《Exiled Kingdom》CHAPTER II


I walked with the group of men until it got dark. I noticed that there were a lot more creatures prowling the forest. I felt comfortable at night, though. Like I belonged here. I could also feel my strength increase when the set had set. I put those thoughts aside when I noticed one of the men pushed me towards a tree. They took the rope they had binded me in, wrapped it around me and threw it over one of the branches of the tree. One of the men walked towards the rope as the other watched me. He pulled the rope and lifted me up off the floor. The man who was watching me walked over and helped him tie the rope around the tree. In all honesty, it was quite a good way to prevent someone from escaping.

Hanging from a tree, there wasn’t really much I could do. I looked around and noticed that the group was active. Some went to collect wood, others set up the tents, and I noticed one of them was clearing the area of shrubbery. The robed man was the only one who was standing still, though I noticed he was muttering some strange words. What it meant, I do not know. What he did, I found out as a blue dome expanded from him, only to stop about 50 meters from the camp. An alarm of some kind, perhaps? Or just some way to keep the wildlife away?

More unanswered questions. Whatever he did though, made the group visibly relax. I guess they’re confident in that barrier? Extremely relaxed, I noticed, when most of the men decided to clean their weapons. Defying all logic, one of them seemed to grab into this small bag at their waist and pull out the carcass of what looks like a rabbit with horns.


[ Status Check : Resisted ]

Another notification distracted me. Looking around, I saw that only the robed man was looking at me. It seems like he wants to know about me. He wouldn’t be the only one. I sighed to myself. The smell of roasted meat pulled me out of my musings. The sound of my stomach was deafening to me. I needed food.

None of the men seemed to notice that I was hungry, and since I didn’t know the language, it would seem I’ll have to keep starving. That was until the robed man approached me with some meat. I looked at him.

He lifted the meat to my mouth. As I opened my mouth, he lifted it closer. Just as I was about to bite into it, the robed man dropped it with a smile on his face. Good one. I smiled. That seemed to unnerve the man as he backed off, muttering something.

Half an hour later, one by one, the men went into their tents to sleep. Though, I noticed there was still a man awake. Not that it mattered. I closed my eyes and went to sleep for the first time in my life.


When I had woken up, it seemed like most of the group also did. The only ones I didn’t see were the robed man and what seemed like the leader of the group. Looking around, I noticed that the men seemed to be on edge again. They looked out into the forest from time to time, like they were expecting something. Whatever it was, I could tell it would not be friendly, considering that the men seemed to be in arms reach of their weapons at all times.

That was when I noticed the robed man and the leader step out from a tent and head towards me. They were speaking to each other about something, with the occasional glances towards me.

By the time they reached me, the other men in the group also seemed interested in what was about to happen. Not that I knew what that would be. The robed man opened his large book, muttered something under his breath and pointed his palm at me. After he finished doing what I assume would be magic of some kind, I started glowing blue. That had confused me until the leader spoke.

“You. Who are you?” I was surprised. For the first time ever, I could understand what the men were saying. In my moments of hesitation, the leader punched me. It didn’t really hurt all that much.

“I asked you a question.” He was growing impatient, it would seem. I opened my mouth to speak for the first time.

“I don’t know.” This made the leader confused.

“What do you mean you don’t know.”

“I mean, I have no memories of who I am.”

“Well, check your status. What is your name.” He sounded annoyed. I only shook my head.


“How what?” He sounded confused.

“Check my status.” This made the man pause.

“Think status.” The robed man spoke up for the first time. Status?


Name : ????

Race : [ ???? ( B ) ]

Class : ????

Profession : ????

Level : 0

Heath ( HP ) : 3400/3400

Mana ( MP ) : 1000/1000


Strength : 400 Agility : 500

Stamina : 600 Vitality : 800

Hardness : 638 Wisdom : ????

Intelligence : 865 Perception : 900

Willpower : 1000

Free Points : 0

Traits : [ Cold Heart ]

Skills : [ Soul Curse Resistance ( Intermediate ) ] , [ Call of Souls ] , [ Apostle of the Abyss ]

Titles : None

“Well? What does it say?” The leader spoke up as he saw me space out.

“I have none.” He grew even more confused.

