《Fallout Fanfiction (LitRPG)》Tutorial Guide



Setup in the middle of the road with food vendors to one side, and a grand cathedral to the other, the marketplace was a dizzying array of color. Tents stitched together in a single breathtaking pavilion as hundreds of people moved underneath. Gunners in their combat armor and army fatigues, minutemen in those broad-brimmed hats, as well as brotherhood soldiers in their dusty browns and oranges that always looked like they had smelled something bad. The swelling tide pool of flesh attempting to avoid each other as they grouped together in hunting packs, eyes always watching each other, while the sweet aroma of cooked meat filled the air.

The boy almost lovingly staring at a two-headed deer being roasted to the side as you start into a strange new world, hand careful to protect your pockets as you move into the waves of sound. Everywhere you look, a flood of familiar memories as brotherhood soldiers shove people out of their way, while gunners with their dark scowls were given plenty of open space, their cold dead eyes making you move a little faster. However your attention is drawn in particular to several stalls that hold a beautiful selection of weapons and armor.

Quick Tutorial Guide.

In these sections where you are trading, sleeping, or eating, these are called resting moments which you can use to restore your health. +2 HP each time. Armor reduces the amount of damage received to HP. You can sell your items here for half their value. For those with the barter skill you can reduce the price of any object by your barter percentage. E.g Barter Skill 25% = 25% discount at merchants. For monetary purposes, the highest discount that can be received is 90%. For those with the gambling skill you will need to put up stakes of equal value or higher against whatever you wish such as caps or items. (If the value of items is not stated already let me know, I will get back to you with the value.) You then roll a six sided dice or toss a coin to see who wins the entire pot. 1,2,3 you lose. Tails you lose. As an added restriction you cannot win more than three times without being told to leave the stall. If that’s the case move onto the next stall or wait until you have another opportunity to trade. For those with the stealing skill you can simply pocket away any item, however there is always the chance of discovery. To complete a steal you will need to roll a higher number than that of the market vendor. If you have 25% skill, it means you use 2, 6 sided dice against whichever number of dice they have, 30% is 3 dice, and so on. Succeed, and the item is yours, however fail three times, and they will notice meaning you die. Additionally, objects like armor and big guns are far too large to steal. You also cannot sell stolen items back to vendors. Level ups restore full health.


Marketplace Stalls.

Dr. Lunar’s Stall (Rolls 8, 6 sided dice.)

Stimpaks - 150 Caps. Restores full health.

Rations - 10 Caps. Restores 2 HP.

Bandages - 20 Caps. Restores 4 HP.

Chem-drinking Phil (Rolls 10, 6 sided dice.)

Med-X - 150 Caps. Temporarily doubles your armor’s defense rating.

Psycho - 150 Caps. Temporarily boosts your melee and unarmed combat by 50%.

Jet - 150 Caps. Temporarily slows down time so you can escape unharmed from any damage.

Quick Finger Harry (Rolls 20, 6 sided dice.)

Grenades - 50 Caps. Throwing skill required to use properly.

10mm Pistol - 50 Caps. Small guns skill required to use properly.

Hunting rifle - 100 Caps. Small guns skill required to use properly.

Assault rifle - 150 Caps. Small guns skill required to use properly.

Combat Shotgun - 200 Caps. Small guns skill required to use properly.

Combat Knife - Melee skill required to use properly.

Bat - Melee skill required to use properly.

Any type of ammunition is 5 Caps per Bullet.

Bullet eating Barry (Rolls 15, 6 sided dice.)

Raider Armor - 50 Caps. +2 defense.

Leather Armor - 150 Caps. +5 defense.

Metal Armor - 500 Caps. +10 defense.

Better equipped and feeling much better geared up, you head back out through the rear of the pavilion, your shoulders saddled with a backpack you'd found laying in a pile of garbage, when the boy nods his head towards the tavern. Its glowing blue neon sign indicating Lucky Bill's as you stride towards dozens of beefy-looking bouncers that lounge around outside. More than a few of them caressing assault rifles as they watch you with unblinking eyes.

Pausing as you approach the doorway, a big bald headed man with an eagle tattoo on his left cheek, lumbers over, and grumbles, "arms up."

Patted down as he removes all your weapons, he hands you a slip of paper with a number on it, before nodding his head to the door. "Don't make any trouble."

Words that send a thrill of excitement through you as you take your first steps into an underground parlor, the warmth of the red carpeted hallway, filled with the cloying scent of smoke in the air as you listen to the sultry tune of a voice. Her sweet music setting your soul afire as you walk into a sweltering taproom filled with patrons seated around tables, listening to the most gorgeous woman you have ever seen. Her perfect marble skin glowing in the candlelight as smoke curled from a cigarette in between her slender fingers, her eyes closed as she sat on a stool, and sang about her lost love, voice washing over you like a warm bath as you stare at her, hypnotized by her glittering red dress, everything about her like an old story book, when the dark skinned boy nudged you from behind. The look in his hazel green eyes, full of amusement as he pointed to an adjacent doorway, where you could see the rest of Cassidy's crew gathering.


The dawning awareness that you had been standing there, gaping like a country bumpkin, causing more than a few nearby patrons to laugh as you swiftly followed your companion into the backroom. Cheeks reddening with a blush.

Cassidy, who looked over towards the broad-shouldered Bull, grinning, "fifteen minutes, I believe that is a new record," her words sending a flutter of embarrassment coursing through your chest as she came over to slap you on the back. Her green eyes alight with laughter. "Don't worry, rookie, you're not the first one to fall under Kassandra's spell. Now, get over here, we have business to discuss."

Her well-muscled arm drawing you in close towards a large round dining room table, where the survivors of Cassidy's crew stood looking over a map of a world called Ardea. Your first thoughts, other than embarrassment, was that the journey looked to be a long one, taking them deep into the north, past mountain ranges that stretched for thousands of miles, and into arid desert away from any habitation. The areas marked out on the map indicating several territories with Red being the largest.

Green eyes sparkling in the darkness as she took in the whole room, Cassidy began in a soft whisper, "A few years ago, me, Toleman, Bull, and Lorq discovered something. Something that will not only make us all rich, but will get us away from the city, and to a place where we can build a normal life for ourselves."

Her gaze moving from each one of them as she smiled, her teeth flashing with hunger. "Far into the blasted wastes is a completely undisturbed vault, one not kept in the records, and hidden away by the government, a vault that contains the wealth, knowledge, and power to rule the world. The only problem is that there is no easy way to get there, that is where you come in," her eyes looking into yours.

Unable to breath as she stared into yours, she continued, "Toleman was meant to guide us there using the pipboy we recovered, but now he is dead, and you have his pipboy. And since it looks like you're the only one that knows how to work it besides Toleman, we need you."

With everyone looking at you, waiting for a response, you couldn't help but feel a swell of excitement as you nodded your head. "I'm in."

Everything after that was a whirl storm of activity as plans were laid out before you, names were exchanged. As well as food and drink brought in by a Mr. Handy, his cheerful voice reminding you of Codsworth, when Cassidy finally turned to you, her expression serious. "Time to choose a path."

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