《Fallout Fanfiction (LitRPG)》Enter the Metro



(You’ve leveled up. You have 2 Stat Points, and 5 Skill points available to spend. 10 is the maximum for stats and 100% for skills.)

...Eyes snapped shut as you dreamt of home, you tasted something foul on your tongue, tried to spit it out, when you awakened to the sight of Tessa hovering over you, her haggard features drawn downward with worry as she leaned over to dab sweat from your brow. The cool touch of cloth on your skin, a sweet relief as she chided softly, "Foolish child, you should know better than to go around poking such things. It could have killed you if I had not been not only carrying around a few doses of radaway on me. I just didn't realize I would have to waste it all on you. These chems don't come cheap you know? You're going to owe me three hundred caps."

Stiffening as the bitter mixture worked it's magic inside of you, you wondered what other dangers lurked in this world that you hadn’t noticed before? As you whispered, "thank you."

Her look of surprise was almost worth the price of radiation poisoning as she smiled, and helped you back up to your feet. Loraq, who stood a few paces away in the hallway signing something to Tessa that made the motherly old ghoul chuckle as you asked, "hold on, you can understand what he says? What did he tell you?"

Tessa, pinching your cheek with a mysterious smile, "He said, you should be more careful."

Eyes rolling at the obvious lie as the young dark-skinned man grinned at you, you thought about looking for another quest to join or perhaps build your own gang. One where you could be in charge and where people wouldn't make fun of you, before releasing a heavy sigh. It was a pity about that radroach, but if everything in this world was toxic to the touch, you would need to be more careful opening them up or end up dying of radiation poisoning. This was going to make looting so much more less enjoyable.

Looking at Tessa as an odd thought occurred to you, you asked, "did you find anything inside of them?"

The much older woman who could have been as old as trees considering a ghouls lengthy lifespans, shrugged her shoulders innocently. "That’s nothing you need to worry your little head about, child. However I do expect you to pay me back those three hundred caps."

"But the crates--"

"--now, now, dearie, no excuses, Cassidy will be wondering about us soon," and hustled you down the corridor, making you think you had just had the wool pulled over your eyes. Three hundred caps for radaway you had helped to steal from raiders. Ridiculous! But still, you would find a way to pay for it. After all, she had just saved your life, and it only seemed fair.

(You can pay off your debt in small increments. Simply subtract an amount from your own caps. Complete it, and gain the achievement. 'A True Friend Indeed.')

Moving quickly as they took the stairs back down and through the empty hallway littered with wheelchairs, they found everyone hunched over in the dining room. Cassidy and Bull stood lookout by a window that overlooked the street as the rest took cover along the walls. The raider as you had expected, missing with only fresh bloodstains on the floorboards to indicate what had happened to her.

Unable to help but stand there and gawp like an idiot as you wondered what was going on, Cassidy all but waved her arm angrily towards you, and hissed, "get down! Looks like Red's men have found us."


Instinct dropping you down to your knees as you inched your way closer to the window, and peered out to see eighteen heavily armed raiders in what looked to be tribal armor guarding a huge armored truck parked outside where they had left their buggies. Its windows, side door, and wheels, armed with large metal spikes, and armed with a cowcatcher out front. It was like a small fortress on wheels, reinforced with steel.

"I wouldn't mind driving that monster," grunted Bull, "that thing could tear through ferals like paper."

Demarco letting out a dry laugh. "Like fuck you would. I should be the one to drive her. I'm more of a man than she will ever need."

His words causing Tessa to sniff her nose at him in disgust and Wren to roll her eyes, when Cassidy snapped, "shut it. We move on foot from here on out. We've stirred up enough trouble from Red as it is. I won't have his hounds coming after us if we can help it. Not when we're so close to the next step of our plan." Or more accurately your plan.

Gesturing her hand in the direction of the back exit that lay at the far end of the corridor back down the way they had come, they quietly slipped away. Jernald, taking point as always in his power armor as they slid out into a darkened alleyway, covered in rubbish, bones, and knocked over trash cans, the smell alone forcing bile up at the back of your throat as they hurried on. Heads always on a constant swivel as they watched every angle and corner, before making their way across the street, past a rundown old tavern that had seen better days with peeling green paint called Mulligan's, and into another side alleyway. Much of the journey spent crisscrossing back and forth, keeping to the side streets and shadows, when they finally arrived at the entrance to the metro tunnels. Its dark depths seemingly went on forever as you gazed down, wondering how deep it went into the ground. The little light you could see below coming from flickering light poles.

