《Fallout Fanfiction (LitRPG)》Night Raid



Worried they would be found out at some point, you whisper, "We should send in a small team at night to deal with them."

Cassidy's hard green eyes turning to look at you with a calculating smile as she replied, "By all means, rookie, do it. See it as your initiation into our ranks. I won't have any weak links bringing this crew down."

Her shocking reply, half terrifying you out of your mind at the thought of going out there on your own, but you could see from her coldly distant expression that she did not mean to go back on her words. Left there alone with a grinning Demarco who all but chortled in your ear, Jernald patted you commiseratingly on the shoulder. The gloomy silence broken up by the roar of the returning raider buggies as you slump back down on the ground, feeling like such a fool.

Of course, you should have seen it. Cassidy was the leader of this band, and by speaking out of turn, you had tried to usurp her command, but it was her crew, her job, her plan. Even if her authority had not been at stake, wastelanders could never show weakness in front of others.

Quietly moving to sit beside you, Loraq stared up into the stars, the hard edges of his youthful face almost soft in the moonlight as though remembering a different time as he held up a hand to the sky, and looked with wonder as the light played upon his fingers. In many ways, the boy reminded you of a child, still in awe of the whole world around him. Too young to realize that there was more to life than this.

(Resting Moment.)

Closing your eyes as you tried to catch a few last z's before committing what you hoped wasn't suicide, you felt rough hands shake you abruptly awake, and found Loraq squatting over you. His short chestnut hair spilling into his emerald eyes as he held up a finger to his lips. The darkened sky above, dotted with thousands of stars and puffy white clouds that surrounded the moon, and breathed in the sweet scent of decay.

If this was to be your test, you very much intended to live through it, and glided off into the waiting darkness. The others watching you leave with grim expressions, when to your surprise you found Loraq close on your heels. The boy half looking at you with a crooked sideways smile as he waved his arm for you to lead.

Perhaps in another time or place, you might have told him to leave, him being barely old enough to grow a proper mustache, but instead you were relieved to not be going at this alone. You were still too new to this world.

Head nodded in thanks to him, you again let your newfound abilities flow instinctively through you, counting on the game’s algorithms to give you a chance at survival, and moved quickly through the shadows, feeling at one with the darkness. A part of you, not at all hampered by the pitch blackness that surrounds you. The hulking husks of vehicles that you pass by, giving you plenty of places to hide as you catch sight of the first tower across the road. Its flimsy wooden walls made up of discarded junk. The damn fool up top, keeping himself warm by a roaring bonfire as he stared blindly out into the night, when you slipped across the street. Waited to make sure no one was around, before slowly ascending the wooden staircase at the back, feeling a rush of adrenaline as you saw a large man clad in metal armor cobbled together smoking a cigarette with his back turned towards you.


(Melee skill 30% or Strength 4.)

Heart leaping into your throat as you willed yourself to move, you pounced forward with knife in hand, moving to stab him in the neck, when by luck he turned away. His grizzled hard features highlighted by the bonfire, revealing a hard jawline covered in a thick black beard, before he growled and charged at you. Blood spraying into the air as you wildly slashed at his arm, when his punch sent you reeling backward with a crack as you felt your nose break, pain soaring through your watery eyes, could see the pistol at his waist come up towards you.

-2 HP.

Combat roll - (Roll 1, 6 sided dice and add it to your strength attribute. Strength required 6. If successful, continue reading. If not you have unfortunately been killed and must begin again.)

And with a desperation born from a will to survive, you leaped forward, grappling the gun out of his hands, feeling his calloused fingers around your neck as he squeezed and fell to the floorboards wrestling with each other. Finally you manage to break free, and with a strength you did not realize, you smashed the weapon into his skull, hearing a loud pop that had your stomach churning with disgust.

Coming up behind you, Lorenzo looked down at the corpse, and nodded his head in approval. His arm motioning to the sniper rifle that lay against the corner of the tower, before he turned his gaze to the rafters of the warehouse. The darkness revealing a moving shadow on the top floor of the building as the cold gleam of steel peeked its head out of a huge square cut out.

Inventory items Added.

Sniper rifle

×5 .308

(Small arms Skill 50% or Perception 6.)

Fear flooding through as you realized you only had mere seconds act, you quickly levered the sniper rifle up to your eye socket, feeling a cold pinprick between your shoulder blades as the scope showed a man on his belly aiming a machine gun at you. Sighted down the gun barrel, and fired.

The shadow slumping over in the warehouse as the other snipers noticed something was wrong, and shot back at you, forcing you down into cover. Lorenzo springing away from you with a 10mm pistol to kill a raider scrambling up the steps as you took a deep breath, and came up firing again, killing a second sniper with a bullet to the chest, felt hot lead rip into your jawline, and saw a woman on the rooftop, and dropped her with a round that struck her in the shoulder. The last of the snipers taking shelter in the cover of his tower as he reloaded when you heard more gunfire down below, and saw Jernald stride out into the middle of streets in full power armor like a god of war, mowing down raiders with his minigun in a massacre of blood. Cassidy, and the rest of the crew, moving up close behind him and sticking to cover as they fired, while you tried to keep your eyes on the last tower. Then let out a cry when a bullet struck your shoulder, and by reflex fired back, your luck coming in handy as the last sniper fell several feet to the ground, and everything became silent again.

