《A Tale of Two Worlds》C l a i r e - I


C l a i r e

I - Maid in Hell

She's the only thing that lights this place that I call hell. I thought to myself as I saw her beautiful pale face. Her short golden hair was fascinating, as always. Her emotionless eyes were so mysterious that I just want to enter inside it as I want to know each and every nook of her being.

"Keiren, are you listening?" Ms. Claire said without a smile.

"Y-Yes, Ms. Claire..."

"I said, I need a bath." She said. "And drop the Miss. Just call me by my name." She said. Her voice was cold and crisp to my ears. And it comforts me. And I don't even know why.

How did things ended up like this? It happened on the other book called A Tale of Two Worlds, where I was kidnapped and tortured by Cezille, who's Alexandria's little sister. Even though I followed their orders and stuff, they still took me. And my little brother... and they took his arm... and he fed it to me... my poor little brother.....

Now, he has an mechanical arm and whatnot and is being trained by Vincent. My parents? They were killed... by Vincent. Said Kevin, my little brother. I fear that he would become like Vincent one day... I hope that day won't come.

And yes, it was Ms. Claire who saved me. Cezille said that she is planning on skinning me alive and then feed it to Kevin and make him their butler. But Ms. Claire said that it'd be a better revenge to not kill me and make me their servant. I owe Ms. Claire a big one....

"Brush my back." Claire said, he bare back was facing me. Is it weird to get my heart pump too much by seeing her naked? Am I a lesbian now??


I brushed Claire's back with the loofa in my hand. Bubbles emerged from her back as I continued to rub her back.

"It would be easier if you would get inside the bathtub too, you know." She said as if it was nothing.

"B-B-But Ms. Claire... I am still in my maid uniform..." I said. I think my face is now flushed.

"Then take it off. We are both girls here." She said as she turned around to face me. Her naked breasts were saying "Hello" to me in Russian.


"No buts." Her face leaned closer to me until I could inhale her fresh breath. Is she gonna kiss me? Like before? Oh no... my head is feeling blank.

I felt something hit my forehead. "Are you sick or something?" It was her forehead. FOX!!!! A cliche scene from one of those animated cartoons from Japan!!!!!!

"H-Heki dayo, Kuleir-sama..." My inner weeaboo has been unleashed!!! Fuck.

"Hontou ni daijoubu desu ka?" Claire answered. She knows Japanese too? But I don't see her watch anime or of the sort.

And then, I suddenly looked at her body. I've always wanted to ask about the the tattoo on the right part of her stomach. But I never had the guts. To me, it looked like one of those spell circles in those anime that I've seen.... could it be.... that she's a Magical Girl!?!

As I was imagining Claire doing her transformation sequence with a catchy cute 8bit Japanese song, I just realized that I was spacing out at the canteen of my school.

"Like I was saying," it was Alexandria with her mouth filled with hamburger. "This Thear, I want to go in there."

Claire eyed her as if Alexandria was just a no one. "You can't. You have no purpose what-so-ever and you're just going to barge in there as if it was nothing."


Cezille was just spacing out on her phone. As if she was just a shadow beside her older sister.

"My boyfriend is in there." Alexandria frowned.

"I'll order you a 10 inch dildo on the internet later when we get home." Claire said.

Alexandria laughed. Although I'm not sure if it was a joke or what. But I have never seen Claire smile, laugh or cry and frown. She's just... stoic.

I still think she would look cute in a magical girl costume.




I heard a knock on my door. I hurriedly got on my maid uniform but it was too late. Claire entered my room. And in her hand was a master key.

"Ms. Claire?" I was still in my underwear when she entered.

"Claire." Her eyes were frozenly fixed unto mine. I always get butterflies and instantly freeze whenever my eyes were to meet her blue balls of sight.

Claire slowly unbuttoned her uniform and then threw it on my bed. I am still frozen. I can't move my body.

"I want you....." Claire said. Like a forbidden fruit teasing me to take a bite, her face went closer to mine. Her small bare chest and her flat and beautiful stomach were like candy to my eyes. That tattoo on her stomach gets cooler everytime I look at it. And somehow, I just realized how reddish her lips were. I want to have a taste of it again...."I want you....." She had her eyes closed as I heard her pulling down the zipper of her skirt.

I took a gulp.

She opened her eyes again. And this time, it was sparkling. I felt like it was just Claire and I who's left inside this hell that I am in.

And then her skirt slowly slid down her smooth white legs, revealing her red panties. I took another gulp.

My heart pounded really hard this time. I wonder if she could hear it? The beat of my heart? I feel like the whole place is spinning around and around. But slowly. And some 60's love song is playing on the background and petals of roses were falling.

"Keiren...." I felt chills when I heard her say my name. "Keiren... I want you..."

I closed my eyes and had my lips ready for hers.

"I want you to massage me. My back hurts so bad." Claire said.

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