Heart beating rapidly as Cassidy handed out rad-x and radaway, a part of you was unable to help but imagine the ferals that must be lurking, waiting to spring their trap. The fear and tension weighed down on you, like a palpable force.

Items Added to Inventory.

×5 rad-x (Acts like armor to reduce incoming radiation damage by 5. Limited to 10 uses. Valued at 200 caps.)

×5 radaway (Can be used to drop radiation levels by 10. Valued at 300 caps.)

Somehow able to sense your fear, Tessa rested an arm reassuringly on your shoulder, and whispered, "Just stick close to me, kid. Ghouls want no part of this leathery old hide, but you might want to down that rad-x first. Best keep yourself safe even if it's only a small amount of rads near the surface."

Her advice, a welcome relief from staring down into the nothingness, before swallowing the pill, and drinking a little water. You'd have to be careful not to use it all up.

Items Added to Inventory.

Water bottle - (9 sips left. Can be used to clean wounds, swallow pills, and reduce thirst. +1 HP for each sip.)

Standing there at the mouth of darkness, Cassidy eventually turned to look at them, her green eyes lit with fire as she nodded her head in approval. "From here on out, we will be following the rookie's lead. From what Marco has gathered from our prisoner. Bloody Red keeps a well-fortified outpost in the metro tunnels, along with a small army. The plan is to hijack their train, Big Bastard, and travel beneath the mountains, but I will allow you to decide how we do it."


Cold eyes focused on you as everyone's attention was suddenly on you, you could sense Demarco's hatred like a wave of heat as he spat, "are you fucking kidding?! You want to put this fucking nobody in charge!"

But Cass simply shrugged her shoulders. "The rookie is the only one who knows how to work the pipboy. We'll need that at the edge, unless you all want to get lost down there forever, wandering the tunnels, looking for a way out. There are more than just ferals down there."

Silent as they all contemplated what that could mean, you felt a sudden chill down your spine, before Cassidy continued, "well navigator? What is our next step?"

(Scout the way ahead using stealth. Stealth Skill 40% or Agility 5.)

Looking down at your pipboy and the new quest marker that had been added, you knew that you should be terrified, but this is exactly what you wanted. Control not only over their lives, but the ability to change the world.

Breath rasping in your throat, you replied, "we will use railway signs to keep in touch while I scout the way ahead. Wait thirty minutes, then follow me."

The overwhelming fear that had almost swallowed you whole moments ago vanished away as you stepped into the dark confines of the tunnel. Concrete steps muting your footsteps as you used the handrail to find your way down, until your eyes could finally adjust to the gloom. The dank wet air, bringing with it the scent of stale blood, cigarettes, and dust. Bones scattered across the ground, and the blackened scorch marks of forms that had died in the nuclear explosion, huddled together by the walls as you glided softly by the ticket barrier, pushing your way past. The tiled stone floors littered with coffee cups, cigarette butts, and empty nuka cola bottles as you made your way past the toilets, paused, and then headed inside. The need to make sure no one would come up behind you, proving true as you found four strung-out raiders, high off their gourds as they lay there passed out with drool pooling out of their lips.

Wincing a little as you pulled out your knife, you worked quickly, slitting throats without a struggle, a small piece of yourself filled with disgust, before marking the outside of the toilets as safe.

Inventory Items Added.

Assault Rifle.

10mm Pistol.

Combat knife

Hunting Rifle.

x10 10mm rounds.

x6 .308 rounds.

x15 5.56 rounds

x2 Raider Armor (+2 defense.)

Moving on as the ground sloped downwards towards a military barricade made up of sandbags, you hunkered behind it, and listened. Two boots, thudding into the ground.

+10 rads.

Then softly crept forward as you made out the outline of a man seated on a bench, drinking from a bottle, and listening to old-style music from a radio beside him. The familiar tunes, a welcome sound that covered your footsteps as you quietly snuck up on him from behind, and clocked him hard in the side of the head, using the butt of your pistol.

Taking no chances, you then thrust your blade into his heart, feeling the warm trickle of blood on your fingertips as he stiffened and died in your arms. Eventually going still as you released a heavy sigh of relief, a part of you fearing what you were becoming, before wiping the knife clean on the dead man's pants. One way or another, you meant to survive this place, and if that meant killing so be it.

Edging your way closer to the escalators that continued their way down, your eyes could make out a sign over the underground tunnels, 'This Way to the Grey Mountains'. While down below, lit up by half a dozen bonfires was a small shanty town built up around railroad tracks with dozens of figures skirting the firelight, armed with assault rifles. In between them, a train that had been stripped of its outer shell, and replaced with scrap metal that made it look like a misshapen centipede. Curiously enough, you could also make out half a dozen police protectrons that patrolled the area, their flashing lights glowing in the darkness. The laser turrets on the pillars, inactive.

