《The Final Judgement》Volume 3: Chapter 2: Forbidden Secrets


Yuudai yawned as he put his cereal and milk in a bowl. He grabbed a spoon, and when he turned Yuri was infront of him.

"Y-Yuri?!" He said, blushing. She smiled

"Joey gave me the keys to your apartment room." She said, showing the keys.

"Are you kidding me!?" He said.

"That red haired idiot..." He mumbled to himself.

"Was it a bad idea to suprise you?" She asked.

"N-No, but he could've at least told me..." He said.

"He did try to call you from your cell phone." She said.

"Wait..." Yuudai said, he remembered he forgot his cell phone yesterday.

"He didn't say anything stupid through the phone, did he?" Yuudai quickly asked.

He rememered what the Teacher told them,

''Keep both your Kurenai's a secret, It'll be a huge problem if the province leader found out.'' The teacher said.

"We have to check it out, now!" Yuudai said, grabbing Yuri's arm and running out.

They both ran to the school ground and bumped on the Teacher.

"Ow!- !" Yuudai noticed it was the teacher.

"Hmm? You forgot something?" The Teacher asked, as he had the phone in his hands, but it was broken into pieces.

"You broke it?!" Yuudai shouted.

"The police can use the phone to decrypt the voicemails, even if they are deleted." The teacher explained.

"Tell Joey to do the same when you have the time." The Teacher followed up.

"Yes, sensei!" Yuudai said. But then Yuudai got questions, how did he even get the Kurenai?

"S-Sensei!" He shouted, the teacher turned.

"Yes?" He asked.

"How did I get my Ku- !" The teacher shut his mouth.

"Ssht! Follow me..." The teacher said, as they walked into the basement.

They ended up infront of a huge vending machine.

"So this is your answer?" Yuudai asked.

"Nope... Not yet." He said. He pressed on all the buttons of the vending machine in a special pattern.

The ground started to shake and the vending machine slided away, a path could be seen.

"This way..." The teacher said, Joey and Nobu came at the perfect timing.

"Hey what are you three doing- What is that?!" Joey looked shocked as he asked them.

"Just follow us, you'll find out." The teacher said.

The path headed downstairs, deeper into the ground.

"This building was first an Lost Judgement Headquarter, so when I searched the place... I found this." The teacher said, as the vending machine slided back to his place.

The teacher clicked on a button and it looked like a huge warehouse.

"Wooahh..." Nobu said, shocked.

"What is this?" Yuudai asked.


"The place were they placed Kurenai's in soldiers eyes." He said.

Everything was a mess

"So, back to your question..." The teacher said, sitting down on a chair.

"Every color has a unique ability, but... You have to get a traumatic experience for this to happen." The Teacher explained.

"Like what?" Joey asked.

"Seeing your parents die infront of you, Having to kill 20 people with your bare hands... Things like that." The teacher explained.

"H-How can any human survive that kind of madness?!" Nobu asked.

"That was the problem... In the war 60% of the world had Kurenai's, but or died on their birth or couldn't handle the dangerous power..." The teacher explained.

"So it gives you cool eyes and a bit of human power, right?" Nobu said.

"Not at all... Your Kurenai can hit Stage Three... " The teacher said.

"So you have three stages?" Joey asked.

"As far as I know... the first is your eyes, with your unique ability... The second stage will happen if you train hard enough for it... And the third stage..." The teacher said, taking a sigh.

"Will most likely not happen at all... But if it does, you will transform and fully sync with your Kurenai, breaking every limit there already was..." He said.

"If you have activated it once, you can activate it any time you want." He said.

"But sensei... back to when we asked if you had Kurenai..." Nobu asked.

"No, I don't have a Kurenai." The teacher said.

"Before you get any dumb idea's..." He followed up.

"So, let's get back upstairs before someone comes." The teacher said, and they walked back upstairs.

The Teacher pressed on a button behind the vending machine and it slided back away, they all walked back.

"But I don't get it... Why us?" Yuudai asked.

"It is random on everybody, its like gambling... Either you lose it all or win a new piece of power." The teacher explained.

"No, I got that part, but why me, and not you?" He said.

"The gods choose who they pick, and your color is random too, to it is possible to get the same Kurenai as someone else..." He said. "...But I have yet to see that happen." He mumbled to himself.

"Oh back to what happend this morning..." Yuudai said, grinning to Joey.

"...Yuri said you gave her the keys to my house?" Yuudai said.

"Ehh... I have to go!" Joey shouted, running off.

Yuudai let out a sigh.

"I'll get going too, later!" He said, smiling.

