《Exiled Kingdom》CHAPTER III


... Whisper ... Whisper ... Whisper

A strong pain took me out of my dreams, I could feel the bile in my throat while I could barely contain the urge to vomit, an archer who at night had heard his name was Edmund, was standing near me with a satisfied smile on his face. face, to the point that it bothered me. How could I contain the urge to lash out at him and hit him. But I would certainly make sure to take revenge. Why do these things bother me? Strange.


Edmund, realizing that he was not going to do anything against him, threw a piece of stale bread to the ground and spit near him. "Your breakfast my lord"

he said while bowing that in my opinion was filled with total lack of courtesy. "I don't know what you mean, but thanks for the food," I said as he collected me on the floor. Edmund was petrified for a moment, but as someone with a lot of experience he quickly recovered "Since now you speak our language, speak" he said with impetus, but I did not pay attention, at the same time I stretched my right arm to reach a piece of bread that he had thrown to the ground.


When he didn't see that I was answering him, Edmund erupted in anger as he held me by the neck and lifted me into the air, but there was not a trace of fear in me, I was serene and calm, in the last two days I had been studying the behavior of each and every one. And I had managed to realize that this man named Edmund was the least appreciated of the group.

The small camp quickly became alert for the brawl, and within moments it was surrounded by six men missing only the captain who quickly approached. What the hell is going on here? Edmund what the hell are you doing ”. Captain Frederick asked in an extremely annoyed voice. "Captain, this vermin spoke in our language, but when I asked him again he refused to answer me" said Edmund with a voice that denoted sarcasm and annoyance.


"And that's why you put up all this scandal? Leave the subject alone, while we do not know who he is, he is not touched, and that this is clear to everyone "said Captain Frederick as he raised his voice and pointed to Edmund" Wesley watches the boy is your responsibility until we get to the city, the rest move to pick up the camp ”. Edmund pouted as he threw me to the ground. When I hit the ground I felt absolutely nothing, that seemed strange to me. But I assumed it was because I was recovering. I had to put that thought aside, the wizard named Wesly approached me as he recited what appeared to be a spell. I have? Spell? I was a bit stunned by the word he had suddenly thought of. He had a vague feeling of knowing what was out of nowhere.



Wesley approached with great strides, stood next to me and mumbled something that I could understand perfectly "Comprehension of language" after that he said "Are you okay?" I ask while extending one of his hands to help me, that seemed very suspicious to me, his previous behavior was nothing like what he was currently doing, every time I observed this man my instincts told me not to trust him, I did not know Why this was due, but without a doubt I would rather trust what my body was telling me than put my trust in someone from this group.


I put my thoughts aside as I turned my attention back to Wesly. I nodded, after making sure he was okay wesly turned around and left. After half an hour we started up again, we toured the forest for a couple of hours, I managed to detail that the landscape was less and less lush, with fewer trees and little presence of animals and beasts. In the evening we left the forest completely and reached a huge plains. The view was incredible, I could see grass as far as the eye could see, with huge mountains in the distance, I also managed to see small animes running through the plains. It was just a breathtaking sight. As I was absorbed in the awe-inspiring sight before me, I could hear Frederick speaking Wesly.


"From here we have to be more careful, this is orc territory, if they discover us without a doubt they will assassinate us" said Frederick in a tone that showed his nervousness

"Certainly, we must also watch out for chimeras and tartur wolf packs," Wesly had said as he sighed.

"We can take care of the wolves and the chimeras as long as there are no more than two, the orcs are the ones that worry me the most, once they have our trail they will not stop until they hunt us, I have heard that several tribes have been raiding the borders of the empire" .

"We already knew the risk of coming to this place captain, we already have our loot, we only have to go back and enjoy it"

"Certainly, I just hope that we return safely, in case they find us we can always use the subject, we can let him go while we escape."

"That is not a bad plan, captain, but still there is something about that guy that gives me a bad feeling, apart from the things that he has told us do not agree." Frederick was a little surprised by what he had said wesly.

"I do not see anything wrong with him, surely he is a merchant or an ordinary civilian with bad luck"

"I don't think so, captain, a civilian cannot resist the status review and even less one as weak as this one, believe me captain, there is something wrong with him"


Frederick thought for a moment, he had known Wesly for many years, and he certainly wouldn't say things just to say them.


