《The Final Judgement》Volume 3: Chapter 7: The Reincarnation Of Squad A-17


"Thats our teacher, Tidoroki!" Yuudai shouted.

"I'm not Tidoroki." The Teacher said, he took out his wig and closed his eyes.

"I'll show you..." He said quietly.

"...Who I actually Am!" The Teacher shouted, as he opened his eyes.

He grew one wing and his eyes turned golden.

"That is... Impossible..." Shimona said, as their eyes lightened up.

Suddenly a bottle flied straight to the teacher.

"Welcome back..." Sherman said.

"...Lio." He followed up.

They looked at each other for a moment, He grabbed the bottle of beer and opened it, Lio took a sip out of it. He let out a sigh as his Kurenai deactivated. Suddenly Sherman charged to him and hugged each other.

"W- Where were you!?" Sherman shouted, starting to sobb.

"I don't know!" Lio shouted back.

Kimari let out a sigh.

"There is no time for a bromance right now, we still have that Black Scorpion person with us." Kimari said.

"How are you even alive?" Shimona asked.

"Good question, the wings I have shows how many lives I have left..." He pointed to his wing he had.

"I now only have one left... So the next time I die I will probably be gone forever." Lio explained while he waved with his last wing.

"Good to know that you are back, you know these two?" Sherman asked Lio as he pointed to Mitsu and Yuudai.

"Yea, I was their teacher for a while and helped them out." Lio explained.

"Sensei- I mean Lio. What do we do now?" Mitsu asked.

"We will have to charge into the city and take it over, I contacted The General already." Sherman said.

Lio looked at Shermans pants.

"You still wear that?" Lio asked.

"Of course, It's the best memory I have from Squad A-17." Sherman explained.

"The A-17 Squad?" Nobu said.

"You knew them?" Yuudai asked.


"Yes, my grandpa told those were the heroes of Minato, but I didn't knew they were against The Fallen Vex." Nobu explained.

"Yea, we were populair..." Kimari said.

"...With Mekato and Fudo." Kimari mumbled.

"Who?" Yuudai asked.

"Mekato and Fudo." Sherman said.

"Mekato was the squad leader, but he ended up creating another squad named B-16, and Tumotu was in that squad too." Lio explained as he took another sip out of his bottle.

"Tumotu, You mean our Tumotu?" Tekashi asked.

"Yes... He ended up betraying Mekato and..." Sherman explained.

"...forcing Fudo to his death." He followed up, mumbling.

"W-What? Why?" Yuudai asked.

"He seeked for the stupid thing called power, but made it worse day by day... He..." Two people appeard behind them and talked with Lio at the same time.

"...Hides his evil in the shadows." They said at the same time, they quickly turned.

Sherman charged his fist, Lio took a sip of his bottle.

"Who are you?!" Kimari asked, as she grabbed her dagger and Shimona grabbed her chained spike ball.

Both persons grinned at the same time. A red lens flare appeard in the cloak, and a red aura was inside the cloak that slowly burned his cloak away.

"Y-You!" Lio shouted.

Yuudai looked at the person, he had a red Kurenai.

"...Feels good to see you guys." He said, as the cloak burned away.

The person looked like the older version of Yuudai for some reason.

"Mekato!" Sherman shouted.

"So you guys forgot me?" The other person said as she took off her cloak.

"And Ima?!" Sherman followed up.

They deactivated their Kurenai as soon as they noticed the place was clear.

"It has been a long time, hasn't it?" Mekato said. They walked to them.

"Where have you two been?" Sherman asked.

"We have done research and we probably have a huge problem, bigger than the corrupted who attacked Minato 16 years ago." Mekato explained.


Yuudai looked at the man who is called Mekato.

"You must know why I have the same eye color as Mitsu and you." Yuudai asked.

"I can explain that, Yuudai." Mekato said.

"You already know my name?" Yuudai asked, as his eyes widened up. "

Yes because..." Mekato said, taking a sigh.

"...I am your father." Mekato said, looking to Yuudai.

Yuudai's eyes lighted up.

"Y-You are?..." Yuudai asked.

"Yes... Yuudai, I am..." He followed up.

"...But, there is something special you have, something more unique than ever." Mekato explained. "You guys had Arato captured I saw?" Mekato asked.

"Yes we do." Sherman said, as he walked away and came back with Arato.

"Yuudai, I want you to look him in the eyes." Mekato said to Yuudai, Arato sat on his knees.

Yuudai looked Arato in his eyes. His eyes widened up as he saw Mekato and Ima.

"Y-You two, I knew it!" Arato shouted.

"You found out too late..." Mekato said.

As Yuudai looked him in his eyes his Kurenai and Arato's Kurenai activated.

"W-What are you doing?!" He asked. Slowly the color in Arato's eyes floated to Yuudai's.

"What the?!?" Yuudai said as he was shocked, His Kurenai turned Blue and the color red ended in the center of his eyes. Suddenly Yuudai was covered in a blue fire Aura. Arato fainted.

"What happend to him?" Yuudai asked.

"That is your power, you absorbed his Kurenai." Mekato explained.

"So that is your Kurenai's ability?" Sherman asked.

"No... My Kurenai's ability was to become fully synchronized with every Kurenai I fused, but this is yet not possible." Mekato explained.

"But Ima's Kurenai absorbs other Kurenai's so you can use those, so mixing mine and hers it made it possible to use multiple Kurenai's at the same time." Mekato explained.

"So wait a second! You two did- !?..." Lio shouted, as he looked at them.

They both blushed.

"Ehh..." Ima mumbled.

"Mekato! I'll kill you next time if you dare to!" Lio shouted, as the rest began to laugh.

"I don't get it..." Yuudai said.

"Well... Ima over here is your mother." Mekato said, as Ima smiled and waved. "

What!?" Yuudai said.

He thought his parents were dead or gone, but now he sees them for the first time.

"Yuudai, we need you... you have the ability to defeat The Fallen Vex, take back the land, become a leader for the sake of justice..." Mekato said, he slowly reached out his hand.

"...Do you accept to work with us from now on?" Mekato asked.

Yuudai looked at him for a while, he didn't know what to say. Suddenly someone grabbed his hand and put it on his hand, when he turned it was Nobu, Mitsu and Tekashi who put their hands above his and Mekato's. Yudaai's eyes lightened.

"Well, if they are right you need to help him... And we will too." Nobu said, smiling.

He looked at Mitsu.

"I- I was forced, okay?" She said, looking at the other side while blushing.

"Wait... you have a red Kurenai too, how?" Yuudai looked to his dad.

"You mean Mitsuki?" Mekato said, smiling.

"...Same thing." Ima followed up.

"So we two are?" Yuudai said as he looked to Mitsu.

"You two are siblings." Mekato explained.

"Are you kidding me?!" Lio shouted in the background.

Mekato started to laugh.

"Now everyone is back... we can begin the frontal assault on Minato." Mekato said, smiling.

''Fudo... I wish you could see this'' Mekato said to humself.

He looked in the sky. We will get your revenge...

* * *

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