《The Lost Crest》Chapter 3: The Rising


The wounds have mostly healed, the pee didn't work, causing me to slap Ren over the head countless times. He simply laughed it off though. There's no bathing in the mines so I smelled like piss for days before it was replaced by the stench of the mines.

I hadn't realized how brutal the beast-men were, you'd think after being tortured I'd learn, I guess that’s what happens when you were raised like I was, expecting the best from the worst situation.

Leo isn't adjusting so well, who would under our circumstances. He received several beatings a day, sometimes barehanded, usually with the whip. They liked to leave a mark after fucking with the slaves, Leo was a crier so he was their favorite. There wasn't much me and the group could do about it, sometimes Celeste would disappear with one of them only to return hours later with bruise marks all over her back.

I expected the hot headed Baltor to say something, but he and the rest just stayed quiet. Being one of the few women here they usually watched out for her. Glaring at any slave that came in her direction, if we weren't trapped down here I'd think he was on steroids. No one left the mines, so we hadn't seen the sun in days, walking through the desert hadn't made me miss it all too much though.

At the start of the day, we are taken through a tunnel leading through the to the west, with no light, of course, causing us to stumble throughout the corridor. Our group stuck close most of the time, just the other day a slave's head was bashed in on our way to mine. No one had heard a struggle he just lay there brains, seeping out of his skull, I still have nightmares about it. Of course, the skorpioner were furious. The beating was especially rough that day.


Being the newest members of the group me and Leo were kept in the dark about most things, they would often whisper to each other. Leo and I could watch our backs though nothing too much to worry about. The only one really wary of us was Baltor, and he let us know it every day, the prick. After mining for about 12 hours we would head back into the cell, apparently, there were multiple cells with different groups of slaves. I had asked Celeste how many slaves were down here exactly, but she had just looked at me and said, "What does it matter?"

They fed us our food a hard bread roll with soup, well what they call soup. Ren is convinced its urine mixed with left over bird food just boiled, I noticed he has a strange obsession with pee. I think Leo's noticed it too.

Sitting in the familiar circle we ate our food in silence, talking often led to getting beat. The only time we actually spoke to each other was when we were crammed in a cell together. We all saved our rolls stuffing them in the rags we called pants until brought to the cells. Huddling in a corner we chatted away as if nothing was wrong, being sure not to get too loud. The other slaves would mumble under their breath, some would even complain to the guard who ignored them.

It made the place livable, through all the beatings we turned away from, or the tears we shed at the end of the day we would all gather in our same corner and share stories of our lives, hopes, and dreams. But before I closed my eyes to sleep I would think of Aurora and if she was okay. Is she hurt? or even alive, and if she was, where was she in this bizarre land.

Ren was rambling on about his family before Celeste interrupted him, "Guys, I think it's time we start thinking about a way to get out of here." The group went silent at her silent declaration, before Ren pipes in, "It's about time if you hadn't suggested I was going to leave you guys behind."


Staring at Celeste, Leo was the first to speak, "Escape? Do you know what they'll do to us if we're caught? They won't just beat, who knows what they'll do!" He shrieks. "Leo keep your voice down!" I screech, staring at Celeste, "What did you have in mind?"

Leo stared at me in disbelief. But I ignored him, if I was going to get out of here and survive in this lawless world I would need allies, and If I stayed here I would never find Aurora. If there was a chance, no matter how small I was going to take it if it meant my freedom.

"I need to know now, are you guys in or out?" With a smirk on my face, I nod before turning to Leo. His face had gone white, being the one to endure the most beatings there was no mystery as to why he was afraid but, he couldn't possibly pass up a chance like this, could he?

Nodding his head slowly Celeste continued with her plan, apparently, Baltor and Zefire was already up to speed about it and simply listened silently. Even Ren was surprisingly quiet as Celeste went over her idea on how we could escape the mines. Leo had a worried look on his face as if just talking about escaping would get us beaten, which it probably would but I didn't tell him that.

The telling of her plan left me stunned my mouth slightly parted as she went in detail of the escape. The unraveling of the things she had done for survival was a shock on its own but actually hearing her say it so absent minded was a surprise. Even Ren didn't bother to say his usual jokes from the serious tone of the ideas she had already put into motion.

"There are still somethings I can't do on my own, which is why I'll need your help." She muttered in a low tone, her eyes sliding across the group, "If this is going to work everyone needs to do their part if we can pull this off we'll be free." "I can't do it" Leo muttered, his voice quivering. "There's no way that'll work, you're going to get yourself killed."

Glaring Celeste looked in Leo's direction, "I rather be dead than to continue to live like this, I'm not going to sit here and wait to be sold off like cattle." Placing my hand on Leo's shoulder I look him in the eye, "Leo, this is the only way we can do this." Baltor grunted with a disapproving look on his face, "Everything she's done to save your hide it's the least you could do unless you're a coward." Shuddering Leo glanced at Celeste before confirming his approval of the plan.

"Ok, I'll do it."

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