"I will tell James to keep an eye on him, if he does something strange that will eliminate him at once"

"Seem right"


The two subjects simultaneously turned to where he was, I am glad to know that neither had discovered yet that he spoke his language. We marched a few more hours until dark, unlike when we were in the woods the group seemed very alert. He suspected it was due to these "orcs" they had mentioned earlier. By nightfall, we camped in an open place near a grove of trees, the group was very inquisitive this time when they set up camp, they even set up a small barricade. That surprised me. Was this place so dangerous? Or was it due to these orcs?


At night. From the group of seven. Three were guarding while the rest were sleeping, unfortunately one of those who was guarding was the archer named Edmund, I did not give it much importance, and it was not that he could do much, he was tied to a tree after all.


Whisper ... Whisper ...

That heaviness each stride of my arms felt like I had swam hundreds of kilometers with them, but despite everything I felt good. This was so familiar ...


When I woke up the group was already clearing up the camp. Why always wake up last? Ha. Whatever. Leaving those thoughts aside I concentrated on the situation, everyone was organizing things, in less than fifteen minutes the entire camp had been reunited as if nothing had been here at first. The two archers swept the area trying to eliminate any clue that gave indications of any camp or presence of people in the area. It was strange the group seemed very afraid of these "orcs" so I made a mental note not to mess with them.


We walked through the vast plains, in these lands I could feel the freedom in the air, the animals and beasts came and went. You must in when we stopped to hide from something the group called chimera. They looked a lot like a lion. He ?. Lion?. They were huge creatures about fifteen feet tall. With sharp claws and large teeth, but the most dangerous thing about them was a strange tail that seemed to be alive. Every time I looked towards one of the tails of the creature it gave me a strange sensation in my body. The group seemed to fear the creature very much, especially the archer named Edmund. I laughed to myself.


On the plains the presence of chimeras seemed very common, since Captain Frederick constantly gave the order for us to stop and hide. Still he couldn't feel anything. Simply these creatures could not cause in me the same sensation that they gave to others, although I considered that they were powerful I was certain that I could with them. That was strange. It had been a few days since I met this group and I was always having strange thoughts. I had to put those thoughts aside, the group had started moving again.


It was getting dark, it had been a long day of marching. Mainly hiding from the chimeras, the group seemed a bit predisposed to fight against them. Still, he was hoping that they would at least fight one of the creatures. I wanted to check how strong the people in the group were.


We stopped near a small stream, it was a quiet place in a very open area, you could see everything in the surroundings. He assumed that this had been the reason the group had chosen to camp here. Personally, I didn't care where we camped, I had the strange feeling that I could fight anything in this place, even more so at night.


The group quickly cleared the area, set up small makeshift barricades by cutting the branches of various trees and sharpening the tips into a stake. Stake?. In my opinion I thought they would do little good against chimeras, but it seemed to make the group feel safe.


The group members were gathered around the campfire, despite being at some distance from them I could hear a little of what they were saying.


"Just two more days and we'll be in the black bay," Richard had said with a longing tone.

"Stop daydreaming Richard, it's not like we were going to get in anyway, the imperial army is in town remember?" He said James in an extremely mocking tone

"At least we can be in the outer city james, it's better than being in this damn place surrounded by chimeras, orcs and who knows what else"

"We had no choice, how many times will we have the same conversation" James said in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Whatever, Captain, what are we going to do after this?" Richard asked as he watched Captain Frederick, everyone stopped what they were doing and focused their eyes on him.

“I think it would be best if we moved to Dentell. The imperial army is going to start expanding towards the Gallant plains, I have heard that the orc tribes are forming a new horde to face the imperial army, it would not be good for us to stay here, this place will soon become a battlefield " Captain Frederick explained as he put a rabbit's leg in his mouth.

Doesn't that mean opening more caravans? Maybe we could ... ”Richard had said, everyone stared at him.

"Are you stupid? Do you really want to storm an army caravan? "

Richard looked a bit embarrassed, and was about to replicate a deafening roar that left everyone petrified for an instant, before they rose, arms in hand, and formed a circle.

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