(Turn their own defenses against them. Science 40% or Intelligence 5.)

Certain that this could be used to your advantage, you searched the area below for a terminal, and found it in a small alcove hidden away in a corner, its green light flickering, letting you know it was there. It was probably one of the greatest oddities in this game, but it served as a beacon now.

Careful to avoid the piles of trash on the still escalator, you began the slow climb down, head bowed to avoid being seen as you felt your way forward, hearing their loud voices boast about killing a minuteman and his family. Then just as quickly springing into the cover of a nearby pillar, your heart beating a million miles per second as you saw two raiders pass close by on the other side. The alcove where the terminal lay hidden, decorated with strange ritualistic symbols, and the face of a woman painted on the wall.

Crossing towards it as soon as there was no one around, you immediately hacked into its system, fingers tapping rapidly, when you smiled viciously. It was done.

The ensuing chaos and screams as protectrons turned their lasers on the raiders, a bloody massacre of blood and death as turrets switched online to kill those that tried to run into cover.

In a matter of minutes, all of them were dead, but as a precaution you ordered the protectrons to hunt down any survivors.

Walking back up the escalators to see Cassidy watching from above with a stern expression. Bull let out a low whistle of appreciation, "fuck me, but you killed all of them."

(Wait for the group to catch up.)

However, without the necessary skills to hack into their systems, you waited for the rest of your party to catch up, heard movement behind you, and whispered, "it's safe."

Bull, Cassidy, and Loraq looming out of the shadows, followed by Wren, Tessa, Demarco, and Jernald.

The small group surrounding you on all sides as you whisper, "I've dealt with the sentries up here, but there are at least forty raiders down there with six protectrons."

Letting out a low whistle, Bull turned to Cassidy, "that's going to take a whole mess of bullets," when Cass smiled, her green eyes lit up dangerously as she replied, "not necessarily." And pulled out four grenades from her backpack.

(Throwing Skill 40%.)

With you, Bull, Cassidy, and Demarco each taking a grenade, Jernald readied himself by the escalator as they counted to three and lobbed the weapons down. The big paladin leaping out over the ledge to land with a thundering crash, minigun blazing in hand as explosions tore through bodies. Everyone else, using the advantage of the high ground to pick apart their targets who fought back tooth and nail, before breaking apart before Jernald’s charge.

The stink of smoke and cooking meat leaving you nauseated as a part of you only half-realized that you had been wounded with a bullet in your shoulder.

-3 HP.

-5 bullets. (Any type of bullet will do. If you have no bullets. Take down an extra health point.)

(Throwing Skill 0%.)

With no real skill at throwing, Bull, Cassidy, Tessa, and Demarco each took a grenade, while Jernald readied himself by the escalator as they counted to three, and lobbed the weapons down. The big paladin leaping out over the ledge to land with a thunderous crash, minigun blazing in hand as explosions tore through bodies. Everyone else, using the advantage of the high ground to pick apart their targets who fought back tooth and nail, before breaking apart before Jernald’s charge.

The stink of smoke and cooking meat leaving you nauseated as a part of you only half-realized that you had been wounded with a bullet in your shoulder.

-3 HP.

-5 bullets. (Any type of bullet will do. If you have no bullets. Take down an extra health point.)

(Move into the tunnels in force.)

Looking down at your pipboy and the new quest marker that had been added, you knew that you should be terrified, but this is exactly what you wanted. Control not only over their lives, but the ability to change the world.

Breath rasping in your throat, you replied, "we will do this together. Loraq, you lead the way."

The overwhelming fear that had almost swallowed you whole moments ago, gone as you stepped into the dark confines of the tunnel. Concrete steps muting their footsteps as they used the handrail to find their way down. The dank wet air, bringing with it the scent of stale blood, cigarettes, and dust. Bones scattered across the ground, and the blackened scorch marks of forms that had died in the nuclear explosion, huddled together by the walls as Demarco let out a soft curse, and pushed past the ticket barrier. The tiled stone floors littered with coffee cups, cigarette butts, and empty nuka cola bottles as they made their way towards the toilets, before you paused, and gestured for Bull and Demarco to head inside. The need to make sure no one would come up behind them, proving true as you heard strangled screams, and followed them inside to find four dead raiders with empty drugs strewn around them.

Wincing a little in disgust, you knelt down and searched their bodies, before making their way back outside again.

Inventory Items Added.

Assault Rifle.

10mm Pistol.

Combat knife.