“What do you mean, you have none?”

“What I said.” That made the leader punch me.

“I don’t have time for your games! Tell me what I want to know.” He spoke through gritted teeth.

“You’re a strange one, aren’t you.” I shrugged as the robed man spoke. “What are your stats then?” That put me into thought. Should I tell them? Should I not? Hm, what’s the harm?


“What do you want to know?” The leader’s eyes lit up.

“What’s your level?” He asked. I look down at my status screen.

“Zero.” This made the leader confused until the words registered into his brain.

“Only newborns are level 0.” He spoke angrily. I only shrugged at that. “Whatever. What are you doing in the forest?”

“I was looking for humans.” This made everyone in the group confused.

“What do you mean you were looking for humans?” The spearman spoke. I tilted my head in confusion.

“I just had the desire to.” This brought another punch from the leader.

“This is getting nowhere. James, cut him down. Let’s get moving.” The spearman moved to cut me down from the tree. So that’s James. I closed my eyes as I hit the floor. The pain barely registered. That was when the robed man spoke.

“Captain, maybe he's just slow in the head. If you catch my meaning.” This made the leader pause.

“Yeah, maybe.” He nodded. That was when…


Title : [ Blessed by Hastur ] Acquired

Living in the infinite voids between the spaces, Hastur has set his gaze on you. Those who catch the attention of the King of Celaeno are few. Be grateful. ( EXP Gain x 4 , Learning Speed + 1000% )


Skill : [ Human Language ] Acquired

Mastery of Human languages. Allows you to speak all Human languages. ( + 2 Charisma with Humans )


When I woke up in the morning the group was already gathering the camp, they were very experienced in it. I felt very renewed, I also felt stronger, more vivid

After the group finished picking up their things one of the archers approached me, and threw me and a piece of bread. I didn't waste my time and quickly ate it, it was extremely hard, it seemed made of stone, and the taste was just awful. But I still ate it, I wasn't going to be fussy about food. But I was not going to forget the scornful smile that the archer had on his face, I would return the favor later if I was given the opportunity.


We started a long march through the forest, I did not know where we were going, but it was not that I cared much, I had no other choice but to be with the group of men at least until we reached a city or something. City? What is that?. Those thoughts sometimes disturbed me, but I was starting to get used to it.

The men in the group spoke occasionally, to my surprise I could understand them clearly, I suspected it was due to the notification this morning. But I had not given importance to that, from time to time one of them made the odd comment towards me, apparently they thought I could not understand them, and that was good news for me. He would learn from them without suspicion.…

We walked for hours, stopping once in a while due to the attack of some wild beast, it had to be said that the nature of the place was very varied, because only in the few hours of our trip I counted more than 30 different types of animals that attacked us , there I started to review. And I think I was lucky not to be attacked when I was alone in the woods.


At dusk we stopped in a clearing near a waterfall, as they had done the last time the group quickly formed their camp, I was not paying much attention to what the others were doing, all my attention was focused on Wesly, on the the way he did this "magic". I was wondering if I could do the same. Unlike yesterday where he could not understand the language, now he could hear clearly what he was saying.


"Anti-detection barrier" ... "Early detection barrier" ... "Barrier concealment" ... "Keep animals away"


He was curious about the way magic worked, he had a vague idea of ​​how it works, but he wasn't sure about it. I wanted to try this magic, but the archers did not take their eyes off me, despite being busy doing various things, I managed to feel an uncomfortable tingle from time to time. And he was sure it was them.


In the end my curiosity overcame me, I tried to try it, I put myself in a position where the group could not see my face and in a low voice I murmured “Protection barrier” to which a notification continued.


[You are under magic suppression]


[All magical abilities are disabled]

That didn't disappoint me as much as I expected, apparently if I could use magic, but apparently the necklace on my neck prevented it somehow. As before the group began to prepare their food, they took all kinds of large and small beasts from the bags they brought with them, it was fascinating but not enough to impress me. Shortly after the group finished cooking, one of the archers approached me with a wooden plate with what he believed was food, and after standing next to me, he threw it to the ground. The man had a Machiavellian smile on his face, to his surprise I didn't even flinch, after seeing that his tactic didn't work on me the man left with an annoyed face.


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