-4 HP.

-5 .308

(Luck 5.)

Fear flooding through as you realized you only had mere seconds to make the shot, you quickly levered the sniper rifle up to your eye socket, feeling a cold pinprick between your shoulder blades as the scope showed a man. Sighted down the gun barrel, and fired.


The shadow slumping over in the warehouse as the other snipers noticed something was wrong, and fired back at you, forcing you down into cover. Lorenzo springing away from you with a 10mm pistol to kill a raider scrambling up the steps as you took a deep breath, and came up firing, killing another sniper with a bullet to the chest that blew him off his feet, felt hot lead rip into your cheek, and saw a woman on the rooftop, and dropped with a round that struck her in the shoulder. The last of the snipers taking shelter in cover of his tower as he reloaded when you heard more gunfire down below, and see Jernald stride out into the middle of streets in full power armor like a god of war, mowing down raiders with his Minigun in a massacre of blood. Cassidy, and the rest of the crew, moving up close behind him and sticking to cover as you keep your eyes on the last tower. Then let out a cry when a bullet struck your shoulder, and by reflex fired back, your luck coming in handy as the last sniper fell several feet to the ground, and everything became silent again.

-4 HP.

-5 .308

(No applicable skills.)

Combat roll. (Roll 2, 6 sided dice. Higher than 6 and you may continue reading. If not you are dead and unfortunately must begin again.)

Fear flooding through as you realized you only had mere seconds to make the shot, you quickly levered the sniper rifle up to your eye socket, feeling a cold pinprick between your shoulder blades as the scope showed a man. Sighted down the gun barrel, and fired.

The spinning barrels of the machine rotating as it fired, tearing through wood, metal, and concrete into showers of debris, before you fired again, and saw the shadow slump over in the warehouse as the other snipers noticed something was wrong, and fired back at you, forcing you down into cover. Lorenzo springing away from you with a 10mm pistol to kill a raider scrambling up the steps as you took a deep breath, and came up firing, killing another sniper with a bullet to the chest that blew him off his feet, felt hot lead rip into your cheek, and saw a woman on the rooftop, and dropped with a round that struck her in the shoulder. The last of the snipers taking shelter in cover of his tower as he reloaded when you heard more gunfire down below, and see Jernald stride out into the middle of streets in full power armor like a god of war, mowing down raiders with his Minigun in a massacre of blood. Cassidy, and the rest of the crew, moving up close behind him and sticking to cover as you keep your eyes on the last tower. Then let out a cry when a bullet struck your shoulder, and by reflex fired back, your luck coming in handy as the last sniper fell several feet to the ground, and everything became silent again.

-5 HP.

-6 .308

(Unarmed Skill 30% or Strength 4.)

Heart leaping into your throat as you will yourself to move, you pounced forward with blade in hand, moving in to snap his neck, when by luck he turned around. His grizzled hard features highlighted by the bonfire , revealing a hard jawline covered in a thick black beard, before he growled and charged at you. Blood sprayed into the air as you wildly struck him in the jaw when his punch sent you reeling backward with a crack as you felt your nose break, felt soaring pain unlike anything you had felt before, and through watery eyes, could see the pistol at his waist come up towards you.

-2 HP.

Combat roll - (Roll 1, 6 sided dice and add it to your strength attribute. Strength required 6. If successful, continue reading. If not you have unfortunately been killed and must begin again.)

And with a desperation born from a will to survive, you leapt forward, grappling the gun out of his hands, feeling his calloused fingers around your throat as he squeezed and they fell to the floorboards wrestling with each other. Finally you manage to break free, and with a strength you did not know you had, you smashed the weapon into his skull, hearing a loud pop that had your stomach churning with disgust.

Coming up behind you, Lorenzo looked down at the corpse, and nodded his head in approval. His arm motioning to the sniper rifle that lay against the corner of the tower, before he turned his gaze to the rafters of the warehouse. The darkness revealing a moving shadow in the rafters of the building as the cold gleam of steel peeked its head off a huge rotating gun barrel.

Inventory items Added.

Sniper rifle

×5 .308

(Small arms 50% or Perception 6.)

Fear flooding through as you realized you only had mere seconds to make the shot, you quickly levered the sniper rifle up to your eye socket, feeling a cold pinprick between your shoulder blades as the scope showed a man. Sighted down the gun barrel, and fired.

