《Branch Adventurers Guild [Dropped]》Guild


"Hello, Emma" Entering the presidential suite I greeted her.

"Mr. Ace, sorry… I.." As she was about to apologize again, I stopped her by waving my hand. "Emma, there is no shame in what happened, do not apologize again" I sternly reprimand her.

I sat next to her and began to peel the apple that I bought from the hospital "Tell me, Emma, why are you crying?" Asking her while cutting the apple into pieces. "Sir, I don't know, someone pushed me down, and I just can't do anything about it" Weeping she complained.

Hmm, someone dares to bully someone in front of me, angrily I thought to myself before smiling again to Emma. "Does this happens often?"

"I…" her phone began to ring, "Sorry, sir I…" before she apologized again "Answer it."

She picked up her phone "Hello?", her face began to change from a bright red to pale. "Yes, I understand" ending the call she dropped her phone on the bed.

"Did something happen Emma?" I asked her with curiosity. "Fired… I am fired" as she began to cry again.

Hmm, well she seems to be a good girl. "Rose! Give her a position in the Guild" with a loud voice I ordered Rose who was sitting outside.

"Consider it done, Master" She replied.

"Do you need anything else, Emma?" I asked her with a smile. "Why are you doing this?" she cried again. Damn it, I can't handle crying girls.

"Report to the HR tomorrow, also for the people that pushed you, do not worry about them." I stood up and left the room before leaving the hospital.

The second day was as typical as it can get, same reporters but this time there were some missing.

"Hey, did you hear about the crystal agency?" A reporter asked with a hushed voice to the other reporter next to him "I heard they went bankrupt, that must have been bad huh."


The Guild was opened, people were excited, and the opportunities were tremendous for all the businessmen in the world yet only 1% of shares were available to the entire planet.

I entered the guild and went straight away to the central office. "Rose, we need a suitable island, and we need some products to introduce to the world" I spoke while entering the office to Rose who was following me. "Master, we can first begin on medicine before going anything else" Rose fixing her glasses while holding a stack of papers with her other hand.

"Begin on cancer and find an island while you are researching the medicine." I sat on my chair before turning on the desktop. "The island can take priority, I don't plan to stay in any country Rose." I reminded her before thinking "Also, sell all the businesses in Europe after a week and do the same with the US" I smiled.

"Yes, Master" Rose left my room towards the server room which was hidden next to my room.

Opening my desktop, I began to go through all the articles available. The system is useless to me right now, but there might be people who know what will happen.

I opened the inventory and took out Agnar soul, and it looks like a small black ball with smoke inside.

"Agnar, how do I even revive you" looking at the Agnar I said with sadness. I threw the ball back in my inventory and opened up the game to play.

Hours passed, and it was already 9 pm, I felt empty. I decided to log in 4C3 on twitter to post something as a joke.

(What will you do if monsters invaded earth?)

I laughed at myself before clicking on the post button.

It exploded, millions began to comment, millions started to like, and people began to feel afraid. Now it is time to log in with my primary account.


I relogged and replied to the post I made with 4C3.

(There will be deaths, too many deaths and there will be money in it.)

My reply got the attention of everyone, they thought it was a joke, but I also need to tell them what is coming indirectly.

[Warning, information about the invasion is prohibited]

I know, I will train them for it tho. "Rose, add VR to the list of things needed to create," I said while facing the monitor. "Yes, Master" As her face appeared on the right side of the monitor.

I left the company and took a ride to the house I bought in Dubai. "Welcome back master!" entering the house I heard all my companions. "Welcome back, sir" the butler shaking behind them said before bowing.

Waving my hand at them "Sorry about the lateness haha... What?" they had a smug face for some reason, "Ele, whats going on?" confused I asked Ele.

"We have a few guests" giggling she said in her tree form. I walked into the house and saw the Yakuza, Mafia, and Emma sitting between of them in fear. "Ace!" Both of the leaders stood up to greet me. "Haha, sit down sit down!" I said to both of them, "Mr. Ace, welcome back" blushing Emma said as she bowed.

"Butler, tea and some snacks" As I proceeded to sit on the chair.

"What brings you guys here?" I looked at them while supporting my chin with my arm. "Emperor, the UN is searching for you" Yakuza leader spoke with concern. Hmm, they moved again, this time secretly "What about you Marco?" I looked at the Mafia leader. He looked at Haruto before looking back at me "We had some, unfavorable visitors, we discovered traces of the FBI and the Cartels helping out with this case but so far other than Haruto and me no one knows anything."

Tapping my fingers on the armrest, I looked at Emma before smiling "Emma, do not speak about what you heard ok?" looking back at the two leaders "Do not worry, 4C3 began to move." I laughed at them before standing up. Funny thing about this world is that no hacker uses code numbers to identify themselves which led to them being idiots, one hacker who works with the FBI once said that it looks familiar with my name, but as they tried to search my computers in my mansions, they found nothing.

"You can stay here tonight, Emma follow me," I said to the shocked Emma while the two leaders next to hear faces became pale. "Yes, Sir!" as she followed me to the garden. "Come out my companions."

"Kyaa!" Emma screamed after she hid behind me. "Do not worry, they won't hurt hahaha!" the garden was large and filled with trees to cover what's inside. "Ele, create a running track and light up the place."

Light surrounded the place while the root space around us covered it from the outside. "Emma, you will train in the night while the mornings will be work, ok?" I patted her on the back before going towards the middle of the garden. "Begin running Emma! Hahahahaha!"

A loud sound was heard behind Emma as the newly made training dolls appeared. "Monsters!" As she ran around the track made from roots. "Hahahaha! What a great day!" I took off my clothes and also began to train myself. Emma looked at me with marvel as she saw my body. "Beautiful," she said while running from the training dolls.

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