《Twisted King》3: Cave Battle.


I was quickly approaching a monster that I had spotted just a few minutes after receiving my role reversal skill.

It was another orc like Zorgo.

The creature spotted me too and walked towards me with confidence.

It shook the ground as it approached, both very strong and very heavy.

It was built like a green, hairless gorilla.

The orc had thick tusks that looked valuable, I had no idea if they were though.

It seemed angry, the creature drew it's huge fist back and swung it at me.

The way my healing magic worked came to me when my ribs healed, it wasn't accelerating the natural healing rate. My healing magic completely restructured the body to a preset state at the atomic level.

The role reversal only needed to turn the purpose of the spell from:

Reconstructing the target to a preset state.


Deconstructing the target from a preset state.

The spell would rip apart the target until it was dead and no longer resembled the preset state as much as possible ; Healing magic was extremely strong when applied directly to the target, but my anti healing would also be extremely strong on contact.

The second the orc came close enough for me to touch, it was over.

The orcs body seemed to explode into some kind of red mist, which itself quickly dispersed until all traces of the orc were completely gone.

Then I heard a sound from all around me, like divine trumpets signalling my victory.

Name: Rem Gallant Lvl: 4 Note XP resets daily and will slowly drain throughout the day. Race: God Class: Healer, ??? Class skills: Heal Skills: None Unique Skills: Role Reversal (Reverses the properties of things, both your own body and magic and the body and magic of others. Will not work on others if they are vastly physically or magically superior.) Blessings: Twistars Blessing Titles: Heir of Light, Heir of dark, Shadow lord, Light prince Str: 4 Dex: 4 Vit: 4 Int: 4 Res: 4 Men: 4 Wis: 4 Stat points: 8


Four level ups from killing a single enemy seemed absurd, but the level difference made sense.

I could figure out the XP algorithm based on that much information.

The system rounded all the numbers up but the XP requirement started at ten and increased by 1.5x each level.

Assuming a level 12 creature followed this pattern then it would need more than 2.5k xp in total, that clearly didn't have much relation to 86.

I had to conclude that 860~ was about the amount needed to go from lvl 11 to lvl 12 and I recieved 10% of that from killing it.

XP constantly ticking down and resetting every day meant that it would be effectively impossible to level up past a certain point assuming there was no direct hard limit.

Grinding was not incentivised, you'd have to go wild against a large group like an idiot to level up after a certain point.

That meant that I couldn't afford to be stupid with my investment in my status points but I knew that I needed to be able to fight proper and landing touches on the enemy wouldn't always be possible or practical.

Increasing physical ability would have to be done at some point but magical ability was clearly more important when my main weapon was an exhaustable magical resource.

Being level 4 meant that my chances were improved by just a little bit.

I continued onwards, but I only found a smaller and weaker looking orc than the previous one.


I tried to figure out what the creature was saying as it jumped towards me and swung it's thick arms to punch at me, I simply reached my hand out and touched it's belly causing it burst apart at the seams and disintegrate into nothing.


Blunt force physical fighters without regeneration or strong bodies were probably the worst matchup for me, even as a weakling with one single trick.

Even with a difference of four levels my growth slowing became clear, I would need to grind within a short amount of time to level up effectively or kill a massively stronger opponent.

To get to level 6 in one go I would need to defeat another level 12 orc.

That didn't seem like a great option, I tried wandering around but encountered no more enemies for a while.

I was concerned, I had Zorgo's semi useless spear in one hand but I couldn't really use it better than I could my own hand.

The silence of the cave was deafening as I stumbled around blindly, I seemed to descend as I went further in.

The orc's had barely touched the area I was just in, that led to a mine.

The mine as I soon discovered was filled with human slaves mining some kind of magical mineral, the idea of the humans being enslaved pissed me off slightly.

I had no way of confirming how strong any of the orcs were until defeating them, but one of them was clearly stronger than the rest.

He looked old and experienced. He had some sort of metal armour covering his body and a thick, disgusting beard as well as a long sword mark over one blind eye.

He stood with a clearly stronger spear in his arms, guarding the human miner slaves.

The orcs began conversing with him frantically, no doubt talking about their missing troops as I heard the word Barba which seemed to be the orc's name.

Barba didn't seem remotely phased, completely apathetic as he guarded the slaves asif nothing had changed.

The other orcs left and Barba stood around as he had been doing for likely hours, I realised at that moment that I had not checked my status after leveling up.

Name: Rem Gallant Lvl: 5 Race: God Class: Healer, God of Dark & Light Class skills:

Healer: Heal

God: Shadow conscription (Raises the dead as shadowy minions, start with 1 slot and additional slots are added by INT/10. Target corpse must be intact)

Skills: None Unique Skills: Role Reversal (Reverses the properties of things, both your own body and magic and the body and magic of others. Will not work on others if they are vastly physically or magically superior.) Blessings: Twistars Blessing Titles: Heir of Light, Heir of dark, Shadow lord, Light prince Str: 5 Dex: 5 Vit: 5 Int: 5 Res: 5 Men: 5 Wis: 5 Stat points: 10

My eyes were shocked as I looked at my status window with disbelief, confusion, and mild frustration.

I had a new, absurd ability but it would effectively kill my ability to instakill strong foes. But the benefits it provided were beyond anything I could imagine.

I looked at Barba with determination in my eyes, such a strong orc being a perfect test subject for my new ability.

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