《The Final Judgement》Volume 3: Chapter 6: The Judgement Rebel Forces


"So you still remember my name?" Sherman said, grinning.

Sherman charged his robotic arm and it started to glow brighter.

"Damn it... It wil take five minutes to get guards here... " Arato said.

He looked at his dagger and then looked at Sherman.

"Fine, I'll attack you!" Sherman shouted, as he charged to Arato. He swinged his fist but Arato blocked it with his Dagger. Suddenly Sherman swinged his other fist, His other arm had a Brass Knuckle with spikes on it. Sherman punched him in the chest as Arato coughed up blood. Then Sherman grabbed his dagger out of is hand and punched him again as he threw the dagger away with his other hand, he then grabbed him by the neck.

"Haven't you lived for long enough?" Sherman asked. Arato smiled.

"Don't get cocky!" He shouted, headbutting him.

Sherman didn't even flinch, Arato's eyes widened up. Arato's Kurenai deactivated.

"W-What... How?" Arato asked.

Sherman knocked with his robotic arm on his head, it sounded like two metal objects hitting each other.

"I lost alot because of you... So time for revenge." Sherman said.

Yuudai wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say. Sherman grabbed the dagger, aiming it in his chest.

"On second thought..." Sherman said.

He slammed him on the ground.

"Beating you to death is much better!" He shouted, starting to punch him.

Every punch made him go more into the ground. Sherman threw the dagger away.

"That's enough, Sherman." A person in a cloak appeard.

Sherman stopped punching him.

"I want him as a prisoner for questioning, and you almost kill him?" The person sounded like a female.

"Sheesh, you're too friendly..." Sherman said, the girl took off his cloak.

"...Shimona." Sherman said.

Sherman handcuffed Arato as a chopper arrived.

"All right... Back to where we were." Shimona said.

"Which one of you is Yuudai?" She asked.

Yuudai stepped forward.

"Good, which one is Mitsuki- " "It's Mitsu." Mitsu mumbled.


"You're Mitsuki?" Shimona asked.

"Yes, but please call me Mitsu." She said.

"S- Sure..." Shimona replied.

"You two are coming with us." Shimona said, pointing to the chopper.

"What about the game? What about Nobu and Tekashi?" Yuudai asked.

"They'll come too, if you want."Sherman replied.

"Fine by me." Shimona followed up.

Moments pass by as they had entered the chopper. Minutes passed by. They ended up in a outstirkt outpost out of Minato. The chopper landed on a plain field and they walked to a camp.

"I would've never guessed you people lived here..." Arato said

"Of course you wouldn't." Sherman said.

"Shimona, bring those four to the main camp, I'll handle with this piece of shit-" "Is he going to die?" Yuudai ended up interrupting Sherman and asking what he wanted to ask.

Sherman let out a sigh.

"I am not sure..." Sherman replied, walking off with Arato.

Shimona opened the tent door and walked through.

"The targets are aquired." Shimona said. Someone walked out of the corner.

"Great job, Shimona." The girl said.

"No problem, Kimari." She replied, smiling.

"So? Who was Yuudai and Mitsuki?-" "Mitsu..." Mitsu said without letting her end her sentence.

Kimari looked to Shimona, Shimona pulled her shoulders up.

"Fine, Mitsu." Kimari said.

"I have something you two need to check." Kimari followed up.

Showing them an old tape recorder. She clicked on the play button.

"Tell me if you remember anything of what you hear." She said.

The tape sounded like an Anthem to Yuudai, He remembers it, but not exactly how.

"Hmmm..." Yuudai said.

"I think I've heard it before." Mitsu followed up.

Suddenly Mitsu's Kurenai appeared.

"What the- ?!" She said as she looked to herself.

"She is it." Shimona said.

Kimari grabbed a gun and pointed at Mitsu. Kimari pulled the trigger.


Its quiet for a while, they notice Yuudai infront of Mitsu. The bullet hit his shoulder.


"...Explanation... Now!" Yuudai said, as he looked to them.

"Out of the way, kid." Kimari said, pointing the gun to his head.

"Tell me what you guys are planning." Yuudai said.

Tekashi and Nobu looked scared.

"If I tell you what is going on, you wont get it." Kimari said.

"I don't care." Yuudai said.

Kimari looked at Shimona, she nodded. Kimari hostlered her pistol.

"Fine..." She said.

"It happend long ago..." Kimari followed up.

- - * - -

"Block A7, clear!" Kimari shouted through her radio as she continued patrolling.

She knew Ima and Mekato are here. They had been hiding something from The Lost Judgement for 16 years now, they were planning something bad. Kimari kicked a door open as she saw it went downstairs.

"Damn it... This must be it." She mumbled to herself as she ran downstairs.

When she was in the basement of the building she saw a gun laying down, it had a piece of paper with it that said.

'Its almost time...'

Kimari grabbed her flashlight as she saw a recorded tape on the ground, those were planning something like a secret agent to use. From the documents she found it was going to react to the anthem it would hear, if they could find this person they can kill him or her before Mekato and Ima try something stupid, she noticed the names Yuudai and Mitsuki on the documents. She grabbed all the documents and headed back.

- - * - -

"So that is kind of what happend." Kimari explained.

"So you two were his subjects, why? We don't know." Shimona followed up.

"That isn't a good reason to kill her, I won't allow it!" Yuudai said as he denied their request.

It was quiet for a moment.

"Fine, if she ends up out of her mind... I'll make you kill him." Kimari said.

"If your job is done, We would wish to return back to Minato." Yuudai said.

"If you go back, they'll kill you." Sherman said as he walked inside the tent.

"You guys will be seen as traitors and probably get a personal execution from Tumotu." Sherma explained.

"Damn it..." Yuudai mumbled.

"You can live here until something bad happens, even if you have no choice." Sherman offered to them.

"Fine..." Yuudai mumbled.

Moments pass by and they end up in their own tents.

"Well, who do we trust is the fucking question." Nobu said frustrated.

"We cant go back and these people sound too sketchy- Agh!" Yuudai explained as his bullet wound started to kick in.

"Yuudai!" Mitsu shouted as she grabbed him before he fell.

"I'm fine..." Yuudai replied.

"...Need a medic?" Sherman asked.

"Yes, please." Yuudai said. Sherman helped him lay and bandaged his wound.

"You must be lucky, Kimari would've shot no matter who." Sherman explained.

It was quiet.

"So, where you from?" Sherman asked to Yuudai.

"I honestly don't know, I forgot my past when I was younger... The only thing I remember is me living all by myself." Yuudai explained.

"Interesting informa- !" As Sherman was talking he heard an explosion.

Sherman and the others ran outside, it was their teacher, Tidoroki.

"I knew you guys would be here!" Tidoroki shouted as he clashed his sword with Kimari. Kimari kicked Tidoroki a step away.

"Who are you! And how do you know this camp!" She shouted.

"Damn it... It is too early to show my powers..." Tidoroki said.

"Thats our teacher, Tidoroki!" Nobu shouted.

"I am not Tidoroki..." The Teacher said. He closed his eyes as the ground started to shake.

"I'll show you..." He said quietly.

"...Who I actually Am!"

* * *

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