《The Dungeon Mayor》Chapter 10 - The dungeon of Tron


Chapter 10 - The dungeon of Tron

After William had read through the letter a wide grin showed the teeth of his mouth. A twinkle was visible in his eyes, dangerous but passionate.

A dungeon had been found on his domain. A rogue one at that. Any sane mayor would immediately send for a core breaker group, of the guild, or ask the king for support.

William though wasn’t sane, if judged by a normal man. He was an insane genius and wouldn’t eliminate an opportunity. Doesn’t matter how small it may be.

Throughout the remaining night, he pondered what to do with the new asset to his land. The problems that would come with it, but also the harvests he would reap.

On the morning William was greeted by a wide-eyed Sir Albert. Behind him Lucy, the guild mistress was trying to catch up. The old man was still quite fast for his age, not a surprise considering his cultivation.

Lucy still had to catch her breath while the old elder pronounced why he was here.

Sir Albert: “My lord, I am sure you already heard about the rogue dungeon.” “We have to immediately contact the king, with the dungeons strength this high we can never know when an outbreak is going to start”

William just smiled at the old man. A soft and pitiful look on his face, the look of someone knowing more than he let believe.

Sir Albert and lucy, now finally breathing normally, wanted to immediately retort. Even though the lord hadn’t said anything, his look was enough. It let the two know he was not planning to send for the royal army, to execute the rogue dungeon.

Sir Albert had always seen the lord in bright light. Thinking well of the mayor, a person who has earned his respect. Lucy as well was quite convinced of William's competence, his quite handsome face only helped in her belief.


Though the face the lord made had them wide-eyed and open-mouthed.

William: “Dear elder, sir Albert and dear guild master, lucy. I do not plan to send for the king's army to deal with this dungeon.” “As long as I remain lord of this land this dungeon will be under my control”

With these words, the discussion was ended. The lord's words were final and the two knew this.

After his declaration, William called for a grand meeting. Discussing the future ongoings with nobles and leaders, especially the dungeon was point number one on the list.

During the meeting, the assembled minds came to conclusions and plans. Following the news of the dungeon going public, mayhem would follow.

People would flee the cursed land. Monster slayers would seek the opportunity of battle. Adventurers would arrive, searching for riches and treasure. And the lords and ladies of the surroundings would take a closer look at the, until recently uneventful village.

The coming weeks would be a time of chaos. Plans were difficult to craft if nothing was really known. A virgin business always came with its risk. Though riches would belong to those who overcame its difficulties.

Following the meeting and publication of the news, a lot of things happened. In the week after the meeting, hundreds of villagers left the settlement. Searching for life somewhere else.

Those too weak or old were left behind. Together with people awaiting opportunity and following the lord's advice.

The numbers in the guild swelled. Even the village‘s Inn was filled to the brim. People camping outside the walls or staying in deserted homes.

During the week William ordered the construction of a fort around the entrance. He borrowed gold from merchants. Used his devil slaves for construction, while trying to cover up their existence. And bartered for materials with the local and far away industries.


New connections were made. Past deals were broken. But one thing was sure, William was shit deep in debt. If his plan flowered money would be his least problem, if not, he would be dead anyway.

A dungeon would take some time after its first discovery to spit out waves of monsters. It could take hours to days or sometimes even months.

Though the first hints could be heard close to two weeks after the first delve. William's methods allowed them to postpone the outbreak for some time. But his tools were insufficient for his plans.

At first, the grunts got louder. Later they were supported by the howls of ghosts. The men and women, manning the fort looked stern at the entrance. Monster slayers supported the troops. Greedy smiles and coins for eyes would be their sigil.

The temporary fort had been finished but the more permanent fort was still in construction.

William was currently in his manor. Going over the papers lying before him. Invitational messages of merchants, threads of lords, seductions of ladies, the blue paper of architects, plans of warfare, and books of history.

His eyes feverishly wandered over the information recorded on the sheets. The coming months would put him under a test. A trial, to see if he was powerful and willing enough to go through with his plan.

Though first, the fort had to hold. If not everything would be for naught. As he stood there he was interrupted by his squire. He brought him the report of the battlefield, the paper way bloody.

The young boy gave him the paper with shaky hands and wide eyes, his knees shaking. The scout bringing the message had died on his way back. The young boy waited in trepidation on his lord's answer, his parents were on the fort.

William flew over the report.

Ghosts and zombies swarmed the entrance. Arrows and bolts rained on the swarm. Traps were sprung and the earth was flung around. On the ground, the footmen stood, side by side. With stern looks, they stared at their enemy.

The wave met the defenders. Blades against claws and shields against bones. The zombies fell, though the ghosts didn’t. Their misty bodies were passed through by swords.

Until Sir Albert fell into battle. His sword was made out of infused high steel. It split apart the cursed souls. One by one they were banished.

The line held and the swarm ran itself upon the spears. Slowly the wave subsided. With the last monster dead a cheer filled the mountainside. Rumbling through the small battlefield before the entrance.

Together with the cheer, the first step in William's plan was completed. The first of many, but the First.

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