"Okay, see you at training!" Nobu said, waving his hand.


Who would've thought, the random kid that has his stereotypical friends gets some kind of magical eye? Can't get any better, Yuudai thought by himself. Suddenly the school doors burst open, and a group of military people walk inside. Behind them is a man, with blonde hair, and blue eyes, that is one of the Black Scorpion, Yuudai thought.

"Everyone listen up! Kurenai activity has been spotted in this building! We will have a quick check and then leave! Everyone against us is disobeying our law!" The man shouted.

That man is Arato Aiko, he learned about him from the books they had to learn, the man walked to Yuudai and looked at him.

"So, have you see anyone with..." He activated his Kurenai.

"Eye's like these?" He asked, Yuudai's eyes widenend up.

What should he say.

"N-No, sir!" He shouted out of determination.

"You haven't?..." He said.

"Y-Yes sir!" He shouted again.

He showed a picture of a figure with red eyes and another one with silver eyes, at the school grounds. The picture was blurry so you couldn't see who it was.

"Can you see who those are?" He asked.

"S-Sir, the picture is blurry!" Yuudai shouted, Nobu walked through the hallway and saw them, he walked their way.

"Pff, you scared of him, Yuudai?" Nobu said. The man turned to Nobu

"Hmmm..." He showed Nobu the picture.

"Do you maybe know who those two are?" He asked.

"Of course no- !" As Nobu was talking Arato gave him an uppercut and kicked him into the wall while he was mid air. Arato grabbed Nobu by the neck.

"Listen up kid... Do you want to die?" He asked, grinning.

The teacher ran and bowed.

"I am really sorry Mister, he is an transfer student and is new, forgive him." The teacher said.

Yuri and Joey walked through the hallway and saw what was going on, Yuri ran to Nobu and Joey ran to Yuudai.

"Nobu!" She shouted.

"Let him go!" She shouted, Yuri pulled Arato's hands away and he dropped Nobu.

"Fine..." Arato said.

"Lovely Teacher... Please teach these scums how to act when someone that IS valuable walks by them." Arato said.

"Looks like those four are a huge disgrace, they probably don't even have parents..." He said.

"Sir... That too much." One of the guards said.

"Too much? They are disobeying the owner of this Province, I don't see any of them have a down syndrome..." He said.

"Maybe their parents had it..." He said, starting to laugh.

"Say that again..." Yuudai mumbled.

"What did you sa- ..." As he was talking Yuudai jumped up and swung his fist, but Arato grabbed his fist.

Yuudai was crying and had his Kurenai activated.

"I said say that again!" He shouted, as his eyes started to glow brighter.

He swung his feet and kicked Arato on his face. It was quiet for a moment.

"Hmm.. Interesting..." He said, turning his face back to him. Arato let go of his fist.

"But, do you know who I am?" Arato asked.

"Even if you had a gun you wouldn't have the mental state to kill me..." He said, he ducked to look at his face.

Yuudai knew it was the wrong option, his kick didn't even hurt him. Everyone was looking.

"What is your name, kid?" He asked.

"Yuudai.... Yuudai Ichiro..." He said.

"Thats a beautiful name..." Arato said. Yuudai looked up.

"You aren't gonna punish me?..." Yuudai asked. Arato let out a sigh.

"No... You wanna know why?" he asked.

"Yes... I wanna know." Yuudai said.

"You are the first person to ever dare to attack me, I think that deserves some honor..." He said, standing back up.

"Everyone, this is a great example!" He shouted through the entire school.

"This kid is capable of fighting me, he shows the difference between the strong and the weak!" He said, looking to Nobu.

"And about you... Don't be all talk." He said.

Arato deactivated his Kurenai.

"Sir, are you gonna report this to your master?" The teacher asked.

"I will... But Yuudai probably deserves the Kurenai so I'll make sure he stays right in this school." He said.

When he wanted to exit, he stopped.

"But, that isn't all the information I wanted." He threw a knife and it hit the wall right next to Nobu.

"I know you have a Kurenai too... Thats my unique ability." Arato said grinning.

"I'll come tomorrow back for some good news, stay put until then and have a great day!" He shouted, smiling.

Then he and the guards walked away.

- - After School - -

Nobu, Yuri and Joey still had some things to do at school so Yuudai walks home alone. He looked at his hands. Is he gonna get killed? lose his eyes? But that won't happen, because Arato said he would help him keep his eyes. But if he does manage to keep his eyes, what about Nobu, who has a Kurenai too? He will probably find out tomorrow, he had to stay put... So he will do that until they return.

* * *

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