Hunting Rifle.

x10 10mm rounds.

x6 .308 rounds.

x15 5.56 rounds

x2 Raider Armor (+2 defense.)

Moving on as the ground sloped downwards towards a military barricade made up of sandbags, you hunkered down behind it, and listened. Two boots, thudding into the ground.

+10 rads.

Heart racing a little, you looked to Loraq who nodded his head, and watched him creep forward towards a man seated on a bench, drinking from a bottle, and listening to old-style music from a radio beside him. The familiar tunes, a welcome sound that would hopefully cover his footsteps, when the boy slashed open his throat, the raider somehow firing off a gunshot, before falling down as they waited breathless, listening, voices drifting towards them.

“Wait! What the fuck was that?!”

“You move around too much, you're always jumping at shadows.

“Yeah, you're right. Gotta cut down on the Jet, I guess.”

“Hey, now. Don't start talkin' crazy.”

“Hehehehe ha-ha-ha ha.”

The scripted dialogue almost making you laugh out loud, before continuing on, edging your way closer to the escalators that continued their way down, your eyes could able to make out the sign over the underground tunnels, 'This Way to the Grey Mountains'. While down below, lit up by half a dozen bonfires was a small shanty town built up around railroad tracks with dozens of figures skirting the firelight, armed with assault rifles. In between them, a train that had been stripped of its outer shell, and replaced with scrap metal that made it look like a misshapen centipede. Curiously enough, you could also make out half a dozen police protectrons that patrolled the area, their flashing lights glowing in the darkness. The laser turrets on the pillars, inactive.

(Turn their own defenses against them. Science 40% or Intelligence 5.)

Certain that this could be used to your advantage, you searched the area below for a terminal, and found it in a small alcove hidden away in a corner, its green light flickering, letting you know it was there. It was probably one of the greatest oddities in this game, but it served as a beacon now.

Waving for them to wait, you begin the slow climb down, careful to avoid the piles of trash on the still escalator, head bowed to avoid being seen as you felt your way forward, hearing their loud voices boast about killing a minuteman and his family. Then just as quickly springing into the cover of a nearby pillar, your heart beating a million miles per second as you see two raiders pass you close by on the other side. The alcove where the terminal lay hidden, decorated with strange ritualistic symbols, and the face of a woman painted on the wall.

Crossing towards it as soon as there was no one around, you immediately hacked into its system, fingers tapping rapidly, when you smiled viciously. It was done.

The ensuing chaos and screams as protectrons turned their lasers on the raiders, a bloody massacre of blood and death as turrets switched online to kill those that tried to run into cover.

In a matter of minutes, all of them were dead, but as a precaution you ordered the protectrons to hunt down any survivors.

Walking back up the escalators to see Cassidy watching from above with a stern expression. Bull let out a low whistle of appreciation, "fuck me, but you killed all of them."

(Put the team to work.)

However, without the necessary skills to hack into their systems, you waved for all of them to get closer, the small group surrounding you on all sides as you whispered, "there are at least forty raiders down there with six protectrons."

Letting out a low whistle, Bull turned to Cassidy, "that's going to take a whole mess of bullets," when Cass smiled, her green eyes lit up dangerously as she replied, "not necessarily." And pulled out four grenades from her backpack.

(Throwing Skill 40%.)

With you, Bull, Cassidy, and Demarco each taking a grenade, Jernald readied himself by the escalator as they counted to three and lobbed the weapons down. The big paladin leaping out over the ledge to land with a thundering crash, minigun blazing in hand as explosions tore through bodies. Everyone else, using the advantage of the high ground to pick apart their targets who fought back tooth and nail, before breaking apart before Jernald’s charge.

The stink of smoke and cooking meat leaving you nauseated as a part of you only half-realized that you had been wounded with a bullet in your shoulder.

-3 HP.

-5 bullets. (Any type of bullet will do. If you have no bullets. Take down an extra health point.)

(Throwing Skill 0%.)

With no real skill at throwing, Bull, Cassidy, Tessa, and Demarco each took a grenade, while Jernald readied himself by the escalator as they counted to three and lobbed the weapons down. The big paladin leaping out over the ledge to land with a thundering crash, minigun blazing in hand as explosions tore through bodies. Everyone else, using the advantage of the high ground to pick apart their targets who fought back tooth and nail, before breaking apart before Jernald’s charge.

The stink of smoke and cooking meat leaving you nauseated as a part of you only half realized that you had been wounded with a bullet in your shoulder.

-3 HP.

-5 bullets. (Any type of bullet will do. If you have no bullets. Take down an extra health point.)

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