《Deleted Fiction - Author is Ashamed #3》Chapter - 5


Chapter - Tanking Damage

So warm, moist, and there is hardly any breathing room. That’s right I was abducted, but it seems I fell asleep from exhaustion because of a massive power struggle between me and the blonde girl. Actually, it was just a big bully overpowering my small self, and then getting stuffed under the duvet. Then, my whole body got rubbed all over, but gradually it was mainly focused on my chest, which was puffed out and more squishy than anywhere else. It was a really weird experience that I hated and enjoyed, and it was weird because I was previously a human, so it felt a little awkward at first.

Right now, there are no hands touching me, nor is there any creepy breathing that the blonde girl made when she fondled me earlier. However, I am hearing some light breathing, and there is also a rich feminine smell under the duvet. I try to stand but the duvet is really heavy and thick, and my current strength cannot lift it. So, I start crawling around in the darkness.

I honestly have no idea of how long I have been crawling around, and I feel like I am going around in circles. There is also no way for me to see where I am going, and I can only use my wings to navigate around, so I might be going in circles...my wing just touched something soft, and slender. This is something new, apart from the duvet being moved every time the blonde shifts position, there was not really anything else happening. In an attempt to know more about this strange material, I lightly bit into it, and then BAM! It moves and hits me square on the face, the duvet was shifted slightly, so I kind of turned into a ball rolled up in a blanket.

“...hmmm? Oh!” The groggy voice of the blonde could be heard through the thick duvet.

Then after noises of rummaging, someone unrolled me and light shone into my eyes for the first time in ages, and I was able to finally stand up. However, a shadow loomed over me, it was a cute blonde. Her long hair is messy, and her eyes were giving me a seductive kind of feeling, but when she bit her lip all my walls came tumbling down, and I was forced to admit that this female is stunning.


“Qwa-ponk!” I roared a blood thirsty squeak, since I am still in my developing stages, I didn’t have the correct vocals to produce a mighty roar.

I have contradicted my line of thoughts, but there was a reason for that. No matter how sexy and cute she looks, she had abducted me and violated me, as if I was some kind of pet

“Sorry, I forgot you were in the bed.” She apologized to me, as if it was something that could be resolved with words.

This was a start, at least she knows how to apologize, but she didn’t say sorry for the crime she committed towards me. That’s right, she is still apologizing with her eyes closed...I’ll use this chance to smack some sense into her.

“Kuaaaaa...” Before I could continue the Scream of Surging Strength, the locked door was blasted off it’s hinges and the person responsible spoke with a deep voice.

“Elisia! Time for lessons.” The dust hiding the man dispersed and revealed a muscular guy, cosplaying as a dog. It was the person I disliked for no reason, Doggy. His cosplays were done extremely well, so much that it makes me...this world is different. The overgrown chicken, doggy ears, pointy ears, medieval era stoves and furniture...it’s not some big roleplay family I got reincarnated into, this is all real.

...this world, this is the world my fate is connected to.

I need to do something, I need to get out of here and find the fate I was supposed to follow. All this family business is petty, and I didn’t waste my good life I had on Earth for this fake puny crap. That’s it...keep the rage flowing, strength will come as well, I feel my whole body getting stiffer and stiffer, all of it waiting to get a signal to be released.

“Yes fa...” The cute girl was saying something, but by then I had already released that pent up rage and shot out the room, under an alarmed Doggy’s legs.

I raced down the hall and into the shed, thankfully the door was open. I entered it kinda exhausted, and looked up to the glassless window I remembered from this morning. It was very high up, but some parkour over a couple of boxes that were conveniently stacked upon each other, and I should be out.


I skipped onto the last box of the pinnacle of freedom, there was a lot of dust that kept flying everywhere, but for the price of finding my fate, the dust was nonexistent. I got one glimpse of the outside world, and my previous statement became 100% true. Wooden houses, with a couple of houses made from blocks of stone that stood out, a grey donkey moved a wooden cart forward along a dirt path. 100%, this world is in it’s medieval stages or even earlier.

Then came the odd and weird things. A massive thing covered the sky for a split-second before disappearing into the distance, a person with a big white shield, a stone war-hammer and in a golden-white suit of armour walked past, following closely behind that person, a miniature ice sculpture of a dragon. So this world is a...fantasy?

Not much of a fantasy, if this is all real.


Inside the shed, my Mother roared directly behind me. When did she get here, or was she always here? It doesn’t really matter anymore, I’ll soon be gone anyway to search for my meaning in life. I looked back sternly into my Mother’s kind and warm looking black eyes, and then I walked backwards to fall out the window.

...this is similar to the way I died on Earth.

“Cobo!” I heard Mother’s voice and saw her frame coming near the window, but she was too big to get out. I might miss you but don’t expect anymore than that, I only have one true Mother that cannot be replaced and she is back on Earth. I hope my final thoughts before leaving, don’t make me regret anything later on.

I landed on my butt, which seems to be the natural just like how cats always flip over midair to land on their feet, I seem to land on my butt. In the face of finding my true purpose, the landing wasn’t all that sore even though the drop was considerably big, and I might have fractured a bone, but it didn’t matter right now.

I ran and ran towards a place uninhabited by people, away from civilization, to the forest. Whilst running at a considerable pace, as to not exhaust myself instantly, I received questioning glances and smug looks, but I only glimpsed at their faces since I was running.

“Qwabuuu” I stopped when I reached the first tree of the forest, and let out an exhausted grumble.

I walked inside the tranquil forest for a while, the quietness made me question all the things I have done so far, and review them.

Had it been all for naught?

Did I make a wrong choice, dying back on Earth all because of a vision?

Will I ever even find my purpose?

Every single question I had to ask myself, left me on the verge of tears, until a black note appeared in front of me with a demonic noise, as if it was bugged.


I didn’t know satanists could use sorcery to this level, but I should read the note for now, maybe it is an invitation, which I would of course decline. So I read the note out of curiosity.

“The heavens are searching for you, did you do something naughty after only being on this world for two days already?

You can dismiss this note if you are at the stage where destroying a planet isn’t a metaphor.

If you are not, then get stronger. Elis Blood Fenix would be your first stop. - Violated Goddess”

All this physically came out in a slew of “Qwabo”, “Cabo”, “Sabo”...

I should start looking for the man called Elis, and hope I didn’t get the genders mixed up.


Xetaro: I was really in the groove, after writing chapter 4, I was going to write so many chapters and I felt that I had a nice schedule going. However, it was completely messed up when I installed Windows 10 32bit.

Gamer Xetaro: My PC is personally built by me, to a really high end level of gaming. So when I installed a 32 bit version, and activated my Windows by mistake, without noticing it was a 32bit version. I died a little inside, so I spend a whole day fucking around and trying to get it back to Windows 7, until it finally hit me. Linux is better.

Author Xetaro: Hopefully, I can regain the groove that I once had and will continue to write daily chapters, which I have not done a good job of.

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