the cabin, and found everything to be exactly the way you had left it, except for one thing. The powerful headlights from the train revealed a partially collapsed tunnel ahead filling the track with rubble. Unless you could clear it, you weren't going anywhere.


Sighing heavily at the thought of going out there alone with the gods alone knew what was hunting you, you knew you had no other choice. Still, more worrisome was the thought of heading back down the train to secure explosives.

(If you already have 3 grenades.)

Thankfully however you had picked up a few grenades earlier and now just needed to blow a path clear for yourself.

Easier said than done. You thought ruefully as you glanced down at Gwen’s sleeping face, her sweat-stained hair glued to her cheek and brow. Her youthful visage, marked by scars and dark bags underneath her eyelids. In another world, she would have left for college, but in this one, she was a fighter. And in all honesty you did not know which one was the better for her.

Taking a breath to slow your rapidly beating heart, you returned to the second car, hunched down as you peered out the carriage’s door window, seeing a multitude of feral ghouls wandering around aimlessly in a large cavern covered in stalagmites. Then thought, well fuck, so much for this being easy. Not that you had really thought it would be.

(Sneak Skill 50% and Traps Skill 20%.)

Still hoping that you wouldn’t be seen too soon, you pushed ajar the door slowly, and dropped softly to the cold stoney ground, before rolling underneath the train in a single smooth motion. Gaze shifting all around you frantically as ferals fidgeted scanning the area with those dead unblinking white eyes that seemed to see nothing and everything.

Crawling on hands and knees across jagged rocks with the train’s undercarriage over your head, you could smell the noxious fumes of sulfur, dirt, and moist air that made your skin crawl. A part of you worried over the amount of radiation you must be taking in as you moved slowly, making sure to breathe softly.

+30 Rads.

Nearing the front of the train with the boulders pressed up against it, you nestled the two grenades deep into the rubble’s foundation, cracked open the third with the experience of a bombmaker, and dribbled out gunpowder in a line back the way you had come.

Then at a safe distance away, you laid your pistol’s barrel against the powder, and fired. The burst of heat coursing down the line as you scrambled out from under the train and ran back towards the open car door, hearing the guttural cries of the ghouls as you threw yourself inside, and slammed the door shut. Hungry faces and fingers clawing, banging against the door as you fell back, when an explosion rocked the train.

Hoping and praying your plan had worked, you charged back to the front car seeing most of the rubble scattered into smaller fragments, and quickly pulled the levers, the memory of how Tessa had turned it on, replaying through your mind as steam was released in a massive wave of white smoke, followed by a powerful rumble as it tugged forward, cracking stone, and lumbering forward like a sleeping giant, the hundreds of feral ghouls that had climbed onto the tracks crushed beneath its weight as you laughed gleefully, “Go Big Bastard! Go!”

-3 grenades.

-1 bullet.

(Sneak Skill 0% and Traps Skill 20%.)

Still hoping that you wouldn’t see you too soon, you pushed the car door ajar, and dropped softly to the cold stoney ground, before rolling underneath the train in a clumsy motion. Gaze shifting all around you frantically as ferals fidgeted, scanning the area with those dead white eyes that seemed to see nothing and everything.

Crawling on hands and knees across jagged rocks with the train’s undercarriage over your head, you could smell the noxious fumes of sulfur, dirt, and moist air that made your skin crawl. A part of you worried over the amount of radiation you must be getting as you moved slowly, when your foot struck a stone, sending it skittering away. The noise attracting the attention of four ghouls who sniffed the air and moved towards you.

+30 Rads.

Heart thundering like a drum, you knew there was no time to wait and scrambled forward, nestled the two grenades deep into the rubble’s foundation, and cracked opened the third with the experience of a bombmaker, dribbling out the gunpowder in a line, when the ghouls saw you and growled.

Gun out before you even knew what you were doing, you fired rapidly, killing three and driving the fourth into cover as more rushed towards you.

Pistol’s barrel laid out against the gunpowder, you fired again. The burst of heat coursing down the line as you scrambled out from under the train and ran back towards the car door, hearing the guttural cries of the ghouls as you threw yourself inside, and slammed it closed behind you. Hungry faces clawing and banging at the door as you fell back, when an explosion rocked the train.

Hoping and praying your plan had worked, you charged back to the front car seeing most of the rubble scattered into smaller fragments, and quickly pulled the levers, the memory of how Tessa had turned it on, replaying through your mind as steam was released in a massive wave of white smoke, followed by a powerful rumble as it tugged forward, cracking stone, and lumbering forward like a sleeping giant, the hundreds of feral ghouls that had climbed onto the tracks crushed beneath its weight as you laughed gleefully, “Go Big Bastard! Go!”

-6 Bullets.

(Sneak Skill 0% and Traps Skill 0%.)

Still hoping that you wouldn’t see too soon, you pushed the car door ajar, and dropped softly to the cold stoney ground, before rolling underneath the train in a clumsy motion. Gaze shifting all around you frantically as ferals fidgeted, scanning the area with those dead white eyes that seemed to see nothing and everything.

