《A Tale of Two Worlds》Spinoff - C l a i r e - Prologue


Claire Svartsevich, a 7 year old kid who sold her soul on a devil to juice up her smarts 4 years ago to escape her captors where different people abuse her is now…. I don’t know… will do stuff… together with her girlfriend (?) Keiren. A girl who was accused to flirt with Matthew and to cause his suicide, thus she was tortured and had her parents killed.

What is the emotionless Claire looking for?

Love? Power?

Or maybe something even greater….

C l a i r e

by Scirno Yerse


"If I get my hands to you, I swear to God, I'm going to tear every part of you until you beg for your life!!"

"Said the demon who's inside a circle made with paint." I said as I took a bucket filled with holy water and placed it on the table. I wanted to laugh at the sight but as much as I wanted, I couldn't. Because a demon took the half of my soul. Which contained my emotions. "A demon talking about God, huh."

I filled my huge water gun with the holy water. Raising my hand in the air as I used my psychic powers that I gained from drinking the demon blood, I lifted the demon which is possessing a 30 year old man and had him sit on the chair inside the Devil's Trap. I had the chains engraved with Enochian spells against demons locked on his wrists and ankles.

Why did things turn out like this? I already said it on the 7th chapter of A Tale of Two Worlds : Cursed Wheel. But I would just say it again for you.




Four years earlier, she roamed the city of Moscow. She lived just by herself and begging for food. Claire envied the other families when she takes her stroll around the city to look for something to eat. Some people gives her food and money. She managed to live for a few weeks. But the winter in Russia is harsh. Without a room on her head and walls to keep her warm, she was on the verge of being frozen to death when she was about to be buried deep in the snow. That was until a man came to her to help her.


He told her that he'll feed her and treat her as his own. Left with no other choice, she agreed. But she never thought that she was about to suffer more.

She was fed, she was sheltered and she was clothed. But Claire was raped and tied on her bed.

Everyday, different men entered and left the room she was in. She lost count of how many men have abused her small body. She was about to lose her sanity until another man came to the room she was in.

"Don't worry, I'm not like any other man." His blue eyes turned dark red. Claire thought she already lost her mind. But she was wrong. "I'm here for a deal." The man said as his eyes returned back to normal.

The man sat on her bed and untied her. "I'm hungry, and you want out. I think we can make a small deal." He smiled. "I can give you anything you want."

Claire sat on the bed, her body hurts everywhere. "I want... to be smart." She said.

She has always been stupid at making decisions. And she have regretted the last decision she made the most.

The demon smiled, "Why not the deaths of those who placed you in this situation?"

"Why are you giving me this deal?"

"I haven't granted your wish yet, but you are already becoming smart."

"Answer me."

The demon sighed. "I have plans for you. On the other side, that is."

"You're gonna torture me to death?"

"Well, no." The demon wearing the meatsuit of a man shrugged. "You see, I'm walking this Earth to look for unfortunate children. Like you. I mean, come on. How many men have.... well.."

"And you're going to make me a foot soldier of yours?"

"A general, maybe. You deserve to have a higher paygrade. Higher than mine." He scratched the back of his hand as he stood up.

"So you're going to take my soul when I die?"

"Something like that. But I'm taking the half of it now."


"Wait, what?"

"A part of you that you don't need."

"And what's that?"

"You're emotions."




"I want my soul back." I said as I pointed my water gun at the demon.

"My dear Claire, I cannot give it back to you. I already ate it." He smiled.

I walked inside the circle and pulled the trigger. The holy water hit his head. As the holy water made contact with his skin, it looked like I'm pouring him extremely hot water as his face starts to vaporize and his flesh were slowly being burned.

"Say again?" I said.

The demon laughed. "Is that the best you've got?"

I went back to the table and took a syringe. She filled it with holy water again. "I have all day." I said as I walked slowly towards the demon with the syringe in hand.

"Claire, I finished your yaoi doujinshi! I lost count on how many times I came!!" A voice from the door said. It was my cousin, Alexandria. And in her right hand was the said doujinshi. "You're playing without me?" She said with a pout.

If you read A Tale of Two Worlds or That Girl Who's Always Alone At The Back, you probably already know who she is and what she looks like. But anyways, she had long blonde hair and blue eyes that seems less colder than her sister's. She was still in her school uniform. She probably just got home.

"Hey, congratulations on getting your own novel!!" Alexandria said as she hugged me.

"Are you sure we can just break the fourth wall here? I mean, I still haven't established what the plot of this novel is about. But I'm sure that this will be tagged with comedy." I said.

"It's fine. You already broke it a few times earlier. And if you read That Girl Who's Always Alone At The Back, the girl named Amu did it tons." Alexandria grinned.

"I did it to promote our writer's novels." I took a sigh. "Okay, okay, I know that smile. You can play with him. I know how much you love playing with them demons due to the fact that they just regenerate the day after unless you kill their spiritual body." I said as I took my doujinshi and replaced it with my syringe.

I left my personal torture room and after a few steps, I heard the demon scream.

Why does the Svartsevich family have such rooms? Why are they torturing people? I lived with them for 4 years and I still don't know why. I don't know if my father does such things as well but.... does it really matter?

Just like what Mark did to Echo and Rianne Gray and to the others he has killed. It doesn't have a meaning. He simply liked Echo for his looks and asked me to help him. As his friend, I helped him. Echo is still inside that room and everyday, God knows what he does inside there. And as for Rianne Gray, she died after a few days of not eating after seeing Echo. I feel bad for them to be honest.

And then, as I was on my way to my room to take my towel to take a bath, I saw her.

The maid who made my heart believe that I can still fall in-love eventhough I half of my soul was digested by a demon.

"Keiren." I said.

"Ms. Claire, d-do you need anything??" Keiren said with her weak and shaking voice as her long hair swayed when she heard my voice. Her lips were pink and cheeks were red. Oh, how much I want to eat her up.

"I need a bath." I said. If I have the ability to show my emotions, I would be blushing right now.

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