《The Final Judgement》Volume 3: Chapter 3: The Kurenai Survival Test?!


A giant airhorn could be heard from around the city. Shockek Yuudai woke up and looked around, it was 06:00 AM?!

"What the heck!?" He shouted, quickly grabbing his school uniform.

Most times when the airhorn goes it means school is about to start.

"Those damn Fallen, all this strict." Yuudai thought.

Joey slammed his door open, Yuri and Nobu were behind him.

"Bad news!" Joey shouted.

"What is it?" Yuudai asked as he put a knot on his bowtie.

"No time, I'll explain you on the way!" Joey shouted, grabbing his arm.

They four walked to school. There were people with what looked like really thick armor.

"What the hell, Is this a bomb situation?!" Nobu shouted.

There were some wierd gates infront of the school entrance, people walked through it. It gave a red light when people walked through it.

"I don't know what it is, but I don't care either, so let's just go in." Yuudai said.

First Yuri walked, the gate showed the color red. The same for Joey. When Nobu walked through it gave a Green light, they patted him on the shoulder.

"What is your name?" One of the guard asked.

"Nobu Samuru..." He said. The man wrote his name.

"W-Why actually?" Nobu asked.

"Because there is going to be an Military Exam, you'll find more information later..." The guard said as he pointed to a truck full off other people.

The trucks were from the military, they were almost like a tank. Yuudai walked through, and the gate showed Green light.

"What is your name?" The guard asked.

"Yuudai Ichiro." Yuudai said.

If he tries something stupid, they will definitely kill him. When everyone was inside the school, the guards showed Yuudai and Nobu into the truck. The man started the engine and they drove far away. Where were they going? A moment later they hit the highway.

"Where are we going?!" Yuudai asked. They entered an tunnel.

"Hey! Answer please!" Nobu shouted.

"You'll see soon..." The guard said. The guard stopped inside the tunnel, he turned his back.


"Listen up, kids." The guard said, he took of his mask.

"T- Teacher?!" They both shouted.

It was their teacher.

"This is going to be a problem, you're gonna be in an survival game, to see who is the strongest..." The teacher said.

"It is probably going to be more than 200 other people in there." He said.

"Twohundred?!?" Nobu said.

"What are we?! Machine!?" Yuudai followed up.

"I know its a drag, but you have no choice." The Teacher said.

"If you win, you probably get nominated or some shit, Honestly I don't know." The teacher said.

"Fine, let's go." Yuudai said.

"If we have to win this, we'll do it easy." He followed up.

The teacher smiled.

"Thats some good determination, let's go!" He said, putting back his mask on.

When they went out of the tunnel they saw a giant island on the other side of the highway. Yuudai's and Nobu's eyes lightened up. A giant cruiser was waiting for them.

"What... The... FUCK IS THIS!?" Nobu shouted.

"That's the area you guys will be living from now on, it won't be easy, so better watch out what you say around those guards." The teacher said.

"S-Sure... But why we?" Yuudai asked.

"Isn't that obvious? Remember yesterday?" He said.

"Oh yea... WAIT DID HE TRICK ME?!" Yuudai quickly asked, scared.

"Nah, because Nobu is here too." The teacher said.

After a moment they ended up in a parking lot.

"This way, please." Another guard said.

"Good luck..." The teacher whispered to them, when they turned, the teacher was already gone.

"Is there something?" The other guard asked.

"Ehh, No... I thought I forgot something." Yuudai said.

"Fine, then follow me please." The guard said, as they followed him, they noticed two other people.

One was a girl, and the other was a male with blue hair.

"What the hell is this- ?" As Nobu was asking someone walked infront of them.

"Listen up!" It was Arato Aiko.

"Welcome to the first Annual KST." He said.


"KST?..." Yuudai asked.

"Kurenai Survival Test, you guys are a squad, and people from the entire world are against everyone, counting you five too." Arato explained.

"The entire world?!" Nobu shouted, his eyes widened up.

"Pff, don't be such an idiot... You know they are lying." The girl said.

"Well, who are you, kid?" Nobu said, turning.

"The name is Mitsu Hagiwara." The girl said.

She had two long ponytails and her hair was black.

"Mitsu means Light, I don't see any light on you." Nobu said, walking to her with his hands in his pocket.

"Listen up... I take male and female equally, so I don't mind dropkicking you right now if you continue to talk." Nobu said.

"Hey Nobu, come on!" Yuudai said. The girl smiled,

"Sure..." She said.

Those two were already fighting when they need teamwork.

"We need teamwork if we even want to survive the first hours..." Then he thought.

"Wait... How long will this take?" He asked, turning to Arato.

"Until only one squad is standing alive." He said.

"And there are 195 other people with you in there, because the island is almsot as big as an entire province." He said.

"He wasn't lying?!" Mitsu said, shocked.

"So, the boy with blue hair... Tell us your name." Arato said.

"My name is... " He mumbled.

"Takeshi Kyo." He followed up.

"Good, now you guys know each others names, we can start the approval test!" He said, they all get teleported into an arena as big as a football field.

"What the- !?" As Nobu was talking a group of robots jumped into the area.

"Beat them and you're approved to play." Arato said, grinning.

Yuudai looked around, and grabbed a katana on the ground, Mitsu grabbed a katana too, Nobu grabbed a baseball bat with spikes on it, and Takeshi grabbed a staff.

"Welp, let-" "Catch this!"

As Yuudai wanted to talk, Mitsu charged...


She had...

"The same Kurenai?!" Yuudai said.

"Something wrong, never seen a Kurenai?" She said, slashing through one of the robots.

"That's the problem!" Yuudai said, activating his Kurenai.

"WHAT?! How did you steal my Kurenai?!" Mitsu said.

"I didn't! We have the same!" Yuudai shouted.

"Interesting..." Arato said, from a distance.

"I don't think that matters, let's get those robots!" Nobu shouted.

But as he wanted to charge, Yuudai and Mitsu were a step ahead. They both clashed their swords through all the remaining robots. The robots eyes started to turn red, as they started to glow.

"TAKE COVER!" Nobu shouted.

"DON'T ATTACK IT- !" As Nobu wanted to warn them

Yuudai already charged them again. "This is too easy for me!- ?!" As he was showing off he turned, and the robots exploded. Yuudai got blasted into Mitsu and they both slammed onto the wall. Yuudai opened back his eyes only to notice he was ontop of Mitsu.

"Are you all right?!" He said.

Her Kurenai deactivated too.

She looked up, she was frustrated and blushing at the same time. As Yuudai then noticed he was holding her breast. "Oh-"

"You dumbass!!"


Nobu closed his eyes from the sound. And after a while Arato arrived at the arena.

"Well, no casual- What the?!" As Arato was talking they noticed Yuudai unconcious on the ground, with a huge mark on his face.

"Did you have to knock him out!?" Nobu shouted.

"It was not on purpose!" Mitsu shouted back.

"Nobu..." Yuudai said, Nobu ran to him.

"I can see my grandmother... She is calling me..." He said.

"Don't you dare leave me alone with those people!" He said, shaking him.

Arato and Tekashi were laughing out loud.

"Bring him to your dorm, that's where you guys will live from now on. They will take care and tell him... That you guys passed the approval, congratulations." Arato explained, tearing up from the laughing.

* * *

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