《The Bell of the Underworld》I hope your zombies are sharp!


"Look, sir, an undead! Cripes, it's awful!”

"My friend, do not say such things. You are a ghost, after all, and therefore a bit of an undead, too.”

“Oh yes, that's true. I really cannot get the thought that I’m alive out of my head.”

“It's normal. No force in the universe is stronger than habit." said Machronus with a warm smile. “But it is of no importance, let us see what this poor wretch here has to say to us."

The poor wretch in question was a woman, whose formerly blue dress had been almost entirely soiled by the dirt and her own blood. It was, however, relatively in good shape compared to other zombies that the mage had come across.


The voice of Zamioculcas resounded with such extreme force that even Robert, though dead, wanted to cover his ears.

"Loud and clear, dear colleague. A little too loud, perhaps.

“Very good, perfect.” the voice replied more gently, the mouth of the deceased gaping motionless and edentulous. “I am Zamioculcas, sorcerer, and this is my territory. What are you doing here?”

"I am Machronus, necromancer, and I come as an invader," the other calmly replied, smoothing his short black beard. “If you wish, I propose that we duel to death on the plain a league east of here. What do you think, fellow necromancer?”

“It's absurd, absurd! I do not wish you any harm, and I will not do you any unless you take a step further on my estate. Turn around, and you will keep your life, probably your body and possibly your soul.”

“Sorry, but I'm afraid I have to refuse. I came specifically to put an end to your harmful actions, Zamioculcas. I think the only way to do this is a clash between fellow necromancers. If you prefer, I can always set fire to your workshop with a Supreme Blaze of Zander the Great Incan…”


“No, out of the question, never! All right, you hypocrite, get ready to suffer. In the plain, tomorrow, at midnight. I hope your zombies are sharp!"

Shrugging his shoulders, Machronus raised his arm to the animated corpse, and a score of arms tore the earth out of the ground. Pale-skinned hands gripped the woman in a blue dress, then pulled her with them into the dusty earth. After a few seconds, a collapsed crater of earth stood in the place where the creature had conversed with Machronus a few seconds earlier.

"How rude," said Robert, floating near his companion's head, "he did not even say hello.”

“Forgive him, he did not see you, and we magicians tend to ignore the formalities. What matters is that he accepted. Now, we have to get to work.”

“What do you mean? Do you need my help to suck the lives of your victims and make them flesh puppets?”

“No, no, absolutely not, I just wanted to say that I have to revise some incantations.”

“Oh, I'm truly sorry.”

“You are entirely excused.”

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