The shadow slumping over in the warehouse as the other snipers noticed something was wrong, and fired back at you, forcing you down into cover. Lorenzo springing away from you with a 10mm pistol to kill a raider scrambling up the steps as you took a deep breath, and came up firing, killing another sniper with a bullet to the chest that blew him off his feet, felt hot lead rip into your cheek, and saw a woman on the rooftop, and dropped with a round that struck her in the shoulder. The last of the snipers taking shelter in cover of his tower as he reloaded when you heard more gunfire down below, and see Jernald stride out into the middle of streets in full power armor like a god of war, mowing down raiders with his Minigun in a massacre of blood. Cassidy, and the rest of the crew, moving up close behind him and sticking to cover as you keep your eyes on the last tower. Then let out a cry when a bullet struck your shoulder, and by reflex fired back, your luck coming in handy as the last sniper fell several feet to the ground, and everything became silent again.

-4 HP.

-5 .308

(Luck 5.)

Fear flooding through as you realized you only had mere seconds to make the shot, you quickly levered the sniper rifle up to your eye socket, feeling a cold pinprick between your shoulder blades as the scope showed a man. Sighted down the gun barrel, and fired.

The shadow slumping over in the warehouse as the other snipers noticed something was wrong, and fired back at you, forcing you down into cover. Lorenzo springing away from you with a 10mm pistol to kill a raider scrambling up the steps as you took a deep breath, and came up firing, killing another sniper with a bullet to the chest that blew him off his feet, felt hot lead rip into your cheek, and saw a woman on the rooftop, and dropped with a round that struck her in the shoulder. The last of the snipers taking shelter in cover of his tower as he reloaded when you heard more gunfire down below, and see Jernald stride out into the middle of streets in full power armor like a god of war, mowing down raiders with his Minigun in a massacre of blood. Cassidy, and the rest of the crew, moving up close behind him and sticking to cover as you keep your eyes on the last tower. Then let out a cry when a bullet struck your shoulder, and by reflex fired back, your luck coming in handy as the last sniper fell several feet to the ground, and everything became silent again.

-4 HP.

-5 .308

(No applicable skills.)

Combat roll. (Roll 2, 6 sided dice. Higher than 6 and you may continue reading. If not you are dead and unfortunately must begin again.)

Fear flooding through as you realized you only had mere seconds to make the shot, you quickly levered the sniper rifle up to your eye socket, feeling a cold pinprick between your shoulder blades as the scope showed a man. Sighted down the gun barrel, and fired.

The spinning barrels of the machine rotating as it fired, tearing through wood, metal, and concrete into showers of debris, before you fired again, and saw the shadow slump over in the warehouse as the other snipers noticed something was wrong, and fired back at you, forcing you down into cover. Lorenzo springing away from you with a 10mm pistol to kill a raider scrambling up the steps as you took a deep breath, and came up firing, killing another sniper with a bullet to the chest that blew him off his feet, felt hot lead rip into your cheek, and saw a woman on the rooftop, and dropped with a round that struck her in the shoulder. The last of the snipers taking shelter in cover of his tower as he reloaded when you heard more gunfire down below, and see Jernald stride out into the middle of streets in full power armor like a god of war, mowing down raiders with his Minigun in a massacre of blood. Cassidy, and the rest of the crew, moving up close behind him and sticking to cover as you keep your eyes on the last tower. Then let out a cry when a bullet struck your shoulder, and by reflex fired back, your luck coming in handy as the last sniper fell several feet to the ground, and everything became silent again.

-5 HP.

-6 .308

Breathing heavily as you stared out into the bleak darkness, you could hear your own heart beating, a steady thump that let you know you were still alive as you saw Cassidy step over the dead in the streets. Jernald sweeping the area with his minigun as Wren and Bull searched the dead. The sweet exhilaration of the moment, leaving you utterly drained as you tried hard not to think about what you had done.

They were raiders and deserved nothing but death, and yet it seemed that you were no better than then, killing to survive in a world that tried to kill you back, while all you could see was the fear in the man's eyes as life fled his body.

It was something you couldn't shake as Loraq who had silently come up behind you, clasped your shoulder with a knowing look of sadness, before they both slowly descended the steps, feeling both empty and exhausted.

Cassidy, her slim form, silhouetted against the building's entrance as she glanced up at you with a strange new expression as though seeing you for the first time. The rest of her crew quickly assembling to either side of her as she said, "Come on, let's be done with this. It won't be long before the next patrol comes around." Her words followed by action as she nodded her head for Jernald to lead the way. The paladin in his rusted, scarred, and dented brotherhood of steel power armor still a glorious sight to behold as he thrust open the double doors. The whirring sound of gears clicking together, and steam released out from his joints revealing row upon row of shelves stacked high military issue crates, spray painted green with the army's logo on the side.

Gesturing for them to fan out, Cassidy motioned for you to take the left row. The sickening lumps of torn flesh that lay strewn across the concrete floors that sat in your path, churning your insides as you moved with your gun held at the ready, in case any had survived, and found a woman sputtering for breath, lying in a pool of her own blood. Her dirty blonde hair, speckled with blood, grease, and sweat as she looked up at you with pale blue eyes, hands clasping her belly where she had been shot as she whispered, "please help me."

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