Crawling on hands and knees across jagged rocks with the train’s undercarriage over your head, you could smell the noxious fumes of sulfur, dirt, and moist air that made your skin crawl. A part of you worried over the amount of radiation you must be getting as you moved slowly, when your foot struck a stone, sending it skittering away. The noise attracting the attention of four ghouls who sniffed the air and moved towards you.

+30 Rads.

Heart thundering like a drum, you knew there was no time to wait and scrambled forward, nestled the two grenades deep into the rubble’s foundation, and with a bit of difficulty cracked opened the third, dribbling out the gunpowder in a line, when the ghouls saw you and growled.

Gun out before you even knew what you were doing, you fired at them killing three and driving the fourth into cover as more rushed towards you.

Pistol’s barrel laid out against the gunpowder, you fired again. The burst of heat coursing down the line as you scrambled out from under the train and ran back towards the open door, hearing the guttural cries of the ghouls as you tried to throw yourself inside, when you were blown off your feet by the explosion which came too soon. Hungry faces and fingers leering towards you as you fired at point blank range blasting three more into puddles of blood and brains and sprinted back into the car, slamming the door shut on bony white fingers, heads and claws banging against the door as you fell back.

Hoping and praying your plan had worked, you charged back to the front car seeing most of the rubble scattered into smaller fragments, and quickly pulled the levers, the memory of how Tessa had turned it on, replaying through your mind as steam was released in a massive wave of white smoke, followed by a powerful rumble as it tugged forward, cracking stone, and lumbering forward like a sleeping giant, the hundreds of feral ghouls that had climbed onto the tracks crushed beneath its weight as you laughed gleefully, “Go Big Bastard! Go!”

-4 HP.

-7 bullets.

(If you do not have 3 grenades.)

But what other choice did you have?

Gun drawn as you released a heavy breath, you glanced down at Gwen’s sleeping face, her battle-hardened features softened as sweat glued hair to her cheeks and brow, and couldn't help thinking how in a different world she would have left for college. Her scarred visage, caked in dirt, and dark bags under her eyelids. It was one of those moments where you wondered which world was better for her, before gliding away, your feet steadily thudding into the dull metal as you crossed back into the second car. Its still emptiness shattered by the sounds of strange noises coming from outside, and the noxious fumes of death.

Bent down so you wouldn’t be seen out of any of the windows, you moved slowly towards the third compartment that had been breached, adrenaline pumping through your sweat-soaked body as you pushed open the car door, creating a gap. The immense green-skinned beast that loomed outside, casually bent over slurping and feasting on the flesh of the dead ferals you had killed, bones cracking in its huge maw as yellow snakelike eyes flashed in the darkness.

Heart slamming from side to side, you fell to your belly, teeth gritted in a snarl, and began inching your way forward again, searching the crates that had been bounced around, wooden panels cracked open to spill out their contents, weaponry and armor strewn about. Each second, excruciatingly slow as you tried to avoid making any sounds, when you finally found what you were looking for. Only problem was, the blasted box of grenades was close to the damaged window that leaked radiation and showed the blackened horns of the beast.

(Sneak Skill 30% or Agility 4.)

Relying on your skills again, you ghosted closer, breathing quieted to almost nothing as you padded forward, took what you needed, and left the car door behind.

+10 Rads.

Inventory Items Added.

x3 Grenades.

(Rush for it.)

Eyes squeezed shut as adrenaline and fear coursed through you, you broke into a sudden gallop, snatching up the needed explosives from the crate, before spinning about and running, the force of the roar shaking the very fabric of the air as a claw lashed out at you from behind, caused you to stumble, before you snapped the car door shut as the train shook from repeated hits.

+10 Rads.

-3 HP.

Gasping for air as you released a heavy sigh of relief, you couldn’t believe that this was only the first step. Taking a breath to slow your rapidly beating heart, you returned to the second car, hunched down as you peered out the carriage’s door window, seeing a multitude of feral ghouls wandering around aimlessly in a large cavern covered in stalagmites. Then thought, well fuck, so much for this being easy. Not that you had really thought it would be.

(Sneak Skill 50% and Traps Skill 20%.)

Still hoping that you wouldn’t be seen too soon, you pushed ajar the door slowly, and dropped softly to the cold stoney ground, before rolling underneath the train in a single smooth motion. Gaze shifting all around you frantically as ferals fidgeted scanning the area with those dead unblinking white eyes that seemed to see nothing and everything.

Crawling on hands and knees across jagged rocks with the train’s undercarriage over your head, you could smell the noxious fumes of sulfur, dirt, and moist air that made your skin crawl. A part of you worried over the amount of radiation you must be taking in as you moved slowly, making sure to breathe softly.

+30 Rads.

