《Branch Adventurers Guild [Dropped]》Island


"1 hour left for the landing" Rose voice transmitted in the plane again. I was quite happy, even though I went through something I can't explain, still pleased because the two siblings were sleeping on the arms of Rag and Yama. Poor guys are acting annoyed, but as their creator, I can feel their emotions.

We have been in the plane for 14 hours, the island is too far from Dubai, and within those 14 hours, I have chatted a lot with Johnson and Isoc. They still didn't ask me on why I saved them, but it seems like they understood a part of it. "I will lay back for a while, wake me up 5 minutes before landing", both Johnson and Isoc nodded.

Johnson, born in the UK, 35 years old, married and has five daughters. What he doesn't know is that his eldest brother is the father of those five daughters. Not only did his wife cheated on him but for 14 years since the start of the marriage, his wife and eldest brother were together. His eldest brother despised him, made him work in his company and never promoted him, stole his work and kept him in the dark the entire time.

The worst part about this is that all of his family knew about this, not only did they do nothing about it but also helped his eldest brother out. When Johnson knew the truth from the letter, pictures, and video he was also told that accepting me will allow him to disappear. His brother company and family has been dealt with by taking everything away from them. Johnson probably had it rough, but Isoc also has a similar story.

Isoc, Born in Kenya, 26 years old, he was a special person in the tribe as the day he was born many stars shined. At first, they accepted him, but the children grew jealous of making him go through many trials. Surviving he did, fought many beasts in the wild, was hailed as a hero but one day he found a gold mine. He trusted his people and told them that he found the gold mine sadly, his mother was the first to sell him out while his father took him to a place where the police would catch him. His people without thinking about it sold him out for a gold mine, his generation was happy, but happiness didn't last long.


Isoc was tortured for a few years, and his mother would visit him to ask him for the place, shameless as she was, he didn't say a word but kept silent and cried within. The rich people behind the police tried searching the place yet they didn't find a clue. Once Isoc was rescued by the brown figure I also eliminated all the people involved, took everything from the gold mine and left a note behind inside the mine for his people.

Kate, Born in Ireland, age 16, her family tried to marry her off to a 70 years old man, but she ran away from them with her lover at the age of 14. Age of 15 she had her child and lived happily for a few weeks before she was found strolling the streets, they followed her and found her location leading to the death of her lover. She escaped for a few months, living on the streets, never exposing herself while keeping the baby safe. Luckily, the yellow and black figure found her in time-saving her from the men of her family. As for what happened to them? I placed bounties on their heads, all of them including the old man and his family.

Rain and Viktor, Rain was born one year before Viktor, but life wasn't simple. The day Viktor was born their father died in a car accident which led the mother to find another husband. That husband abused their mother to death and abused the children from 2 years. Rain Age 4 and Viktor age 3.

Huh… Life was pure shit sometimes. "Mr. Ace, we are about to land," Johnson said gloomily. Isoc nodding for some reason. "Rose, send Emma a message to prepare."


Landing on the flat ground, it was bumpy, but everyone had a laugh after this. I left the plane and saw Emma standing far waving. Isn't she cute hahaha! "Emma!" As I saw her running towards the plane. "Ace!" She hugged me then proceeded to hug everyone else she knew.


The land was empty, and there were a few small huts near the beach which I think is our place of residence. "Leading them to their rooms" I stood up as those huts were enough for the six people.

"Master, I can build a large house for you…" Ele spoke, but I stopped her.


[Material] (List) (Wood, Metal)

[Workers] (List) (Humans, Trolls)

[Blueprints] (List) (Tavern)

[Weapons] (List) (-)

[Armor] (List) (-)

[Class] (List) (Warrior, Mage, Thief, Archer)

[Money conversion | 10$ = 1 Copper | 100$ = 10 Copper | 1000$ = 1 Silver | 10000$ = 10 Silver | 100000$ = 1g]

So it appeared, last time I couldn't see anything, but it looks like a condition has been fulfilled, I clicked on Humans.

[Human Worker] Lv. 1

Building Speed F

Coordination F

HP 5/5

MP 0/0

Hmm, they level too huh, 'Summon Human Worker x15.'

[Insufficient funds]

'Convert 1,000,000$ to gold'

[You have gained 10g]

'Summon Human Workers x15.'

15 ordinary clones appeared in front of me, workers who looked eager for work.

[You have lost 15s]

Haha! They look idiotic, 'Buy blueprint Tavern.'

A very tall blueprint appeared on my hand, as I opened it I saw the design and smiled.

[You have lost 5g]

Remaining funds are four gold and 85 silver huh… "Ele, here is the blueprint, take these workers and make them work on building them… wait a moment I will buy the supplies."

'Buy 200 wood and 100 metal.'

[You have lost 4g]

A pile of wood and metal appeared next to me, "Take this too." I smiled but was shocked after this, "Hmph, find a high ground on the island and let them build the tavern safely if they fail once they are to repeat the process" Yama instructed them as he walked around them.

Heh, I will allow them to handle this one, either ways I will script the entire tavern later on. "From today onwards, this will be our main area, Rose, are all the things prepared?", I looked at Rose who stood behind me silently, "Yes, Master." It seems like this year will be the most exciting one! Hahaha!

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