《Fallout Fanfiction (LitRPG)》Warehouse



(You’ve leveled up. You have 2 Stat Points, and 5 Skill points available to spend.)

New Objectives added to Pipboy.

- Raid the warehouse for rad-x and radaway.

-Secure a means of transport through the tunnels.

But of course things were not so simple as that.

Head tucked downward as they hid behind a long line of burnt-out vehicles in a parking lot at the edge of the city, you watched another patrol of raiders pass by. The moments since leaving Deliverance, a blur as they packed up the bare essentials, and headed back out into the unforgiving wasteland.

Even then, it had not been simple with Demarco, a short golden-skinned man, with a mean streak, and dyed blue hair cut in a mohawk and nose ring, kicking up a fuss over you leading the group.

“Wait? Are you fucking serious?! We don’t fucking know anything about this fucker, Cass?! Bitchass punk, could be working for Red for all we know! We should just kill the thieving piece of shit now and take back what was ours!”

His pistol leaping into his hands, when Jernald, his stern face, and cold blue eyes, shook his head, and grabbed hold of his wrist. The whole moment as they stared into each other's eyes, causing a deep chill to crawl up your spine as you looked down the barrel of a gun, when the former brotherhood paladin replied softly, “do you know how to use a pipboy?”

Causing the shorter man’s face to flush red, before he shook the paladin’s arm off, his eyes still full of burning white-hot rage directed towards you as he snarled, “we could figure it out.”

Sensing that this could get violent, you begin to wonder to yourself if this was the adventure you had wanted, when Cassidy turned back to them, her expression vacant of all emotion, long hair falling in waves down her shoulders as she stated. “If we do this. We must all agree to plan. If not I will kill the scav, myself.”


Heart stopped in your chest as your entire life flashed before you, you feared she really would blow out your brains, but to your surprise it was the ghoul that spoke up next for you. Her ancient wizened eyes, almost otherworldly in a face that had suffered the ravages of time. Skin peeled in pieces to expose red muscle, and blue veins as she shrugged her shoulders. “It took our dearly departed Toleman years to figure out how to work it, and I am afraid we don’t have that kind of time. Sooner or later that vault will be discovered, and it should be us that gets inside.”

Her hypnotic words seeming to pull at them in that strange melodious accent you couldn’t quite pinpoint as Wren, a slim-hipped woman nodded her head with Bull close behind her. The mute young man, you had learned, was named Lorenzo, smiling, and nodding his head as well, which just left Jernald and Demarco.

And after a brief moment of consideration, the short ill-tempered man, finally holstered his pistol as he spat, “fine, fuckyah! Do whatever you fucking want. But mark my words, this scavver is going to get us all killed.”

With those last few words the discussion seemed to be over, but ever since then you had felt like you were treading on thin ice as Cassidy gestured to the warehouse behind them. Guarded by six human raiders in a mixmash of leathers and rubber that squatted down outside, eating what you hoped was molerat on a spit. The plan, steal enough rad-x and radaway to survive the underground tunnels. Not that you weren’t already having second thoughts about heading into the irradiated underground, which wasn’t your most brilliant idea.

But having learnt about this storage facility from a close friend of Cassidy’s, you had discovered that the raiders regularly shipped supplies to Bloody Red, a powerful warlord that controlled much of the northern wasteland, and was probably the reason why the minutemen, synths, and the brotherhood had put aside their differences to unite together, which included ghouls, a few super mutants, and deathclaws. Deathclaws of all things! You had seen one just as you had left town, guarding the gate in segmented armor that clicked, and looking at you with a strange kind of all knowing intelligence, you wouldn’t normally suspect of such violent creatures. The more you learnt about this world, the more you realized that things were different here, and yet at the same time they were also the same with fear still being the biggest motivator.


But to continue on, once you had told Cassidy that the tunnels would be the quickest way to get past the grey mountains that peeked their heads to the north, she had immediately brought out detailed battle plans for a warehouse on the western side of the city. Heavily guarded with constant patrols that drove around in small metal buggies that belched out black smoke and noise. They had watched the warehouse for two days, looking for a weak point. But so far as you could tell, the buggies only left in the morning to refuel their tanks, while inside there were at least thirty raiders packing a lot of heat. The most important of which were the four sniper towers built of metal, scrap, and concrete that boxed the area, and in the rafters of the building a machine gun nest that could chew them up into ribbons.

Jernald, probably the most experienced fighter of their party, moved towards them in a slow crouch having left his suit of power armor a couple miles behind as he whispered, "this is going to be a tough nut to crack, ma'am, but if you can disable those snipers, and get rid of that machine gun. I can blow a path right through them." Which was saying something considering, it would be him up against thirty heavily armed killers, but looking into those stern blue eyes, and chiseled hard features you believed him. Still, it was a pity that no one else had a suit of power armor with them, it would have made this fight a cinch, but you had to make do with what you had. Not that you were in command here, but Cassidy seemed distracted, and they couldn't wait here forever.

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