《The Final Judgement》Volume 3: Chapter 1: Many Years Later


"Let's leave this place." Mekato said, Ima grabbed his hand and they walked off.

- - 17 Years Later - -

"So, when the corrupted attacked our country named Lasniuburg, The Fallen Vex fought with the evils named The Lost Judgement. The Fallen Vex won the war and The Lost Judgement surrenderd. The Fallen Vex cleaned up the city and gave it an upgrade. The loyal platoon called The Black Scorpion became leader of all 8 provinces in Lasniuburg. That will be your work to learn for the exam tomorrow." The bell rang.

Meet Yuudai Ichiro, Student of Minato High. He grabbed his bag and walked to his friend, Joey Tsuyoshi, who had dyed his hair red.

"What do you think?" Joey asked.

"That, really cool." Yuudai said.

"Let's check the others, all right?" Joey said, walking off.

Later they ended up a bit away from the school ground, in an abandoned house.

"Yo! We are here!" Joey said.

"Finally, that took long." That's Nobu Samuru, he is kind of the leader of their small group.

And next to him is Yuudai's crush, Yuri Wakumi.

But the problem was...

She loved a different person, Nobu himself. They fit tho, because they both have blond hair and Yuudai has black hair.

"When are you dying your hair?" Nobu asked.

"Not planning, maybe another time." Yuudai said.

"So, let's train for the band, shall we?" Joey asked.

They all nodded. For some reason Nobu doesn't want to be the lead singer so Yuudai is, and Nozomi is the second singer. Joey used drums and Nobu uses a guitar.

Nobu always has some cool backstory of him when he was younger, for some reason Yuudai doesn't remember anything from his birth, nor his parents, but most of the kids of their Generation don't, so it isn't something special. They started training. Everything was going great, Before they knew it it was night time. Yuri walked to Yuudai.

"Hey, is it okay if I stay at your house today, me and Nobu had a fight..." She whispered.


"Oh.... S-Sure." Yuudai said without thinking.

"I'm going home, all right?" Joey said, Nobu already left.

"Sure, see you tomorrow, don't forget to learn!" Yuudai shouted.

Joey put his thumb in the air. Yuri and Yuudai walked together to his home.

"You live alone, don't you?" Yuri asked.

"Yes I do." Yuudai said.

They ended up infront of an apartment, he grabbed his keys and opened the door. They went up the stairs until they were infront of his room door, He unlocked the door and opened it.

Yuri walked in first. The thing is, the school paid for the room and now Yuudai is allowed to use it.

"I'm gonna sleep, all right?" Yuudai said.

As Yuudai entered his room he looked around. Should he lock the door? Nahh, Yuri wont do anything wierd so why would he matter. Yuudai took off his clothes and grabbed his Pyama's. He jumped into his bed and closed his eyes. Then he heard the door open, he quickly turned.

"Ehh..." Yuri said.

"...I can't sleep." She said.

"W- What? Why not?" Yuudai said.

"I... Ehh... Long story." Yuri said.

"Can I sleep with you." She asked.

"Sure..." Yuudai said.

But then he noticed what he said, but it was too late. She was already laying next to him. Yuudai slowly turned. Even in her sleep she is cute, Yuudai thought. She opened her eyes.

"Is there something?" Yuri asked. He blushed,

"N-No, there is not." He followed up.

"Ohh? You sure?" She said, smiling.

"Y-Yes!" Yuudai said

"I was just thinking- !" As Yuudai was talking Yuri came closer and kissed him, they were kissing for a while.

Yuudai pulled his mouth away.

"W-What about Nobu?!" He said.

"It's okay, if he won't find out." She said, smiling.

She ended up above Yuudai, and they continued kissing.

- - The Next Day - -

Joey walked to Yuudai's apartment. Yuudai gave Joey the same key that opened his door, for emergency moments like if he didn't react to his phone. He quickly opened the door and walking into the room.


"Yuudai you're too late- WHAT THE?!" As he was talking he noticed Yuri on top of Yuudai.

Yuudai just opened his eyes.

"Huh?- J-JOEY!?!" He shouted. Yuri woke up as wel.

"I- It's not what it seems!" Yuudai shouted.

Joey quickly closed the door. What the hell were they doing in there?! Joey thought. Some moments later Yuudai opened the door and pulled Joey over.

"Listen up Joey, I have a favor- " Yuudai talked.

"I know! I won't tell!" Joey shouted.

"Jeez! Was it fun tho- "


"What was fun?" Yuudai asked.

"N- Nothing!" Joey shouted.

After a while they walked to school, it was the same as always. And on the way they noticed Nobu. Yuri waved her arm. And Nobu walked their way.

"Hey!" Nobu said, smiling.

"Yo! Have you learned for the new exam?" Joey asked.

"A little, you, Yuudai?" Nobu asked, Yuudai quickly looked up.

"Y-Yes I did!" He said.

"I helped him learn." Yuri said.

And after a while the teacher gave them their exams. Hours passed and he ended the exam, with 25% right. He walked to the garage.

"What score did you get?" Nobu asked.

"25%..." Yuudai asked.

"Hmm?" Nobu said.

"Didn't you learn?" He followed up.

"I did.. But- !" As Yuudai was talking, Nobu stood up.

"Nobu..." Yuri said.

"So Yuri was at your house, and she said you two were learning, but Yuri got 60% more than you?" Nobu said, as his eyes started to glow Silver.

"N-Nobu you eyes- !" As Yuudai was talking Nobu punched him in his chest, Yuudai fell on his knees.

"Yuudai!- !" Joey wanted to help Yuudai up but Nobu punched him away, Joey hit the wall and fell on the ground.

"Joey!" He said.

"...You little" Yuudai followed up, as a cloak surrounded him.

"Leave him alone!" He shouted, uppercutting Nobu through the roof.

Yuudai stood up, teleporting next to Nobu into the air, he grabbed him by his legg and spinned him around. He then threw him into the ground. One of the teachers arrived.

"Darn it... Code red!" The teacher shouted, grabbing a gun with a syringe in it.

The syrine hit Yuudai and his eyes turned normal, he fell from the ground and the teacher catched him. He hit Nobu with the syringe too. It was quiet for a while. And when Yuudai opened his eyes he was cuffed onto a pipe in the wall, next to Nobu, who was already awake.

"W-What happend?" Yuudai asked.

"You awakened your Kurenai, kid." The teacher said.

"A Kurenai?" He asked.

"That is an unique ability that most of the people get when they experience a death-like threat, not everyone gets this or survives it, but if you do... You surpass supernatural strength." The Teacher explained.

"But never activate it on school grounds, if you do... The City Commander will personaly come to you to swap your Kurenai with normal eyes, and most of the time with no eyes." The Teacher followed up.

"So what I was asking..." Nobu said. "Do you have one, sensei?" He asked.

The teacher ignored him.

"So you do?-"

"I can't answer that question... I'm sorry." He said.

"You should say sorry to your friend too, you almost killed him." The teacher said to Yuudai.

Yuudai looked to Nobu.

"I... Ehh... I am sorry." He said.

"It's fine, it was me who jumped into conclusions." Nobu said.

"Welp, time for you four to go back home... Don't say this story to anyone else, all right?" He asked.

"Yes, Sensei!" They four shouted.

And as they walked home, Yuudai looked at his hands. How did he get this power? Ah, who cares? He won't need it anymore so.

"See you tomorrow!" Joey said to the rest, as they four splitted up to their houses.


"See ya!"


The others replied, as they walked home.

* * *

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