Nearing the front of the train with the boulders pressed up against it, you nestled the two grenades deep into the rubble’s foundation, cracked open the third with the experience of a bombmaker, and dribbled out gunpowder in a line back the way you had come.

Then at a safe distance away, you laid your pistol’s barrel against the powder, and fired. The burst of heat coursing down the line as you scrambled out from under the train and ran back towards the open car door, hearing the guttural cries of the ghouls as you threw yourself inside, and slammed the door shut. Hungry faces and fingers clawing, banging against the door as you fell back, when an explosion rocked the train.

Hoping and praying your plan had worked, you charged back to the front car seeing most of the rubble scattered into smaller fragments, and quickly pulled the levers, the memory of how Tessa had turned it on, replaying through your mind as steam was released in a massive wave of white smoke, followed by a powerful rumble as it tugged forward, cracking stone, and lumbering forward like a sleeping giant, the hundreds of feral ghouls that had climbed onto the tracks crushed beneath its weight as you laughed gleefully, “Go Big Bastard! Go!”

-3 grenades.

-1 bullet.

(Sneak Skill 0% and Traps Skill 20%.)

Still hoping that you wouldn’t see you too soon, you pushed the car door ajar, and dropped softly to the cold stoney ground, before rolling underneath the train in a clumsy motion. Gaze shifting all around you frantically as ferals fidgeted, scanning the area with those dead white eyes that seemed to see nothing and everything.

Crawling on hands and knees across jagged rocks with the train’s undercarriage over your head, you could smell the noxious fumes of sulfur, dirt, and moist air that made your skin crawl. A part of you worried over the amount of radiation you must be getting as you moved slowly, when your foot struck a stone, sending it skittering away. The noise attracting the attention of four ghouls who sniffed the air and moved towards you.

+30 Rads.

Heart thundering like a drum, you knew there was no time to wait and scrambled forward, nestled the two grenades deep into the rubble’s foundation, and cracked opened the third with the experience of a bombmaker, dribbling out the gunpowder in a line, when the ghouls saw you and growled.

Gun out before you even knew what you were doing, you fired rapidly, killing three and driving the fourth into cover as more rushed towards you.

Pistol’s barrel laid out against the gunpowder, you fired again. The burst of heat coursing down the line as you scrambled out from under the train and ran back towards the car door, hearing the guttural cries of the ghouls as you threw yourself inside, and slammed it closed behind you. Hungry faces clawing and banging at the door as you fell back, when an explosion rocked the train.

Hoping and praying your plan had worked, you charged back to the front car seeing most of the rubble scattered into smaller fragments, and quickly pulled the levers, the memory of how Tessa had turned it on, replaying through your mind as steam was released in a massive wave of white smoke, followed by a powerful rumble as it tugged forward, cracking stone, and lumbering forward like a sleeping giant, the hundreds of feral ghouls that had climbed onto the tracks crushed beneath its weight as you laughed gleefully, “Go Big Bastard! Go!”

-6 Bullets.

(Sneak Skill 0% and Traps Skill 0%.)

Still hoping that you wouldn’t see too soon, you pushed the car door ajar, and dropped softly to the cold stoney ground, before rolling underneath the train in a clumsy motion. Gaze shifting all around you frantically as ferals fidgeted, scanning the area with those dead white eyes that seemed to see nothing and everything.

Crawling on hands and knees across jagged rocks with the train’s undercarriage over your head, you could smell the noxious fumes of sulfur, dirt, and moist air that made your skin crawl. A part of you worried over the amount of radiation you must be getting as you moved slowly, when your foot struck a stone, sending it skittering away. The noise attracting the attention of four ghouls who sniffed the air and moved towards you.

+30 Rads.

Heart thundering like a drum, you knew there was no time to wait and scrambled forward, nestled the two grenades deep into the rubble’s foundation, and with a bit of difficulty cracked opened the third, dribbling out the gunpowder in a line, when the ghouls saw you and growled.

Gun out before you even knew what you were doing, you fired at them killing three and driving the fourth into cover as more rushed towards you.

Pistol’s barrel laid out against the gunpowder, you fired again. The burst of heat coursing down the line as you scrambled out from under the train and ran back towards the open door, hearing the guttural cries of the ghouls as you tried to throw yourself inside, when you were blown off your feet by the explosion which came too soon. Hungry faces and fingers leering towards you as you fired at point-blank range blasting three more into puddles of blood and brains and sprinted back into the car, slamming the door shut on bony white fingers, heads and claws banging against the door as you fell back.

Hoping and praying your plan had worked, you charged back to the front car seeing most of the rubble scattered into smaller fragments, and quickly pulled the levers, the memory of how Tessa had turned it on, replaying through your mind as steam was released in a massive wave of white smoke, followed by a powerful rumble as it tugged forward, cracking stone, and lumbering forward like a sleeping giant, the hundreds of feral ghouls that had climbed onto the tracks crushed beneath its weight as you laughed gleefully, “Go Big Bastard! Go!”

-4 HP.

-7 bullets.

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