《A Tale of Two Worlds》Cursed Wheel : Chapter Thirteen.3 and World Line A : Epilogue


World Line A - Chapter xiii.3 : Bliss

I fell down the floor, trying to breathe. But I can’t.

Blood colored the white tiles red. Albert…

I never get to see you…

Is this the end?

In the end, there was no prince who saved the princess from the evil witch. The princess just died in the castle, waiting for the prince that will never arrive.

His smiles.

His kindness.

His laughter.

I’ll never see them again.

My chest hurts just from thinking of it. Or was it the arrow that’s making it hurt so much? Or was it because Albert never arrived? I was hoping that he would save me… but no. There are no happy endings. Fairytales are called such because they are never real. The world is not like that.

My eyes are closing. No matter how hard I try to keep them open, they just closed on their own.

I don’t want it to end.


“Hey there, blue one.” It was the demon, smiling with her pink eyes. “Want to make that deal?”

“Sell my soul? Why would I do that?” I said to her.

I looked around and I was inside Albert’s apartment. On the sofa was him, playing on his phone.

“Is this a dream?”

“Nah. It’s the ‘Your life flashes before your eyes before you die’, moments.” She grinned as she walked towards me. “I’ll give you five years before taking your soul. That’s four years more than the last offer.”

“Like I said, no.”

“You will die.”

I looked at Albert on the couch.

“You will never get to be with Albert again.”

“I know.”

“Okay, little brat. I’ll even toss away your friend back. Gretzel, right? Make the deal and the witch will be back as if nothing happened. All you have to do….” She grinned. “… is sell your soul. You get your friend, I get Lorice’s soul and give it to my boss and get that damned promotion. And everyone will live happily ever after. Except that… you know. You’ll go to hell after 5 years.”



I walked to the couch and sat next to Albert. I looked at his face. He looked at mine.

“Hey, are you hungry or something?” He said.

“Nah… I just want your face to be the last thing that I’ll ever see…” I smiled as I placed my head on his shoulders.

World Line A – Epilogue

The war was over. A lot has died. Along with it was Yeng. I saw her body near the gate of to the Inner City. Next to her body was thousands of enemies. She died with a tough fight, huh.

In front of the castle gate was Norwind. Next to him was Cyrdiel. Or Melissa. She was dressed in Norwind’s muffler.

“You don’t want to go inside there.” She said.


“Eliza… she’s…”

I ran inside the castle.

And there, lies Eliza. And arrow on her chest.

I sat next to her body and placed her head on my lap. “Eliza… your hair grew longer, huh?” I smiled. My eyes became watery. “Did you wait for me?” I laughed. “Hey, your present. I never got the chance to give it to you.” I took the necklace from my back pocket. “It’s not much as a Christmas Present… but hey, it’s something.” I smiled. That’s when the water in my eyes fell. I put it on her neck. “It looks good on you, you know. Matches the green in your eyes.”

-World Line A : End-

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